<br /> over�his Secunty Instrument or ta enforce lativs or regulations},ar�c�BorrauTer has abandoned the Property,then Lend�r
<br /> may do and pay for whatever is reasonab�e or appropriate to protec�Lender's int�rest�n the Pr�per�and rights under th�s
<br /> Security Ins�rumen�,�nclud.�ng protecting andlor assess�ng�he va.�ue of�he Propertiy,and securing andlor repa�rinb�he
<br /> Property.Lender's ac��ons can include,bu�are no�lirnited�o:(a}pay'�ng any sums secured by a lxen tivhi�h has priority
<br /> over�his S�curity Inst.ru�ment;(b�appearing�.n court;and(c�paying reasonabXe attorneys'fees tfl prot���its�nterest in the
<br /> Property andlor rights under th�.s Security Instrumen�,inc�udi.ng its secured pasition in a bankrup�cy proceeding.Securi.ng
<br /> the Properiy in�Xudes,but xs not�zmi.ted to,enterin�the Propezfiy to make repa.�rs,change Iocks,rep�ace or board up doors
<br /> a,nd windows, dra�n v�ater from pipes, elimYnate bui�d�ng or other c�de viola�ions or danger�us cond.�tians,and have
<br /> u����tzes�urned on ar ofF Although L�nder may ta,ke act�on under this S ec�ion 9,Lender daes no�have�o do so and�s not
<br /> under any duty or ob��gation to do so. I� �s agreed that ]Lender incurs no l�ab��xty f�r not ta.king any ar aIi ac�ons
<br /> author�zed under this Section 9.
<br /> Any amoun�s d.isbursed by Lender under this Sectiar�9 sha.li became add.it�anal debt of Borrower secured by th�s
<br /> Security Ixistrument. Th�se amounts shal�bear�nterest at the No�e rat�from the da�e of disbursexnent and sha11 be
<br /> payabie,with s�.ch zn�erest,upon notice from Lender�o Barrotiver requesting payment.
<br /> If this Security Instrument is on a Ieaseho�d.,Barrourer sha1�cornply tivith a��the provisions of th��ease.If Borrovver
<br /> acqu�res fee tY����o�he Pr�pez-�y,the leasehold and�he fee�z��e sha.Il not merge un�ess Lender agre�s to the merger�n
<br /> ,writing.
<br /> 1U.Mort�aae Insuran�e.If Lender requzred Mor�gage Insurance as a condxt�on flf maeking�he Loan,Borrower shall
<br /> pay�he premiums r�quired�o ma�nta�n the Mortgage In�urance�n effec�. If,fnr any r�ason,the Mortgage Insurance
<br /> c�verage requzred by Lender ceases t�be avazXable from the martgage rnsurer th.at previously prov�ded such�nsurance
<br /> ax�d Barro�rer�as requzred to mak�separately designa�ed payments to�vard�he premiums for Martgage Insurance,
<br /> Borraurer shall pay the prem�.i.ums requxred to obtain coverage substantza.IXy equiva�ent �o the Mar�gage Insurance
<br /> prev�ously zn effect,at a cos�subs�an��ally equ��ralen��a�he cost�o Borrower of the Mortbage Insurance prev�ously�n
<br /> effect,from an alternate mor�gage insurer se��cted by Lender.If substant�ally�qui�ralent Mort�age Insurance coverage is
<br /> not a�axXab�e,Borro�er shall continue to pay to Lender the arnount of the separately des�gnated pa�ments tha�were due
<br /> when th� insura,nce coverage ceased �o be in effect. Lender wzll accept, use and reta�n these payments as a non-
<br /> refundable�oss r�serve 7n lieu�f Mortgage Insurance.Such loss reser�re shalX be non-refunda�le,no�-iths�andzng the fac�
<br /> �hat the Loan�s ultxmateXy paaid�n fu11,and Lender sha��not be requ�red�o pay Borrourer any interest ar earnings on such
<br /> loss reserv�e.Lender can no xonger requ�re Ioss reserve payments zf Mor��age Insurance coverage�in the amount and for
<br /> the perind that L�nder requires�provided by an�nsurer selec��d by L�nd�r agarn becomes avaxXable,is ob�ained,and
<br /> L.ender requires separa.te�y desi�na�ed payments toward th�pr�m7.ums for M�rtgage Insurance. If Lender requ�red
<br /> M�rtgage Insurance as a condit�on of making�he Laa�. and Borrower was required ta mal�e separate�y designated
<br /> payments toward�he prem7.ums for Mor�gage Insurance,B�rrower sha��pay the prexn�ums required to maYntain Mortgage
<br /> Iza.surar�.ce zn effect,or�o provide a nan-refundabie loss reserve,un���Lender's requi.rement for Mortgage Insu.rance ends
<br /> in a�cordance ur��h any wrzt�en agreemen� between Earra�ver and Lender providing for su�h tez�zrunation or un�il
<br /> �ermination is requYr�d by Applicable Lativ.Nothinb�n this S e�tion�0 affects Borrower's obiigatian to pay xnterest at the
<br /> rate provi.ded xn the Note.
<br /> Mortbage Insurance rezmburses L�nder(or any entity�hat pur�hases�h.e No�e}for cez-�ain�osses it may�ncur�f
<br /> Barrotiver does not repay�he Loan as agreed.�arrower�s no�a paz-ty tfl the Mortgage Insurance.
<br /> Mortgage Insurers evaluat�the�r�o�a�r�sk on aIi such insurance in force from txme t��ime, and may enter in�o
<br /> agreemen�s with o�her pa�ti�s that share or modify their risk, �r redu�e �oss�s. These agr�emen�s are on terms and
<br /> cond.itions �ha� are satzsfactory�o�he mor�gage insurer and the o�her par�y (ar parti�es� �o�hese agreemen�s. Th�se
<br /> agreements may require the martgage insurer to make paymen�s using any source of funds tha�the mortgage�nsurer may
<br /> ha�re avai�able[wh�ch rnay include fun.ds flb�a�ned fram Mortgage Insurance premiums�.
<br /> As a result of�hese agreements,Lender,any purchaser of the note,an��her in.surer,any re�nsurer,any other en�ity,or
<br /> af.��za�e�f any af�he foregozng,may receive�directly or indirect�y3 axnounts�hat derive from�or mYght be charac�eri�ed
<br /> as} a porti.an of Borrower's paymen�s for Mortgage Insurance, in exchange for sharing or modifying the mor�gage
<br /> znsurer's ri.sk,or reduc�ng�osses.If su�h agreemen�provided�ha�an aff liate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk
<br /> in exchaxige for a share of�he premiu.ms paid�o the rnsurer,�he arrangemen�rs afti�n termed"capt�ve rexnsurance."
<br /> Fur�Yier:
<br /> NEBRASKA�5�ng�e Fami�y-Fann�e lVlaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT with N[ERS Fvrm 3�28 '�lQ'I
<br /> Page�af'[3
<br /> �os,�r��. Borrov►rer�s}In��ia[s�� � y'��
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