<br /> proce�ds,whether or�.a�the underlyi.ng insurance tivas required by Lender,sha1l be app��ed�o restorat�on or repair of the
<br /> Proper�y,if the restoratzon or repair�s econami.cally feasible and Lender's securzty zs not Iessened.During such repa�r and
<br /> restorat�an period,Lender sha11 ha�e the r�.ght�o hoXd such znsura.nce proceeds un�il Lender has had an oppoz-�uxv.ty to
<br /> �nspect such Property to�nsure the work has�een�om.p�eted to Lender's sat�sfac�ion,provided that such inspection sha�X
<br /> be under�aken pr�mpt�y.Lender may clisburse proceeds for the repairs and restoration in a s�nb�e paymen�or�n a series of
<br /> progress payments as�he work rs comp�e�ed.Unless an agreement�s made zn wri.ti.ng orApp�xcable Lauj requ.�res interest
<br /> to be pa7id on such�nsurance proceeds,Lend�r sha11 no�b�required to pay Borrower any Ynterest or earnings on such
<br /> proceeds.Fees for public adjusters,or o�.her th�rd par�ies,retained by Borrow�r sha��not be paa.d out of the xnsurance
<br /> praceeds and shall be the sale obliga�ion of Borrovver.If the res�oration or repair rs not ecanomica.Ily feasxbXe or Lender's
<br /> secur�ty u�au�d be�essened,the insurance praceeds shall be appiied to�he sums secured by�his Security Instrument,
<br /> whether or not then due,u�i�h the excess,if any,paid�o Bnrrotiver.Such�nsurance proceeds shall be applied in the order
<br /> pr�vided for�n Section 2.
<br /> If Barrower abandons the Property,Lender may f�e,negotia�e and settle any ava�lable rnsurance claim and r�Iat�d
<br /> mat��rs.If Borro�ver da�s not respond tivzthin 3�days to a notice from Lender�hat the insurance carrier has affered to
<br /> set�Ie a claxm,�hen Lender may negatrate and set�Ie the c�aim.The 3�-day per�ad wz��begx.n tivhen the notxce xs gxven.In
<br /> ei�h�r event, or if Lender acqu�res the Proper�y under Sectxon 22 or otherwrse, Borrotiver hereby assigns�o Lender
<br /> �a�Borrower's rights to any insurance proceeds�n an amount not t�exceed�he amounts unpa.id under�he Na�e or�hrs
<br /> Security Instrument,and�b�any flther of Borrotiver's rights(other than the righ��o any refund of unearned premiums pa�d
<br /> by Borrotiver�under aIl�nsurance pa��c�es covering�he Properfiy,insofar as such ribhts are applicab�e to the covera.be of
<br /> the Property.Lender may use�he insurance proceeds exther�o repair or res�are the Property or to pay amounts unpaid
<br /> under�he No�e or�hi_s S ecurity Instrument,whether or no�then due.
<br /> 6.�ccupancy,Borrower shall accup�,es�ablish,and use the Proper�y as Borrower's principa.I.res�dence wzth.x.n 6�
<br /> days af�er�he execut�on af this Security Instrument and sha��con��nue�o occupy�he Proper�y as Borroyver's pnnc�pal
<br /> reszdence for at�eas�one year after th�da�e of�ccupancy,un�ess Lender otherwise abrees�n�rritrng,which consent shal�
<br /> no�be unr�asanably withhe�d,or un�ess extenuat�ng circums�ances e�ist which are beyond Borra�ver's contro�.
<br /> 7.Preservatian,Main.t�nance and Protectxon of the Property;Inspectians.Bonrawer sha�X not destray,damage
<br /> or impa.�r the Proper�y,a��ow�he Propex�y�o de�er�ora�e or comm��was�e on the Property.�V�h.ether or not Borrower is
<br /> res�ding in�he Proper�y,Borrawer shall marnta�n�he Proper�y in order tfl prevent the Proper�y from de�eriorating or
<br /> decreasing in value due�o i�s condi�ion.UnXess��xs de�erm�ned pursuant�o Sec��an S that repa�r or restorat�on is not
<br /> �conom�cally feasrble,Borrower shall promptly repair the Property zf damaged to avoid fur�her deteriora.tion or damage.
<br /> If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paad xn connec�ion w�th damag��o,or th�taki.ng of,the Prop�rty,Borrower -
<br /> shall be respansihle for repairing or res�aring the Property only if Lender has re�ea.sed proceeds for such purposes.Lender
<br /> may d.isburse proceeds for the repa�.rs and restora��on in a sing�e payment or xn a serzes of pragress paymen�s as�he work
<br /> �s cnmp�eted.If�he rnsurance or candemnation proceeds are not sufficrent�o repair or restore the Proper�y,B�rrotiver�s
<br /> not rel�eved of Borrower's ob�igation for the compi��ion of such reparr or restoratian.
<br /> Lender or r�s agent may n�al�e reasonab�e entries upon and inspections of the Proper�y.If rt has reasonab�e cause,
<br /> Lender may inspect�he interiar of the�mpravements on�he Prop�rty.Lender sha1�gi.ve Borro�er notic�at the t�me of or
<br /> pnor to such an zn�erior inspec�ion spe�xfy�nb such reasonable cause.
<br /> S.L�rrower's Laan Application.Borrower shall be in defau��xf,during the Loan applicat�on pr�cess,Barrotiver or
<br /> any persons or entit�es acting at the direct�on af Borrativer ar tiv�.th Borrower's knowledge or�ons�n�bav�ma�eria��y
<br /> false, misleading, ar znaccurate znforma�ion or statemen�s to Lender (or failed �o prov�de Lender uri�h ma�eria.�
<br /> infarmation� �n connection with the Laan. Material representations xncXude, but are not ��mi�ed��, representat�ons
<br /> cancerning Borr4wer's occupancy of the Property as�3orrower's px�.ne�pa�res�dence.
<br /> 9.Protection of Lend�r's Interest i.n the Property and Ri.ghts Under this Securzty Instrument.If�a}Borrower
<br /> fa.ils�a perform�he covenants and agreements contained�n th�s Secur��y Instrumen�,�b)there xs a Ie�a.�pr�ceeding�hat
<br /> m�ght sig.n�.fican��y affect Lender's in�erest in the Proper�y andlor rights under th�s Security Instrument �such as a
<br /> proceed�.ng in bank�-uptcy,probate,for condemnat�on or fo�feiture,for enfor��xnent of a Iien tivhich may at�a�n priarity
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sing[e Family-Fannie Mae�Fredd�e Mac UNIF�RM INSTRLlMENT with NCERS Form 3�28 11�'I
<br /> Page���13 �
<br /> ios,tnc. Borrvwer�s}Initials ���. �
<br /> C"�I�
<br />