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��14�4534 <br /> 2.Application af Payments or Proceeds.Except as o�her�ise described in th�s Section 2,ali payments accep�ed <br /> and appl�ed by Lender sha.��be appl�ed in the following order of priori�y:�a�znteres�du�under�he Note;[b}principal due <br /> under th�Note;(c�amounts due under Sect�on 3.Such payments shall be appl�ed ta each Peri�dic Paymen�in�he order <br /> �n which it be�ame due.Any remaining amounts shal�be applied first to Iate chaxges,secand��any o�her amoun�s due <br /> under this Security Instrumen�,and�hen to reduce�he princ�paJ.baI.ance nf�he Note. <br /> If Lender rece�ves a paymen�from Borrower for a delinquent Per�.odxc Payment v�rhich�ncludes a sufficient amount <br /> to pay any�a�e ch.arge due,�he payment may be app��ed to the delinquen�paymen�and�he late charge.If more than one <br /> Perioclic Payment�s outstanding, Lender may apply ar�y payment received from Borrourer to the repayment af�he <br /> P�riod.zc Payments xf,and to the ex�en�that,each payment can be paid�n ful�.Tfl the extent�hat any excess exxs�s after <br /> �he payment�s app�ied to�he fuX�payment of one or more Period�c Pa�m.ents,such excess may be app��ed ta any�a�e <br /> charges due.Voluntary prepayments shall be app�ied fzrs�to any prepaymen�charges and then as des�rxt�ed�n the Nate. <br /> Any applicat�on of paymen�s,�nsurance proceeds,or Miscellanenus Pr�ceeds to pr�ncipa�due under the Note shaXl <br /> n�t extend or postpone the due da�e,or change the amoun�,af the Periodic Paymen�s. <br /> 3.Funds for Escrow Items.Borrower shall pay�fl Lender on the day Periodzc Paym�nts are due under the Note, <br /> untx��he No��as pard in ful�,a sum�the"Funds"}to pr�vide for payment of amounts due far:�a��axes and assessments <br /> and other�t�ms which can at�axn priority over this Security Instrument as a lien or encumbrance on the Propezty; <br /> [b��easeh��d payments or ground rents on�he Property,�f any;(c}prerniums for any and a.II in.surance required by Lend�r <br /> under Sectxon 5;and�d�Mor�gage Insurance prem�ums,if any,or any sums payab�e by Barrourer�o Lender�n X�eu of the <br /> pa�rnent of Mortgage Insurance prern�ums zn accordance tiv��h the prov�.sxons of Section I�. These ztems are ca��ed <br /> "Escrotiv I�ems."At orig�natz�n or a� any time du.ring �ie term of the Loan, Lender may that Community <br /> Associat�an Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any,be escrowed by Borrower,and dues,fees and assessments shall be <br /> an Escrow I��m. Borr��ver shall pr�mpt�y furnish�o Lender aII notzces of amoun�s to be pard under this Section. <br /> Bonrower shall pay Lender�he Funds for Escrow I�ems un�ess Lender waiv�s Borrower's obl�gatzon t�pay the Fu.nds for <br /> any ar aII Escrotiv Items.Lender may wa.ive Borrower's oblzgatxon�o pay to Lender Fuzads far any or a.I�Escrow I�ems a� <br /> any�rne.Any such ura.iver may only be in wrzt�ng.In the event of such wai_ver,Borr�wer sha��pay drrectly,tivhen and <br /> where payabXe,�h.e amoun�s due for any Escrow I�ems for which paymen�of Funds has been wa.�ved by Lender and,zf <br /> Lender requires, sha.�� furnxsh to Lender receipts evidencing such payment tivithin su�h�ime period as Lender may <br /> requxre.Farrovver's o�i�ga��on�o make suCh payments and to pro�vide re�e�pts shalX for a�I purpases be deemed ta be a <br /> covenan�and agre�ment contarned in�his Securzty Instrument,as the phrase"�ovenan�and agr�em.ent"i�used�n Sec�.on <br /> 9.If Borrour�r is ablzgated to pay Es�row Items directly,pursuant to a waiver,and Borrower fails to pay th.�amount du� <br /> for an Escro�r I�em,Lender may exerc�s���s rights under Sec�xnn 9 and pay such amount and BarroWer shall�hen be <br /> obligated under Sect�on 9 tn repay ta Lender any such amount.Lender may revoke the waiver as to any or a.II Escrow <br /> Items at any t�me by a n��xce gx�en xn accordance�vith Section I S and,upon such revacat7on,Borr�wer sha.I�pay�o <br /> Lender aIX Funds,and in such amounts,�ha�are�hen required under�his Sect�on 3. <br /> Lender may,at any�me,col�ec�ar�d hold Funds�n an amoun�(a}suffic�ent to permit Lender�o app�y the Funds at <br /> the t�me spec�fzed under RESPA,and�b}no�to exceed the maximu.m amoun�a�ender can requir�under RESPA.Lender <br /> sha.11 es��ma�e the amoun�of Funds due on�he bas�s of current data and reasonab�e estimates of expendi.tures of future <br /> Escrow Items or atherwrse in accordance wxth Applzcable Law <br /> . The Funds shall be held�n an.zn.s�ztution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,�nstrumentality,or entity <br /> �includrng Lender,if Lender is an xnst�tu�xon v�hose depos��s are so�nsur�d�or in any Federal Home Lnan Bank.Lender <br /> sha�.I app�y�he Funds�o pay�he Escro�r I�ems no Iater than the trme specxf�ed under RESPA.Lender sha.�l not charge <br /> Borrower for holding and app�ying�he Funds,annually analyz�ng�he escrotiv accoun�,or ver�fying�he Escrow Items, <br /> unl.ess Lender pays Borrower in�erest on the Funds and App��ca�le Lau�perm7its Lender�o mal�e such a char�;e.Un].ess an <br /> agreemen�is made in wri.t�ng or AppXxcab�e Laur requires interes��o�be paid on the Funds,Lender shalX n�t be requxred to <br /> pay Borrourer any xnterest ar earnxngs on the Funds.Borro�ver ar�d Lender can agree in urr�txn�,hau�ever,that�nterest <br /> shall be paid�n the Funds.Lender sha�l give�o Borrower,w�.th.out charge,an annua�accounting of the Funds as required <br /> by RE SPA. <br /> If�here rs a surp�us of Funds heXd�n escrotiv,as defined under RESPA,Lender sha.��account�o Borrower for�he <br /> ex�ess funds zn accordance u�zth RESP1�..If�here is a shortage of Funds heid in escrow,as defiried under RESPA,Lender <br /> shalX not�fy I3arrower as requir�d�y RESPA,arid Borrower shall pay�o Lend�r�he amoun�necessary�o ma.�e up�he <br /> NEgRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaetFreddie lUlac UN�F4RM�NSTRUMENT wi�N[ERS Form 3028 'l10'I <br /> Page 4 vf'�3 -� <br /> los,�nc. Bo€�rower�s}inifiia[s ��`��� <br /> � <br />