<br /> D�� z� #: ********1�a1��a1�
<br /> �. Funds for Escrow Itern�. Borrow�r shall�;a� to Lender on �he day Periadic Pa�ments are due under the
<br /> �Io�e, until the Nate is paid in �ull, a sum �the "Funds"� to pr�vic�e for payment af amaunts due for: �a�
<br /> ta�es and asses�m�nt� and other itern� wh���h can atta�n priority o��r thrs Securit}� Ins�rument as a �ien or
<br /> �ncumbrance�n the Prap�r�;�b�Ieaseh�ld payment�or ground r�nts�n the Pra�ert�r,if any;�c}premiuxns
<br /> far an}� and all insuranc� required hy L�nder und�r ���ti�n 5; and �d� Mor�gage In�urance �r�miums, if
<br /> anya ar any surns payable by B�rr�wer t�L�ender in �i�u of the paym�n�af M�rtgage Insuranc�premiums
<br /> in a.ccordance wxth�h�pro�isions Qf S�ctiQn 1�.These i�ems are called"Escravrv I�ems."At origina�ion�r at
<br /> any t�me during the �erm af the Loan, Len�er may require that �amm ur�ity Ass�ciation Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Asses�ments, i�any, be es�rowed by Borr�w�r, and such dues, fees and as�essm�nts shal� b� an Escr��v
<br /> I�em. Barr��er shall pr�mptl� furn�sh t� ��ender all noti�es of am�unts �o �e paid under tih�s �ection.
<br /> Borrower shall p�.y Lender the Funds for Escrnw Iten7s unl�ss Lender vr�a��es Borrower's��liga�ior��o pay
<br /> the Funds for any or a�l Escr�v►r I�ems. Lender may v�a�ve�orro�vtr�r's�bligation t��aay tQ Lender Funds f�r
<br /> any or all Escr�w I�ems at an.y tim�. Any su�h wa�ver rna.�on�y be in writin�. In the�vent vf such waiver,
<br /> Borrower shall pay d�rectly, vvhen and v�he.re paya���, th� amounts du� for any Escr�vt� Items for �vhi�h
<br /> �ayment of Funds has l�een v�a�ved by Le�der and, if L�nder requ�res, shall furnish ta Lender receipts
<br /> e�id�ncing su�h pa�ment �ithin such tirne period as Lender may requir�. Barr�wer's abligation t� mak�
<br /> su�h pa�m�nts and t� provi�ie r�ceip�s shall f�r ai� �urpQses be d��m�d to �e a covenant and agr�ement
<br /> can�ain�d in this �ecurzt�r �nstrurnent, as t�e phrase "�ovenant and agr��ment" is used in SectYan 9. If
<br /> Borro�er i� obl��ated to pay Escrow �tems directly, pursuant t� a waiver, and �arr�vver fails to pa� the
<br /> am�unt due far an Escrow Ztem, Len�er may �x�rcls� its rxghts under S��ti�n � and pay such amnunt and
<br /> B�rr�wer shal��hen�e��ligated under Secti�n 9 to r�pay ta Lender an��uch amount. Lend�r may rev�ke
<br /> th�wai��r as to any or al�Escrow Iterns at an� time by a natice�i�en in accard.ance v�ith Section 15 and,
<br /> upon such re��catiQn, Borrower shal� pay tt+ Lent�er�.�1 Funds, and in such amoun�s,�hat are ther�.requ�red
<br /> under this Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any ti-me, ca�lect and hold Funds in an amoun��a} suff�cient to p�rmit Lender ta app�y the
<br /> Funds a�the txrne spec7fied under 1�ESPA,a::�d��a}not�a e�ceed the rnaximum amaunt a��nd�r can require
<br /> under RESPA. L�nder shall estima�e�he arrAount af Funds due�n�he basis of current data and reas�nable
<br /> estimates of expenditures of future Escr��I��m��r otherwis�in accordanc�with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funds shal i�e he�d in an institutian whase d�p�si�s are insur�d��a�edera� ag�nc�,�nstrumentality,�r
<br /> �nti�y�includin� Lender, if Lender is an ins�ituti�n�h�se deposi�s are so insure�}or rn any F�d�ral Home
<br /> L�an Bank. Let�der shall ap�l}� the Funds �� pa.y �he Escr�v� �tems n4 la�er than the�ime sp�cified under
<br /> RESPA. Lend�r �hall nat charge ��rrovt��r� f�r h��d�ng and ap�lying the Funds, annual�� analyzzng the
<br /> escrow acc�unt, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Borraw�r interest an th� Funds and
<br /> Appli�able Law ��rm��s Lender to make such a charg�. Unl�ss an agreement is rr�ad� �n writing or
<br /> Appiicab�e Law r�quir�s interes�t�be paid�n th�Funds, Lender sha11 nat be re�uired�o ga��arravWer an�
<br /> interes�ar�arnin���n the Funds. B�rr�wer an�Lender car� agree in writing,hav����r,that int�rest shall be
<br /> pai� �n th� Funds. Lender shal� gi��t� Borr��v�r, �vith�ut charg�, an annual accounting af the Funds as
<br /> requ�r�d by RESPA.
<br /> If tihere is a surplu� af Fur�ds held �n escrov�, as def ne� und�r RESPA, Lend�r shall ac�aunt to Borr�w�r
<br /> for�he e�cess funds in a�cordanc�v�ith RE�FA. If th�re is a�h�rta�e�f Funds heid in escrow, as d�f n�d
<br /> und�r RESPA,Lender shal�notif�BQrrowe��as required by RESPA, and Barrower sh�ll pa�to Lend�r the
<br /> amoun� nec�ssary to ma�e up the shor�ag� in a�cordance with RESPA, but in n� m�re than 12 monthly
<br /> �ayments. If there is a d�ficiency Qf Funds held in �scra�v, as d�fined under RESPA, Lender shall notif}r
<br /> Borrow�r as r�quir�d by RESFA, and Barr��v��r shall pay to Lender the amount necessary t� mak�up the
<br /> d�ficaenc��n a��ordan�e with I�ESPA,but in n�more than 12 monthly pa�nents.
<br /> Up�n paymen� in full �f all sums s�cured by this S�curi�t�r Inst�ument, L�nder shall promptl� r�fund �a
<br /> B�rrav�er any Funds he�d}�� Lender.
<br /> �� �harges; Li�n�, Barrower shal� pay all ta�re�, assessm�nts, char�es, fines, and impositioris attributa�ie�o
<br /> the Praperty which can attain pri�rity over this Securi�y Instrum�nt, l.�asehold paymen�s ar ground rent�on
<br /> �h�Fr�per�y, if anya and�ommunity Ass�ciat�on I3u�s, Fees, and Asses�ments, if any. Ta the e�t�nt that
<br /> these items are Escr��v It�ms,Borro�u�r�hal�pay thern in the rnanner pravzded�n 5ection 3.
<br /> Borrav�er shall prurnp�ly d��charge arty lien which has priorit� a�rer this Securit� Tnstrumer�t unless
<br /> Barrower: �a}agrees in rnlriting t��he paym�nt�f th�a�al�gatian secured��th�lien in a mar�ner acceptab�e
<br /> ta Lender, k�ut on1� sa �ong as B�rr�wer �s �er�orming such agreement; �b} contests th� lien in gu�d faith
<br /> �ay, �r defends against �nfor�ernen� of the l�en �n, l�gal proceedings v�hich in Lender's ap�nion apera�e to
<br /> pre�ent�he enf�r�ement af the lien while those pr�c��dings are pending, but only u.n�il such �roc�edings
<br /> are conc�ude�i; ar��� secures from the ha�d�r of the 1i�n an agr�ement s�.t��fa�t�ry t�Lender sul�ardinating
<br /> the li�n ta �ht� Security �nstrurnent. If Lend�r d�termine�that an}� p�rt af�h� PraperCy is subject to a lien
<br /> rn�hich �an �.ttain priarity aver this Security �nstrument, L�nder may�iv�B�rr�vrve�-a no�ic�identifying the
<br /> lien. �Vi�h�n 1� days�f the date Qn wh�eh th�t no�i�e is given,B�rr�vver shall satisfy the l�en�r tak�ane or
<br /> mar�af the actions set farth abvv�in this Section 4.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fann��Ma�IFreddie IV�a�€Jhl[FORM IN�TRUMENT�NlERa� Form 3��8 'II4�1
<br /> MERS Qe�d o�Trust-NE
<br /> 2��6A-NE�O�I��} Page�of��
<br />