<br /> D�C ID #: ********1��1�7�14
<br /> Par�el ID Number: 4 o n 12 5 2 3 D vvhi�h �urrently has �he addr�ss af
<br /> 117 W 1�'I'H S T, GRAND I S LAND ti
<br /> �Stree�l�itY]
<br /> Nebrasl�a 6 8 8�1-�5 3 3 �,►Pr�perty Addr�ss"�:
<br /> [Zip C�d�]
<br /> T��ETHER WITH all the irnpr��ements naw ar hereafter �rec�ed an fhe prop�rt�, and all �asements,
<br /> appurtenaMces, and fixtures nav`r ar her�after a par�af the praperty. A11 re�lacernents and additi�ns shall als�be
<br /> �overed by this Se�urity Znstrum�nt. Ali of t�e foregoing is referred t� in this Securit�r �nstrument as th�
<br /> "Prapert�." B�rr�w�r understands and agrees that MERS holds an�y legal titl� to the interes� �ranted b�
<br /> Borrow�r in this S�curity Instrumen�, �ut, �f n�cessary to comply �ith lav� ar cu�tom, MERS �as nam�nee for
<br /> �.end�r and Lender'��uccess�r�a.nd assigns�ha�the right: to exerc�se any or a�l af those znt�rest�,includ�ng,bu�
<br /> n�t �imited to, the ri�ht to foreclo$e and s�l�th�Fropertya and t��ake any acti�ri required of Lend�r inc�uding,
<br /> b�ut nat limitec�to,releasing and�anceling this S�curity�nstrument.
<br /> B�RROVLTEF�C��I`EI�ANTS tha�Barrov�er is l�.wfu��� seised af the estate hereby conWe�ed and has the righ��o
<br /> gran� and con��y th� Frope�-ty and tha� �he Property i� unencumber�d, ��G�pt for en�umbrances �f rec�rd.
<br /> F�arr�wer warran�s and v�i�l defend genera�l�the titl��a the Propert� a�ainst ail �1a�ms and demand�, �ubje�t��
<br /> any encumbrances af re�or�.
<br /> THIS SE�UI�ITY IN�TRUMENT cam�ines u��if�rm cave�ants for natiana� use and n�n-uni�orm co�enants
<br /> �ith�im ited varia�i�ns b�r j uri�diction to const�tu�e a unif�rm security ins�rument covering r�a�proper�.
<br /> U1�IFQRM�'�VEI�IANTS. Borrower and Lender cavenan�and agree a�fallo�s:
<br /> 1. Payment �f Principal, �nter��t, Escrow It�ms, Pre�ayment �harge�, and Late �harges. Barrower
<br /> sha�l pay when due the pr�ncipal �f, and interest on, the de�� e�id�nced �y the No�e and an� pre�aa�ment
<br /> charges and late char�es du� under the N�fi�. L�orrower sha�� als� �aa� funds for Es�rovv �tems pursuan�to
<br /> Sectian 3. Payments du� under the Not� �.nd this S��urity �nstrument shall be mad� in LJ,�, currency.
<br /> Howe�rer, if any checl�Qr o�h�r in�trumen�rec�ived b�L�nd�r as payrnent und�r�he N�te or this �ecurity
<br /> Instrum�nt is re�urn�d t4 L�nder�npaid,Le_�der may requir��hat any or all subsequent pa�m�nts du�under
<br /> the Nate and this Security Instrument be mad� in �ne or mare of the f�1low�ng forms, as selected b�
<br /> Lender: �a� cash; �b� m�n�y order; �c} cer�ifi�d check, bank chec�, trea�urer's �h�ck �r �ashier's checl�,
<br /> pro�rid�d any �uch eheck is drawn up�n an �175t1�11�1�11 whose dep�sits are �nsured by a f�dera� agency,
<br /> instrum�nta�ity,or en�it}r;or�d�Electronic Fur�ds Transfer.
<br /> �aym�nts are deemed received by Lend�r�vhen r�ce��ed ati the la�atian des�gnated in the Na#e or at such
<br /> Qther tocatian as may be d��ignat�d by L�nd�r in accordance v�ith the notxce provisians in Sectian 15.
<br /> L�nd�r tnay r�turn any payment �r par�ial payment if th� payrnent ar partia� payments are in�uff cient�o
<br /> �ring�he Loan current. Lender may accept any pa�rment or par�ial payrnent insuffi�i�nt to �ring�he L�an
<br /> current, v►rithout waiver�f any rxghts h�r�ui�der or prejudice ta its r�ghts to refuse �uch payment or��.rtial
<br /> payments in t�e future, but Lend�r is n�t o�l�ga.ted to ap�ly such pa}�m�nts at�he t�me Such payments are
<br /> aec�pted. Yf each Peri�d�� Paym�n� is ap�li�d as of its s�hedul�d du� dai�e, th�n Lender ne�d n�t pay
<br /> interest on unapplred funds. Lender may ��1d such unap�l�ed funds unt�� Borrawer makes pa�m�nts ��
<br /> bring�he ��an current. If Borrov��r d�es nat do s�v�ithin a rea.s�nala��p�rxad of�im�, L�nder shall either
<br /> apply su�h funds ar return them to �vrrov�er. If not a�pl�ed earl�er, such funds vv�11 be applied to the
<br /> �utstanding prYncipal balan�e und�r th� l�i�te immediate�� pri�r f� for�cl�sur�. I�Ta offset or claim whi�h
<br /> B�rr�wer might ha�� n�v�r or in th� future again�t L�nd�r sh�.�l r�lie�e Borrower fram ma�ing payments
<br /> due under the N�te and this �ecurity Instri::.ment �r p�rfarming the c��enants and agreernents secured by
<br /> this S�curi� �nstrument.
<br /> �� App�i�atinn of Paymen�� �r Proceeds. E�cept as other-v�ise d�scri��d in this Secti�n Z, all p�.yments
<br /> a�cepted a.nd appii�d by Lender shall be app�l�ed in�h�f.��lov�in�order af priarity: �a}int�rest due under the
<br /> Na�e;�b}prrncipal du�und�r the Na�e; �c�a.mounts due under Section 3. �uch paymen�s�hall�e ap�al�ed to
<br /> each Periodic Payment in th�ord�r in whi�h�t�ecame due.Any remaining amaun�s shall be applied first ta
<br /> late charg�s, secand to any ather amounts du� under this Secur�ty Instrumer�t, and then t� rec�uc� the
<br /> �r�ncipal bala�c�ofthe N��e.
<br /> If Lender reGe�r�es a payment frnrn Barr�vv�r for a de�inquen�Per��dic Paym�nt which inc�udes a suff cient
<br /> amount to pa� any late charge due, �h� pa.;�men� may be applied ta the delin�u�nt payment and �he late
<br /> charge. If m�re than Qne Peri�dic Pa�ment is �u�s�anding, Lender may app�y any payment r�ceiv�d from
<br /> Barr�wer to the repa�ment ofthe Periodic F�ayrnents if, and to the extent�ha�,each pa�ment can b�paid in
<br /> full. TQ th� �xtent that an� exce�s exists afrter th� pa�ment �s app�ied ta the ful� pa�rnent �f�n� �r mor�
<br /> P�riodic Pa�men�s, such exce�s may b� �.p�Iied to any la�e charges due. Voluntary prepaym�nts sh��l �ae
<br /> app�ied first to an�prepaymen��harges and�h�n as desGribed in the N�te.
<br /> An� applicatYan af payments, insurance pr{��Geeds, �r Misc�ltan��us Pra���d� �o principa� due under the
<br /> N�t�shall n�t ex�en��r postpon�the due date,�r chang�the amount,of the Feriodi�Fa�rn�nts.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie iVlac�lNIF�RM lNSTR�MENT�IVIERS� F�rm 3�28 �I1��1
<br /> MERS aeed of Trust-NE
<br /> �Q�6A-NE��81�3} Page 3 a��2
<br />