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��14�4534 <br /> and aI� renewals, ex�ensions and moclifications of the Note; and ��x} �he performance of Barrower's covenan�s and <br /> abreements under�his Security Instrument and the Note.For this purpose,Borrflwer�rrevocably gran�s and conveys�o <br /> Trustee,zn trust,wxth pou�er of sale,�he fol�owing described property loca�ed in the�oun�y of SAI�L: <br /> L�T 4, LL�CI�26, GIL�3ERT'S ADDITI�N T� THE �ITY�F G1�ND ISLANI],HALI� <br /> C�IJNTY,NEFRA.SKA <br /> Parce�ID IVumber:4U013�25� <br /> whi_ch current�y has�he address of ��23 N SUST�N AVE <br /> GRAND ISL�TD,N�BRASKA GSSU3,�"Prope�ty Address"}: <br /> T�GETHER �ITH al.� the �mpro�em.ents now or hereafter er���ed on the propex�y, and aX� easeznents, <br /> appurtenances,and f xtures now or hereafter a part of th�propex�y.A11 replacem.ents and addit�ons sha.11 also be covered <br /> by th�.s Security Instrument.A11 of�he forego�ng is referred�o in thYs Security Instrumen�as the"Property."Borrower <br /> understands and a�rees that MERS ho�ds only 1ega��i�ie�o the interes�s gran�ed by I3�rrower i.n this Security Instru.�nent, <br /> but,�f necessary to comply wi�h�aw or cust�m,MERS�as nomxnee for Lender and L�nder's successors and assigns�has <br /> �he righ�:�o exercise any or a1�of those in�eres�s,�ncluding,bu�not Iimited to,the right to foreclose and se���he Prope�ty; <br /> and to�ake any actian required of Lender znc�ucling,but not Iimi�ed�o,rel�asrng and canceling this Security Instrum�nt. <br /> B�RR��ER C�VENANTS that Barro�ver is�awfully serzed of the esta�e hereby conveyed and has the right to <br /> grant and convey the Proper�y and�ha�the Property is u�encum�bered,except for encum�rances of record.Borrotiver <br /> warrants and wi��defend generally�he t���e to the Property aga�nst a�.�cXaxms and demands,subj ect to any encumbrances <br /> af record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRLTNIENT combines uniform co�r�nants far nat�onal use and non-unzform co�enants�z�h <br /> I�mited variat�ons by jurisdi.c�zon to�onst�tute a uniform security instrument covering real property. <br /> UNIF�RM C�VENANTS.Borrower and L�nder c�venan�and agree as foTlows: <br /> 1.Payment of Principal,Interest,�scrow Items,Prepaym.ent Charges,and Late�harges.Borrower sha��pay <br /> when due the pr�ncipal of,and interest on,the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepaymen�charges and late char�es <br /> due under the No�e.Borrower sha�.� pay funds far Escrovv Item�pursuant to Section 3.Payments due under�he Note <br /> and this Security Instrumen�shall�e made in U.S. currenc�.However,�f any check or o�her instrument rece�ved by <br /> Lender as paymen�under the Note or this S�curity Ins�rurnent is returned to L�nder unpaid,Lender may requrre that any <br /> or a�l subsequent paymen�s due under the Note and thx.s Securzty Instrum.ent be made�n one ar more of the foliowxng <br /> forms,as se�ected by Lender:�a�cash;�b}mon�y order;�c}certxf ed check,bank check;treasurer's check ar cashier's <br /> �heck, pro�zded any such check xs drawn upon an inst�tut�on wh�se depos�ts are znsured by a federa.l. agency, <br />�ality,or en�ity;or�d�Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece�ved by Lend�r when received a�the��catian des�gnated in the No�e or at such o�her <br /> Iacation as may be des�gnated by Lender�n accordance� the notzce prov�sxons xn Sec��on 1.5.Lender may re�u.rn any <br /> paymen�or par�xa.l paymen�if the payment ar par��a.�payments a,re�nsufficien��o bring�h.e Loan curren�.L�nder may <br /> accep�any paymen�or pax�ia.l payment�nsuff cient to bring�he Loan current,w�thou�waiver of any righ�s hereunder or <br /> pre�udxce to xts nghts to refuse such paymen�or pa�ti_aI payments in�he future,�but Lender is not ob��gated to apply such <br /> payments at the��me such paymen�s axe aGcepted.If each Periodic Paymen�is applied as of its schedu�ed due date,then <br /> Lender need na�pay interest on unapplied funds.Lender ma�hold such unapplzed f unds u.n�il Borrourer ma�Ces payment <br /> to bring the Loan�urren�.If Bonrau�er does not do sa w�thxn a reasonable period of�ime,Lender shaii e��her app�y such <br /> funds or return them�o Borrower.If not applied earlier,such funds tiv��I be app�zed to the ou�s�andxng principal ba�ance <br /> under the Note xmmed.ia�e�y priar to far�c�osure.No aff'se�or c�a�m v�rh�ch Borrtitiver mi.ght have now or�n the future <br /> aga.inst Lender sha�� reiieve Barrower from mak�nb payments due under th�Note and this S�curity Ins�.rum�n� or <br /> performing th�covenants and agre�ments secured by�s Securifiy Instrument. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fannie NlaelFreddie N[ac UNlF�RM 1NSTRUMENT with 1111EF�S Form 3028 'iI�'I <br /> Page 3 0�13 ��� <br /> �os,�r�c. BoRower(s}lni�iais <br />