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Davis v. Davis; CI 13 -788 <br />Property Settlement Agreement <br />Page 2 <br />p age of 2 <br />201404503 <br />secretary desk, library table, queen bed and frame, personal television in the bedroom, <br />sewing and craft items, religious figures in the backyard, and all personal clothing, jewelry <br />and effects. Defendant shall receive the 1999 Ford Taurus automobile and the 1994 Mallard <br />camper, subject to and indebtedness thereon. <br />5. The parties shall divide the family pictures, mementos, Christmas <br />decorations, ornaments ments and lights, and kitchen dishes, utensils, pots and pans. <br />6. Plaintiff shall be awarded the male dog and Defendant shall be awarded the <br />female dog. <br />7. Each party shall be awarded as his or her sole and separate property, free <br />and clear of any interests of the other, any and all checking accounts or savings accounts <br />presently held in the name of the respective party. <br />8. Plaintiff shall have as his separate property, the home located at 1123 West <br />First Street, legally described as follows: Lot 4, Block 7, Arnold Place Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, subject to any lien thereon. Defendant <br />shall vacate said residence thirty (30) days after the entry of the Decree herein. <br />9. Plaintiff shall have all interest in his 401 K Retirement Plan and the K of C <br />annuity. Defendant shall have all interest in her Individual Retirement Account and the St. <br />Farm Life Insurance policies. <br />10. Plaintiff shall be responsible for and shall hold Defendant harmless of any <br />and all debts incurred by him or jointly by the parties since the date of the filing of the <br />Complaint for dissolution of marriage. Defendant shall be responsible for any debt incurred <br />in her name alone since the date of the filing of the Complaint for dissolution of marriage. <br />