<br /> ��c i� #: ****�***l�010701�
<br /> Lender ma� re�uire Barrov►�er ta pa}� a or�.�-time charge for a rea� estat� ta� �erif�ati�n andl�r reporting
<br /> se-r�i�e us�d}��Lender in connection with�hxs Laan.
<br /> �r Property In�urance. Borrov��r sh�il �e�p �he irnprovements nowv ex��t�ng Qr hereaf��r �re�ted �n th�
<br /> Prap�r�y insured agaxns�loss b� f�re,ha.�ar�ds inc�ude�within the term "ext�nded�o�rerage," and an� a�her
<br /> hazards including, but r�a� �imited t�, earthquakes and f�ovds, for �vh�ch Lender requ�res insuran�e. This
<br /> insurance shall l�e maintained in �he am�u:��s �including d�duc�i�ie levels� �.nd for the periads�hat Lender
<br /> r�quires. UVh��L�nder requires pur�uant��the preceding sen�ences can chang�during�he terrn Qf the Laan.
<br /> Th� insuranc� �arrier �r��i�ing the insurance shall b� chosen by Borrawer subject to Lender's right to
<br /> d�sapprove Barrawer's choicea �hi�h right shall n�t b� exercis�d. unreas�nab�}�. Lend�r may requ�re
<br /> Barrower to pay, in c�nnection with th�s L,oan, either: �a� a one-�xme eharge for fload zon�det�rmznat��na
<br /> �er-�ification and tracking ser�ices; ar��� a ane-�ime charg� for flo�d ��n� determination and cer�ifi�a�ion
<br /> ser�ices and subsequent �harge� �a�h tirn� remappings or simx�ar �hang�s occur v�hi�h reasanably might
<br /> affect �uch determinatian �r��rtifiGa�ion. Barr���r sha11 alsa be responsibl� far th� paymen� nf any fees
<br /> imp�sed by �he Fed�ral Em�rgency Mana��men�Agency in canne�tian�vith the revie�u of any flo�d zon�
<br /> determina�i�n resu�ting firam an ob�ection hy Borro�v�r.
<br /> If Borr�v�er fai�s to rn�.intain any of the���era��s described abov�,Lend�r may ob�ain insurance co��ra��,
<br /> a�Lend�r's opt�on and Borrower's e�pense.Lerider�s under nQ oh�iga.txon ta purehas�any partYcul�r�pe or
<br /> amount of cov�rage.Ther�fare,such coverage shall c�v�r L�nder,�ut mY�ht ar might not pr��ecfi B�rrower,
<br /> Borr�w�r's equity in the Property, or the ���n�en�s of�h�Prop�rt�, aga�nst any risk, hazard�r liability and
<br /> might provide �reater or �esser c�verage �han was pre�iou�I� �n �ffec�. Barrower ac1�n4�vl�dges that the
<br /> cost�f�he insurance co��rage so �b�ained might significan��}� e�ceed the co�t of i.nsurance that Borrvwer
<br /> ��uld have�btained. Ar�y amoun�s disburs�d b�Lender under th�� Secti�n S shal�b�come additional debt
<br /> of Borrov�er ��cured by this ��curYt� In�trument. These a.m�unts shal� b�ar int�rest at the No�� ra�e from
<br /> the date of d�sbursem�nt and sha11 be paya.h�e, with such inter�st, upax� noti�e frQm L�nd�r t� �orro��r
<br /> requ��tin�payment.
<br /> All in�uranc�pQIieies requ�red by Lend�r and r�newals�f such po�icies shall b�subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprave su�h pol�cies, shali include a s�andar� mortgage �lause, an�l sha�l narne L�nder as mor�gag�e
<br /> an d lor as an a�.ditiana� ���s pa�ee. Lender�hall have�he righ��o hold�h�policies and r�nev�al cer�if cates.
<br /> �f Lender requrre�, Borr��er shall pramptly giv� to Lend�r a�1 receipts af paid premiums and renewal
<br /> notic�s. �f Ba�-rower��ta�ns any form�f in�uran�e�aWerage,not otherv�i��requ�red b}�Lender,�or d.a.mage
<br /> t�, or destru�tian of, the Frop�r-t�, such pcalicy shall includ� a standard m�rtgage �lause and sha�l name
<br /> L�n�er as m�rtgagee andlQr as an additronal loss payee.
<br /> �n the e�ent of la�sa B�rrQ�ver sha�� �i�e prompt na�i�e �� th� insurance �arrier and L�nder. Lender may
<br /> make pr�4f af l��s if nat made pramptly �y B�rr�w�r. Un�ess L�nder and B�rravv�r �therv�is� agr�e �n
<br /> wrzting, any �nsuranc�prQceeds,�vhether or r��t the under�}�in� insurance vva� r�quire�.b� Lender, �hall be
<br /> app��ed to r�st�ration or repair �f th� Pro�er�y, if the r�s��rati�n or repair is e�anorni�a.11y feasih�e and
<br /> Lender's ��curit� is nat l��s�ned. During su�h repair and restoration peri�d, Le-nder shall har�e the right to
<br /> hald such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an app�rtunYt� to inspe�t such Property �� ensure the
<br /> wark has been ��mplet�d to Lend�r's satrs�action, provided tha� such inspe�ti�n shall be und�rta�en
<br /> pr�mpt��.L�nd�r may disburse proceeds�oY�the r�pairs and re�torati�n in�.sing��pa�m�n��r in a series�f
<br /> progress paymen�s as the vvorl� is �om��ete�3. LinIess an agreement is rnad� in vv�~�ting ar�ppZ�cab�e Law
<br /> r�quires 2nterest�o �e paid on su�h �nsuranre proce�ds, Lender shall n�t�e required ta pa�Bnrrav��r any
<br /> int�r�st�r earn�rigs an such proGeeds. F�es for�ub lic adj ust�rs, ar�ther third par�ie�,retained by�orrower
<br /> sh�,�I n�t be paid out �f the insuran�� pr+�c�eds and �hall be �he s�]e obliga�ian �f Barraw�r. If the
<br /> re�t�ra�Yan �r r�pa�r is nat ecan�rnica�ly f�a�ibl� or Lender's se�urity would �e Iessened, th� insuran�e
<br /> proce�ds shall be applied�v the�ums��cur��b�th�s S�curity Instrum�nt,�vvhether or nat�hen due,v�i�h�the
<br /> ��cess, if an}�, paid to B�rr�v�er. 5uch ins►�ranc� pr�c�eds shall be a�pIYed in fihe order pravided for in
<br /> Se�tiQn�.
<br /> If Borra�v�r abandon�the praperty,L�nder may f��e,negatiat�and settle any a�ai�ab��insuranGe clatm and
<br /> relat�d matt�rs. �f Borrov��r do�s n�t re�p�nd with�n 3� days t� a noti�e fr�rn L�nder that the insurance
<br /> carrier has off�red tQ settle a�laim,then L�r�der may negQ�ia��and set�le the claim. The 3�-da�p�ri�d will
<br /> �7��1I1 4��"1�17 tI"l� p4t1C� is g��en. In �lt�'l�r �V�TIt, �r 1f L�I1C��r �.CC�L11I'�S t�� PI'Q�]�I"� i.1ClC��I' ��Ctl�l'� �� al'
<br /> �therw�se,�arr��ver h�reby assigns to L�nd�r�a}Barrower's rights to any insurarice proc��ds in an amount
<br /> n�t ta exc�ed �he am�unts unpaid under �he Not� ar this Securit� Instrum�nt, and �b� any other af
<br /> B�rrower's rights �a�her than �he right to ar�y refund nf un�arned �r�miurns �aid by Borrower} under all
<br /> insurance po����es co�ering th� Praperty, ins�far as su�h ri�hts ar� app�icable �o th� �overa�e of the
<br /> Pr�per�y. L�nder may use the insuran�e pr����ds ei�h�r to repair ar restore the Pr�perty vr ta pay amounts
<br /> unpaid under t�e Not�ar thi�Se�ur�ty�nstru�-nent,v�h�th�r ar not then du�.
<br /> NEBRASK�--Single Famtly--Fannie IVIa�IFre�ldie Mac l�NlF�RM iNSTRUMENT�MERSj Form 30�$ '�181
<br /> l�ERS D��d of Trust-NE
<br /> ����A-NE�081�3} Page 5�f��
<br />