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��14�4534 <br /> .A1X Mzscel�aneous Proceeds�hat are no�applied to res�ora�zan or repair of�he Property shall be appl�ed zn the order <br /> provided for xn Sectxan 2. <br /> 1�, Borrower Not Re�ea�ed; Forbearance Ey Lender N�t a Waiver. Ex�ens�on of�he nme for payment or <br /> m�difzcation of amortz.zat�on of�he sums s�cured by this Secur�ty Instrument granted by Lender to Borro�ver or any <br /> Successnr�n Interest of Borrower sha1�no�aperate to re��ase the�xabx�ity of Bonrower or a.n.y Successors�n Int�rest of <br /> Sorrower.Lender sha11 no�be required�o commence proceedings against any Successor rn Interest of Borrotiver or�o <br /> refuse�o extend��me for paymen�or o�herwise modify amor�rzation of�he sums secured by this Security Ins�rumen�by <br /> reason af any demand made by the ori�nal Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Barrower.Any forbearance by <br /> Lender in exercising a,ny righ�or remedy,withou��zmitat�on,Lender's acceptance of payments from�hird <br /> persons,en�ities or Successors in Iriterest of Borro�er or�n amounts less than�he amount then due,sha1l no�be a waiver <br /> of or prec�ude the exerczse of any right or remedy. <br /> 13.Jaint and Several Liahility;�o-si�ers;Successors and Ass�.gn.s]Bound.B�rrower covenants and agrees�hat <br /> Borrou�er's obliga�ians and Irabrlity sha1�be j oznt and severaI.. Howev�r, any Barrotiver�ho �o-signs this Security <br /> Instrument bu�does not execute the Not��a"co-s�gner"}: �a)�s co-s�gning thxs Security Instrumen�anly to mortgage, <br /> gran�and convey the�o-si�er's interes�in the Prope�ty under the�erms of th�s Secunty Instrument;[b}�s not personally <br /> obl�gated to pay the sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrument;and�c�agrees� Lender and any other Borrower can <br /> agree to extend,modify,forbear or make any acc�mmodatxons tivx�h regard to the terms of�his Security In�trument or the <br /> Nn�e wxthout�he co-s�gner's consen�. <br /> Subj ec�to the pravi_s�ons of Sect�on�8,any Successor in Interest of Borrower�rho assumes Borrower's ob�igat�ons <br /> under this Security Ins�rument xn urri�ing,and is approv�d�y Lender,sha1�obta.�n a��of Borrower's ribhts and benefits <br /> under this Security Instrumen�.Borrower shal�no�be re�eased from Borrower's oblrga��ons and Ixabz�zty under thi.s <br /> Securi�y Instru.ment unless Lender agrees�o such re�ease rn writ�ng.The covenants and agreements of this Security <br /> Instrument shal�b�nd�except as prov�ded�n Sect�on 2D�and benef t the success�rs and assigns of Lender. <br /> lA�,Loan Chaxbes.Lender may chasge Borrower fees for services performed in cannec��on uri�h Borro�er's defaul.t, <br /> for th.e purpose af pro�ecting Lender's interest�n the Proper�y and rights under�hi..s Securzty Instrumen�,includ�ng,�ut <br /> not Xxmxt�d to,at�orneys'fees,property inspectYon and valuat�on fees.In regard t�any ather fees,the absence of express <br /> au�hority in�s Security Ins�rument to charge a specif c fee to Barrower shaXX not be construed as a proh�ibit�on on�he <br /> charging of such fee. Lender may not charge f�es tha� are e�press�y proh�.bx�ed by�h.i.s Security Instrumen� or by <br /> Appl�cabie Law <br /> If�he Loan xs subject�o a�aw ujh�ch sets ma.�mum loan charges,and tha�Iaw rs final�y in�erpreted so tha��he <br /> zn�erest or other Xoan charges coXXected ar to be collected in connec�ion�ith the Loan ex�eed the permit�ed IYmi�s,�hen: <br /> �a�any such�oan charge shall be reduced by�he amount necessaxy to reduce the charge�a�he permit�ed�imit;and(b}any <br /> sums alr�ady collected from Borrower which�xceeded pernzitted Irmits wi_�I be refunded�o Borrower_ Lender may <br /> choose to make�his refund by reduc�ng�he princxpal o�ed under the Note or by making a dxrect payment to Borrower.If <br /> a refund redu�es princ�pa�,�he reductxon wz�I be trea��d as a par�xa�prepayment wi.�hou�any prepayrnent�harge�tivhether <br /> or not a prepayment charge is provi.ded for und�r the No�e�.Borro�er's acceptance of any such refu.nd made by d�rect <br /> payment�o Borr�wer will cons��tu�e a waiver of an�right�f action Borrflwer might have arising out of�uch overcharge. <br /> l�.Natices.A11 no�ices gi�en by Borrov�rer or Lender u�.connectxan w�.�h this Security Instrument mus�be�n w.ri.tzng. <br /> Any notice to Borrotiver in connect�on with th�s Securi�y Ins�rument shaXx�e deemed to have been gzven to Borrou�er <br /> urhen ma�led by f�rst class mai.T or v�hen actualiy de�ivered to Sorrower's notice address if sen�by other m�ans.Notice�o <br /> any one Borrawer sha.��cons�tut�no�ice to aI��3orrowers un�ess Applxcable Lativ expressly requ�.res otherwis�.Th�na�.ce <br /> address shal�be�he Proper�y Address unless Borrower has desxgnated a subst�tute no�ce address by no�xce tQ Lender. <br /> Borrower sha�l prom.ptly notify Lender of Borrow�r's change af address.If Lender specrfxes a procedure f�r repor��ng <br /> Borrau�er's change of address,then Borrower sha.l.I only repar�a change of address through that sp�cif ed procedure. <br /> There may be ar��y one des�gnated notice address under�his S�curity Ins�rum.en�a�azly one tlme.Any not�ce�o Lender <br /> shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by f rs�class mazX t�Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has <br /> desxgnated another address by n�tice to Borrawer.Any not�ce in connec��on wxth�his Se�uri�y Ins�rument sha.l.�n�t be <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-Fannie MaelFreddie N[ac UNI��RM INSTRUN[ENT with 1111ERS Fo��ozs ��o� <br /> Page 9 of'!3 <br /> �os,tnc. Borrawer�s}Initia[s ��� ���' <br /> � <br />