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Davis v. Davis; CI 13 -788 <br />Property Settlement Agreement <br />Page 3 <br />Page <br />201404503 <br />Plaintiff shall assume and hold the defendant harmless from the following marital <br />obligations: <br />AAA Visa card in the approximate amount of $10,600.00; <br />Cabela's Visa card in the approximate amount of $3,400.00; <br />Discovery card in the approximate amount of $5,700.00; <br />Union Plus card in the approximate amount of $6,800.00; <br />Menard's card in the approximate amount of $1,600.00. <br />Dentist bill to Dr. Steve Sec in the approximate amount of $1,353.00. <br />11. Plaintiff shall pay to Defendant one half of the 2013 Federal and State Tax <br />return in the amount of $1404 upon entry of the Decree herein. If Plaintiff and Defendant <br />file a joint tax return for the 2014 tax year, the parties shall split in half any tax refund to <br />which they may be entitled. <br />12. Plaintiff shall pay alimony to the Defendant in the amount of Four Hundred <br />dollars ($400.00) per month beginning on the first day of the month following entry of the <br />Decree and shall continue each and every month thereafter until the retirement of Plainti$ <br />the death of either patty, or until the Defendant remarries. <br />14. Plaintiff shall continue to carry Defendant on his health and dental insurance <br />policies for six (6) months after entry of the Decree herein but Defendant shall be <br />responsible for her own copayments if any. <br />15. By way of further property settlement, Plaintiff shall pay to Defendant the <br />amount of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000) payable and due thirty (30) days after entry of <br />the Decree herein. Furthermore, Plaintiff shall contribute $50 per month to Defendant's <br />Individual Retirement Plan commencing on the first day of the month following entry of the <br />Decree and shall continue each and every month thereafter until the retirement of Plaintiff. <br />16. Each party shall be responsible for the payment of his or her own attomey's <br />fees and costs. <br />