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��14�4534 <br /> �a}Any such agreements w�71 nat affect the amowats that Borrower has agreed to pay for 1Vlartg�.be Insurance, <br /> ar any other term5 of the I�oan.Such agreements will nat incr�ase the amount Earrower v�ll owe for Mvrtgage <br /> Insurance,and they vvill not ent�tle Borrower to any refund. <br /> ��Any such agreement5 will.not affect the rights Barrower has�-if any—w�th respect to the Mortbage <br /> Insurance under the Hameowners Protection Act of 1995 ar a�ay ather�a�.These r�.ghts may inc�ude the rxbht to <br /> certain disclosures,to request and ohtain�ancellation of the Mortgage InSurance,ta have the Mortgage <br /> Insurance termi.nated autom�.t�call�,andlor to rece�ve a refund of any Mart�ase Insurance premiums that were <br /> unearned at the time of such cancellatian ar term�aation. <br /> 11.Assign�ment of Miscellaneous Proceeds;Forfe�.ture.A�1 Misce�laneaus Proceeds are hereby assigned�o and <br /> shail be paid�o Lender. <br /> If the Property is damaged,such Miscellaneaus Praceeds sha�.I be applied to res�ora�xan or repa�.r of�he Proper�y,�f <br /> the r�s�orat�on or r�pair�s economically feas�bTe and Lender's securi�.y�s not Iessened.Dur�ng such repaxr and res�oration <br /> period,Lender shaT1 have�he righ��o hoXd such Misce��a.neflus Proceeds untx�Lender has had an opportunity�o�nspec� <br /> such Prope�ty�o the work has been camp�eted to Lender's satisfactzon,prov�ided�hat su�h inspec�zan shalX�e <br /> undertaken promptiy.Lender may pay for�he repairs and restoratx�n xn a s�ng�e d�.sbursement ar in a s�ries of progress <br /> payments as the tivork is�ompleted.Unless an agreement is made in u�rit�ng or App�icable Law requxres in�erest to�ae <br /> an such Miscellan�ous Proceeds,Lender shall na�be required to pay Borr�wer any znteres�or earn�ngs on such <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds.If the restora�ran or reparr�s not economically feaszb�e or Lender's secura.�y w�u�d be�essened, <br /> the MisceXXaneous Proceeds sha�1 be appiied to the sums secured�by�h�s Security Instrument,u�hether or n�t then due, <br /> with the excess, �f any,pa�d to Borrower. Such Miscellaneous Proceeds sha��be applied�n the arder prov�ded for zn <br /> Sec��on 2. <br /> In the ev�n�of a totai ta�ng, des�ruc�ion, or Ioss in va.�ue of the Proper�y,�he Mi.sceX�ane�us Proce�ds sha�� be <br /> app��ed�a �he sums secured b�this Security Instt�umen�, urhe�her or not then due, �vith the ex�ess, xf any,�o <br /> Borrower. <br /> In�he even�of a par�ra.i�al�ng,destruc�r�n,or Ioss�n val.ue of the Property�n tivhxch the fair mar�et va�ue of�he <br /> Property immedia�ely before the par��aX tal�in�,destruc�zon,or�oss xn�a�ue zs equaX�o ar greater than the amount of�he <br /> sums secured�ay�his Securi�y Instruznen��mmedia�ely before the par�ia,��a,�, des�ruct�on, or loss in value,unless <br /> Borrawer and Lender ath.ex� agree in�ritxng,the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�sha��be reduced by�he <br /> amoun�of�he Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fract�an: (a}the�vta�amoun�of�he sums secured <br /> �mmed.iately before the partial ta,k�ng,destruction,or loss xn value divided by(b}the fair market va.�ue of�he Praper�y <br /> zmmed�.ately before�he pa.r�xa��aking,des�ru��i�n,or�oss xn value.Any baiance shall be paxd to Borrower. <br /> In the event of a partial taking,destruc�ion, or loss in value�f�he Propex�y in Which the fa.�r maxket value of�he <br /> Proper�y�mmediateXy before the partial taking,des�ruction,or Ioss xn va�ue�s�ess than�he amount of�h�sums secured <br /> �mmed.iately before the pa��a�taking, destruct�on, or loss rn value, un�ess Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in <br /> wri�ing,the Mrscellaneous Proceeds shall b�appl�ed to the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument whe�her or not the <br /> sums are then due. <br /> If the Praperty�s abandoned by Borrativer, or xf,after noti.�e by Lender�o Borrower�ha��he�ppos�ng Party�as <br /> de�.ned in�he next sentence}offers�a make an award ta settle a clarm for damages,Borrower fails�o r�spond to Lender <br /> w�th�n 3�days after the date the not�ce is g��en,L�nder is author�zed tfl caXXect and app�y�h.e MisceXXaneous ProCeeds <br /> ei�her tn restora�xon or repaxr of�he Pr�p�rty or to�he sums secured b�thxs Security Instrumen�,whether or not then due. <br /> "�pposing Party"means the th�.rd par�y that owes Borro�ver 1Vl�scel�aneous Pro�eeds or the par�y against whom Sorrower <br /> has a righ�of actian�n regard�o Miscellaneous Proceeds. <br /> Borroujer shaT1 be in default if any action ar proc��ding, whe�her c�vil or cr�.minal, is begun that, �n Lender's <br /> judgment,cou�d rzsul�in forfe�ture of�he Property or o� material impazrment�f Lender's interes�in the Prope�ty or <br /> righ�s under this Se�uri�y Instrument.Borrower can cur�such a d�fau��and,if acceXeratxon has occurred,rexnstate as <br /> prov�ded in Section 19,by causing�he actzon or proceedang t�be dism�ssed with a ru�ing that,in Lender's judgment, <br /> precludes forfeiture af the Proper�y or o�her ma�er�al zmpaxrment of Lender's interes�in the Proper�y or rights under th.�.s <br /> Security Instrumen�.The proceeds of any a�uard ar c�aazn for damages that are at�ributable to�he impaarmen�of Lender's <br /> inter�st in the Property axe hereby assigned and shal�be pa�d to Lender. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ntac UNiF�RN[INSTRUl1PlENT wi�h MERS Form 3028 110'I <br /> Page 8 vf'[3 <br /> �os,�n�. Borrvwer(s}lni�ia�s � �'�-� <br /> � <br />