<br /> D�� ID #: ***�****19a1�7�14
<br /> tel�phone number af P.�.B������,FI�n�,N���854�-2�Z6,te�.�$S8}679-MERS.
<br /> �F� "Note" means �h� pramissory no�e signed �y Barrawer and dat�d JU�� �3, ��14 . The
<br /> l���e�tates�hat Borro�ver Qr�es Lender
<br /> S I�T� FOUR TH�TJS�ND F I VE HUNDR�L� and ��/1��
<br /> Dollars (LJ.S. $ 64,5 0�.o o } �tus interes�. �arrov�er has promised t� pay this debt in regu�ar
<br /> Period�c Fayments and to pay the de�t in fiill not la��r than AUGUST O 1, 2 a�9 .
<br /> ��} "Prop�rty" rneans the property that i.s de�cribed below under the heading "Transfer af �ights in th�
<br /> pr�p�r-t�.�►
<br /> ���� "Loan" m�ans the debt evidenc�d��the l�ote,p�us interest, any prepaym�nt charg�s and late charges due
<br /> under th�Nat�,and a��sums due under thi��`ecurity Inst�ument,plus int�rest.
<br /> (I� "Rid�r�" means all Riders to thi�Security Instrumen�that are��ecu�ed by Borrovver.The f�1la�ing Rid�rs
<br /> are ta be exe�uted b�Barr�wer�che�l�bo�a�applica�Xe]:
<br /> ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ ��ndorniniu�n Rid�r ❑ �ec�nd Home R�der
<br /> ❑ Baltoon Rider ❑ P�ann�d Uni�.De�elaprnen�Rid�r ❑ 1-4�'amily Rider
<br /> ❑ VA Rider ❑ Biwe�kly Pa�ment Rider ❑ �ther�s��specif�]
<br /> �J] "Appiicab�e Law"means all c�ntrollin�app�rcable federal,stat�and local s�a.tutes,regulati�ns,�rdinances
<br /> and administra�ive rules an�. ord�rs �that ��ave the effect of law� as v�ell a� all appli�able fina�, non-
<br /> appealab�e�udicia��pinxon�.
<br /> �K� "Communi�y As�ociation Dues, F�es, an�i Ass�ssments"means a�� dues, f�es, assessments and oth�r
<br /> charges �hat ar� imposed on Borrower a�� the Property �y a c�ndominium a55QCiati417, home��rn�rs
<br /> �.ssociatian ar simi�ar organi2ation.
<br /> �L) "Electran�c Funds Tran�fer" mean� an� ��ansfer af funds, other than a transa�ti�n originated by ch�ck,
<br /> draft, �r similar paper ins�trurnent,v�hich is �nitiat�d thraugh an electronic t�rminat,te�ephonic instrument,
<br /> cvrnput�r, or magne�ic�ape so as to ord�r, i�struct, �r authori�e a financial institu�i�n�o d�bi�or cred�t an
<br /> a�count. Su�h term inc�ude�, but is n�� �imit�d �o, poir�t-of-sa�� transfers, au��mated te��er machine
<br /> �ransac�ions,transf�r�initiat�d by te�ephane,�vir�transfers,an�au��mated elearinghau�e transfer�.
<br /> �M) "E�Gr�w Itern�" rne�ns thase��erns tha�ar�d�scribed in Section 3.
<br /> (N} "Miscell�neou� Proc�ed�" mean� any compensati�r�, s�itlement, award Qf da.mages, �r pro�eeds paid b�
<br /> any third part�y (Qther than insurance prace�ds paid under �h� co�r�rag�s des�ribed in S�cti�n 5} f�r: �i�
<br /> damage tQ, Qr d�structi�n of, th� PrQper�y+ �ii� condemnation or other takin� �f al[ or any �art �f�h�
<br /> Prop�rt�; �iii} conve�an�� �n lieu �f�onde�nnatifln; or �i�� rnisrepr�sentations af, �r Qmissions �.s �o, th�
<br /> value andlor cond�tion af the Property.
<br /> ��� "Mortgage Insurancef' means insurance prate���ng L�nder aga.inst�he n�npayrn�nt�f, ar defauit �n,the
<br /> Laan.
<br /> �P� '�P�riadic Pa�ment" rneans th� regular�}� .��hedu�ed amaunt due far (i} principa� and ir�terest under the
<br /> Nate,plus�ii�an}�amounts under�ection 3 of thxs S�curity�nstrument.
<br /> ��} "I�ESPA" means th� Real Estat� Settlemen� Pr�cedures Act �12 U.S.�. Sect�on �6a 1 et s�q.� and its
<br /> im.plementing regulati�n, Regulatian��12�`.F.R.Part 1�2��, as they might be amended fratn�ime to tim�a
<br /> or any a�d�t�onal ar succes�or legis�atian o�ze�ulation�hat gave�-ns the same subjec�matter. As used �n this
<br /> Securit� Instrum�nt, "RESPA" r�fers ta a11 requir�men�s and res�rictions #hat are impos�d rn regard to a
<br /> "federally related m�rtgage loan" even if th� La�n does not aualif}� as a "federall�related rn�rtgage laan"
<br /> u�d�r RESPA.
<br /> �R} "Successar in Interest�f�arrower" mearis an� party that has taken ti�le tQ the Propet-ty,whether ar not
<br /> tha�par�y has a�sumed B�rrovr�er's�bligati�r�s ur�der the Note andlor this��cur�ty rnstrument.
<br /> Th�benef ciary of this Se�urrty Instruxnent is MERS���Ie�y as nominee f�r Lencier and Lender's successors and
<br /> as��gn�)an�i�h�successars and assigns of MERS. This S�cur�ty�nstrum�nt secures to L�nder: �i�the repayment
<br /> of th� Loan, and al�r�n�vvals, �x�ens�ans and madifcations�f th�N�te; and�i��the p�rformance of B�rrow�r's
<br /> ca��nants and agreements und�r this Security �nstrum�nt and�he Na��. For this purpose, Borrower v-i-e��Gabiy
<br /> grants and c�n��ys t�Truste�,in trus�,v�rith paw�:r af�ale,�he f��lov�ing des�rihed property�oca.t�d in the
<br /> ��L]NTY of HALL :
<br /> �Type o�Re�ording 3urisdiction� [Name of Rec�rding.�urisdiction]
<br /> NE��4��iA--�ir�g��F�r�i�y__Fae�r�g�ARa��Fr�ddi��4A��ll1�lF�]R�il Ih1�TF�UI�E�VT`��IER�� F�rr��02� '���°I
<br /> API����e�d�f Tru�t-�IE
<br /> ����A-f�����1�3� P�g�2�f 1�
<br />