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��14�4534 <br /> deemed to have been gi�en t�Lender unti� recezved by Lender.If any no�ice requ.ired by th�s Security Ins�rument <br /> is a.�so required under Applicable Law,the Applicab�e Law requi.rement wi.1X satzsfy the corresponding requirement under <br /> �hxs S ecurity Instrument. <br /> Law;Severability;Rules of Constructinn.This Security Ins�rument Shal.X be governed by federai <br /> �av�r and the�aw af the jur�isdx.ct�on in which the Property�s Ioca��d.A�I righ�s and ob�zgat�ons cantained in this Security • <br /> Ins�rument are subject to any r�qu.iremen�s and Iimitati�ns of Appl�cable Law Appl�cab�e Law mi�ht explxcit�y or <br /> imp��c�t�y allav��he part�es �o agree by contrac� or i�migh� be si�ent, but such si�ence shall no� be construed as a <br /> prohibi�ian aga�nst agreemen�by contrac�.In the event��a�any provis�on or clause of thi.s Security Instrum.ent or the <br /> Note c�nf��cts wxth App�icab�e Lativ,such conflict sha.Il nvt affect other provisions of�us Security Ins�rum.ent ar�he No�e <br /> which can be gi.ven effect tivithout the conflic��ng provi.s�on. <br /> As used in thxs Security Instrument:�a}wards of�he mascu�ine gender shal�mean and include corresp�nd.�ng <br /> neuter uT�rds or�vards of the feminine gender;�b}urords xn the singular sha11 mean and include the plural ax�d vx.ce v�rsa; <br /> and�c�the u�ard"may"g�ves sole d.�scret��n uTi.thou�any obliga��on�o�ake any actron. <br /> 17.Borrower's Copy.Borro�er shall be g�ven nne copy of�he Note and of this Security Instrumen�. <br /> 1S.Transfer of the Property ar a Benefc�al Interest in Forrower.As used in thi.s S�ctzon �.�,"Interes�in the <br /> Prope�ty"means any Iegal or bene�icza�.zn��res�in�he Propezty,znc�ud�ng,�au�no�Irmi�ed to,those benefic�al interests <br /> �ransferred in a bond for de�d,contract for deed,ins�allmen�sales contra.c�or escrow agreem.ent,the intent of u�h.�.ch xs the <br /> transfer of t�t�e by Borrower at a future date to a pur�haser. <br /> If aXI or any par�of�he Property or any In�eres��n the Property�s sold or transferred�or rf Borrou�er is not a natura� <br /> person and a beneficza.l.�nt�r�st�n Borrower�s sold or transferred�wr�hflut Lender's pr�or wrzt�en consent,Lender may <br /> require immeclia�e payment in full af aI�sums secured by this Security Instrument.However,�his apti�n shall no�be <br /> exercised by Lender zf such exercise is prflhzb�ted by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises�h�s opt�on,Lender sha.�l g�ve B�rrower na�xce af a�celerat�on.The not�ce shall prov�de a p�riod <br /> of not�ess than 3�days fram�he date the notic��s given�n accordance with Sect�on�5 wi.thin�hrch Borrower must pay <br /> aIl sums secured by�hi.s Securi�y Instrumen�.If I3orrflwer fai_Is�o pay these sums prior to the exp��n of th�s p�riod, <br /> Lender may�nvoi�e any remedies pez�nit�ed by�hi_s Security Instrumen�wi�hout further no�ce or demand on Borrawer. <br /> 19.Borrvwer's R�ht to Reinstate After Accelerat:�on.If Borrower meets cond��ions,Borrower shai�have <br /> the righ��o have enforcem�nt of this 5e�urity Instrumen�discan�rnued at any time prior�a the earliest of�a}f ve days <br /> before sale of the Properiy pursuant to any power of sa�e contai.ned in this Security Instrumen�;(b}such o�her per�od as <br /> Applicab�e Law migh�speczfy for the�erm�nation of Borrflwer's right to reins�ate;or�c�entry of a�udgmen�enforczng <br /> th.z s 5 ecuz�ity Instrumen�.Thos�c anda�z ons are that B orro�rer:�a}p ays Lender aXl sums which then would b e due under <br /> this Security Ins�rument and�he Not�as if no accelera�xon had occurred;�b�cures any defauJ.t of any other covenan�s or <br /> agreemen�s;�c�pays all expenses incurred xn enforcx.xzg�h�is Security Instrument,rnc�ucling,but not�zmited to,reasonab�e <br /> at�orneys'fees,proper�y inspection and va�ua�.on fees,and other fees incurred f�r�.ie purpos�of protecting Lender's <br /> in�erest Yn the Prop�rty and rights under this Security Instrumen�;and�d}takes such ac�ron as Lender may reasonably <br /> requ�re to assure that Lend�r's �nteres� in the Proper�y and ngh�s under this Security Insixwm.en�, and Borrower's <br /> ob��gatxon to pay th�sums secured by�his Security In.s�rumen�, shal� con��nue unchanged. Lender may require�ha� <br /> Borrourer pay such re�n.statement sums and expenses�n one or mflre of the folloujing forms, as se�ected by Lender: <br /> �a�cash;(b�money order;�c}certif�ed checl�,bank checl�,tr�asurer's check or cash��r's checl�,pr�vided any such ch�ck <br /> �s drav�z�.upon an insti�ution whose dep�szts are�nsured by a federa,�agency,instrumenta�ity or en�ity;ar(d�E1ec�roruc <br /> Funds Transf�r.L�pon re�nsta�ement by Borrnwer,this Security Instrument and ob��gat�ons secured hereby shali remain <br /> fully effec�xve as if no accelera�ron had occurr�d. However, this right to reinstate sha�l not appxy �n �he �ase of <br /> accelera.tion under Sectxfln].S. <br /> 24. Sa.l.e of Nate; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Gr�evance.The Note or a par�ia�interest in the Note <br /> (together tivith th�s Security Instrument�can be so�d one o�mare�imes withaut prior notice�a Borrawer.A sale mu.ght <br /> resu.��xn a change in�he�nt�ty�known as the"Loan Servi�e�'}�hat collects Periad�.c Payments due und�r�he Note and <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac IJNIF�RM INSTRUMENT with N[ER5 Form 3028 11�'[ <br /> Page'[Q of�3 � <br /> lns,inc. Borrawer�s}lnitials �� � ���� <br /> � <br />