<br /> shor�age�n acc�rdanCe wzth RESPA,but in na more than�.2 mon�hly payments_If ther�xs a deficiency of Funds held�n
<br /> escrow,as defined under RESPA,Lender sha.I�notxfy Borrower as requ�red by RESPA,and Borroujer shall pay�o Lender
<br /> �he amaun�necessary�a make up�he def�ciency�n accordan�e wzth RESPA,bu��n no more than 12 monthly payments.
<br /> Upon payment in full flf aXX sums secured by�h�s S e�urity Instruamen�,Lender shall promp��y refund to Bflrrower any
<br /> Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4.�harbes;Liens.Borrower shall pay a.l��axes,assessmen�s, charges,�nes,and impositrons attri.bu�able�o the
<br /> Prope�ty which can attarn priarity over this Securzty Instrument,leasehold payments or graund ren�s on the Property,�f
<br /> any,and Cammunrty Assoc�a�on Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any.To�he ex�en��hat�hese i�ems are Escrow Items,
<br /> Borrower shal�pay them in�he manner provi.ded�n Sect�on 3.
<br /> Borrower sha11 promp�ly dis�harge any �xen which has priority over thrs Security Instrument unl�ss Barrower:
<br /> �a}agrees�n�writrng�o the paymen�of the ob��gation secur�d by the Ii�n in a max�ner accep�al�I�to Lend�r,i�ut aniy so
<br /> �ong as Borrourer�s perform�ng such agreement;[b)can�e�ts th�Iien�n good faith by,or defends against enforcemen��f
<br /> the l��n in, Xegai proceedings vv�aich in Lender's apinxon operate t�prevent�he enforcement of�he Xzen vvh�.�e those
<br /> proceedings are pend.�ng,but only until such proc�edings are canc�uded;ar��}secures from the holder of the�ien an
<br /> agreement sat�sfactory�o Lender subordxnating�he I�en to�h�s Security Instrument.If Lender determ.ines tha�any par�of
<br /> the Prope�ty is sub�ec�to a Iien�vhich can at�ain priority over th�s Security Ins�rumen�,Lender may g�ve Barro�er a
<br /> notice identifyi.ng�he I�en.�7LTithin I 4 days of�he date on whi_ch that notice�s given,Borrovver shail sa��sfy�h��ien or�a,ke
<br /> one or more af�he actxons se�for�h above�n thi.s Sectzon�.
<br /> Lender may requzre Borroujer to pay a one-time charbe for a rea.�es�ate tax verification andlor reporting service used
<br /> by Lender rn connec��on w�th th�.�Loan.
<br /> 5.Praperty Insuranc�.Borrower sha��keep�he improvements notiv exzst�ng or hereafter erected an the Proper�y
<br /> insured agarnst loss by flre,hazards rncluded wr�hYn�he term"ext�nded coverage,"and any o�her ha�ards�nc�uding,bu�
<br /> no�IimYted ta,earthquakes and floods,for which Lender requires insurance.This�nsurance sha��be ma.intarned in�h�
<br /> amaunts�xnc�uding deductz�Ie�eveXs�and far the perzods�h.at Lender requ�res.�Vhat Lender requires pursuant�o the
<br /> preced�ng sentences can change during th�texm nf the Loan.The�nsurance carrxer prov�.ci�.ng�he znsurance sha�.�be
<br /> chosen by B�rrawer subj ect�o Lender's right to d�sappr�ve Borroujer's choi�e, which right sha.11 not b� exercised
<br /> unreasonabiy.Lender may require I3orrower�o pay,in connec�ron with th�s Loan,either:�a�a one-time charge for flood
<br /> zone de�erm�nat�nn, cer��fzcati�n and tracking se�vices; or [b�a one-t�me charge for flood zone determinatx�n and
<br /> cer�ificat�on servi.ces and su�sequen�charg�s each time remappxngs or sxmilar chan�es occur tivhich reasonabiy might
<br /> affec��uch d�t�rmina��on or cer�.fica�.on.Borrotiver sha�X a�so be respons�b�e for the pa�ment of any f�es imposed by the
<br /> Federa�Emerg�ncy Managexnen�Agency in cannect�on w��h the review of any flood.��ne determinatzan resu�t�ng from
<br /> an obj ec�ran by Barrower.
<br /> If Borrower fai�s to main�ain any af�he coverages described above,Lender may o��aan i�surance caverage, at
<br /> Lender's ap�xon and Borrawer's expense.Lender�s under na o�blxgatxon to purchase any par�icular type or amount of
<br /> co�era.ge.Therefore,such coverage shal�cover Lender,bu�migh�or mibht not pratect Borrower,Borrower's equity rn
<br /> the Praper�y, ar the contents of the Proper�y, agaznst any r�sk,hazard or liability and migh�provrde gr�a�er ar lesser
<br /> covera.ge than was prev�ously in effect.Borrower acknour�edges that the cost of�he�nsurance coverage so obta.7ined might
<br /> significantXy exceed�he cast of insurance�hat Borrower cou�d have�b�a�.ned.Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under
<br /> th.xs Sectian 5 sha1l becoxne additional deb�of Borrotiver secured by�his Security Instrument.These amounts sha1.1 bear
<br /> �nt�rest at�h�No�e ra.�e from the date of dis�ursem.ent and shall be payab�e,�with such�nterest,upon notice fraxn Lender
<br /> ta B orrower request�ng p ayment.
<br /> AIl insurance pairc�es required by Lender and renewals of such policies shal.� be subj ect to Lender's right �o
<br /> d�sapprove such poixcxes,sha.���nclude a s�andaxd mortgage clause,and sha��name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an
<br /> addi�ional �os�payee. Lender sha.�l have the righ�to ho�d the palicies and renewal cert�fica�es. If Lender requires, �
<br /> Borro�er shal.�promptly g��re ta Lender aIl rece�p�s�f pai.d premiums and r�newa.�notices.If Borrower�btains any form
<br /> of insurance coverage,na�o�herwise required by Lender,for damage to,ar destruction af,�he Propezty,such palicy sha.�l
<br /> include a s�andard mor�gage c�aus�and shall na.me Lender as m.or�gagee andlor as an addit�ona.��oss payee.
<br /> In the event of Ioss,Borr�wer shall give prompt notzce to the i�suranc�camier and Lender.Lender may make proof
<br /> of�oss zf no� made promp�ly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwxse agree in writzng, any insurance
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae�Freddie Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRUMENT wifh MERS Form 3�28 'IC�1
<br /> Page 5 v��3 �
<br /> IDS,ln�. B�[TOW�1'�5�IC3I�IaIS � ��
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