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��14�4534 <br /> th�s Secur�ty Ins�.rumen�and perfarms other mortgage�oan servicing abi�ga�zans ur�.der�h.e Nate,�his Security Instrument, <br /> and AppXzcabXe Law.There also mibht be one or more changes of th�Loan Servicer unrela�ed�o a sale of the Na�e.If <br /> �here is a change of the Loan S��vic�r,Barrower wiXX be gzven written no�ice of the change whxch wx.��s�ate the name and <br /> address of�he new Loan Servicer,the address to tivhzch payments should be made and any a�her informa���n RESPA <br /> r�quire�in cannection with a not�ce of transfer of servicing.If the Note is sold ax�d thereafter the Loan xs serv�.ced by a <br /> Loan Serv�cer other�han the purchaser of�he Note,the mor�gage�oan serv�cing ob��ga��ons to Borrower wi.X�remain w�i_th <br /> the Loan Serv�cer or be�ransferred�o a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by�he N��e purchaser unless <br /> oth�rwise pr�vxded by the Nate pur�haser. <br /> Nei�her Borrflwer nor Lender may commence,j oin,or be j oined to any jud�cial a��xon�as ez�her an individua���tigant <br /> or the member of a class�tha�arises froxn�he other par�y's ac�ions pursuant to�his Securi�y Instrument ar that alleges that <br /> �he other party has breached any proviszon of, or any duty owed by reason of,�h�.s Security Ins�rument, until su�h <br /> Borrower�r Lender has na�i�i�d the other party� such notice given in comp�ianee with the requxremen�s af Sec�zan <br /> 15�of such alleged breach and afforded the other party here��a reasonable period after the�ving af such no�zce�o take <br /> Carrectxve action.If App�icable Law provides a tixne period which mus�elaps�befor�cer�aan actzon can be�a.�er�.,�ha� <br /> �ime period will be deemed�o be reasonab�e for purposes of this parabraph.The not�ce of acceleration and oppo�u�uty�o <br /> �ure gzve�.�o Borrnwer pu.rsuan�ta Section 2�and the nat�ce of acceleratian g�ven ta Borraurer pursuant to 5ectxon 1.$ <br /> shal�be deemed�o sati.sfy�he na�ice and oppor�unity�o take correctzve ac�ion pravisions of this Se��ion�0. <br /> 21.Hazardous Substances.As used in�his Sect�on�1:�a}"Hazardous Substances"are those substances def�n�d as <br /> �axic or hazardous substances,pol�u�ants, or wastes by Envzronmen�a�Law and�he following subs�ances: gasoXxne, <br /> kerosene, other flammable or toxzc petroleum produc�s, �oxic pes�xC�des and herbi�ides, volatile solvents, ma�erials <br /> ��ntaining asbest�s ar formaldehyde,and raclioactive mater�a�s;�b}"Environmen�a.1 Law"means federa��ativs and Iaws <br /> of the jurisd�c�zon where the Praperty �s Xaca�ed that relate to, safety or envxronmental protect�on; <br /> �c�"Env�ronmentaJ. C�eanup" �nc�udes any respanse actzon, remedral act�an, or remova� ac�zon, as defined in <br /> Environm�nta�La�v;and�d�an"Enviranmental�ondi.txon"means a condi�ion�hat can cause,contr�.bute to,or o�her�rise <br /> trig�er an Env�ronmental��eanup. <br /> Borrower sha�I not cause or pexmi.t�h.e presence,u�e,disposa.I,stora�e,or reiease of any Hazardous Substances,or <br /> threaten to release any Hazardous Substances,on or in the Prapez-ty.Borrotiver shall no-t do,nor a.l.�ow anyone eXse to do, <br /> anything affecting the Proper�y�a}�hat is�n vi.ola�.on of any Envrronmental Law,�b�tivh�.ch crea�es an En�rironmenta�. <br /> �ondition,or tc)v�rhi�h,due to�he presence,use,or release of a Ha.2ardous Substance,creates a�ondi��on�ha�adverseXy <br /> affec�s the va�ue of�he Proper�y.The prececling�vo sen�ences shall not apply to�he presence,use,or storabe on�h� <br /> Proper�y of sma�.�quantxties of Ha2ardous Substances�hat are general.�y recogn�zed�o be appropriate�o norma�residential <br /> uses and t�marn�enance af th�Proper�y�including,bu�no��imi.ted�o,hazardous substances�n consumer products}. <br /> Borrower shall promp��y Lender�t�en notice of�a}any�nvestigat�on,c�axm,demand.,�a�suit or ather ac�ion <br /> by any governmental or reguia�ory ag�ncy ar pri�a�e par�y invol�ng the Properfiy and any Hazardous Substaxlce or <br /> Envi.ronmenta� Law of which Borrotiver has actual l��edge, (b} any Env�ronmenta.� �ondit�on, �nc�ud�ng but not <br /> xxmited�v,any spilling,,discharge,release or threat of release of any Hazaxdous Su�bstance,and�c�any candition <br /> caused by�he pres�nce,use or reiease of a Hazaxdous Substance u�hich adversely affects the va.lue of�he Property.If <br /> Borro�er Iearns,or is no��fied by any governmen�aI.or regulatory au�h.�rity,or any pri�ate pazty,that any remova��r <br /> other remedia�ion of any Hazardaus Su�stance a.ffec��ng the Property�s n�cessary,�orrower sha��promp��y�ake a1I <br /> necessary rem�daai ac�ons�n accardance wi�h Env�.ronmental Lau�.Nothing herein sha.11 create any oblig;ation on Lender <br /> for an Env�ranmen�al��eanup. <br /> N�N-UNIF4RM��VENANTS.Barro�rer and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> 22.Accel.eratson;Remedies.Lender 5hall gxve notice to Borrower pr�or to acceleratian following Lorrower'S <br /> �reach of any covenant or abreement in this Security In.strument(hut�not pri.or to accelerati.on under Section 1S <br /> unless Applicable Law provi.des othervv�ise�.The not�ice 5hall specify:�a3 the default;[b)the activn required to cure <br /> the default;(c}a�.at�,not�than 3U days fram the date the notice is given to Forrower,hy whxch the default <br /> must be cured; and�d}that fail.ure to cure the default an or befor�the date specifed in the nvtice may result ain <br /> ac�e�erat�ion of the sums secured by thzs S�curity Instrument and sale of the Praperty.The notice shall further <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Fami[y-Fannie MaelFreddie lUlac UNIFaRNC�NSTRUMENT with N[ERS Form 3028 'ilQ'I <br /> Page'�� af�3 <br /> ios t�c. Borrawer{s}�nitials� �i-��--� <br /> , � <br /> � <br />