<br /> �EEa aF T�usT
<br /> Lvan Na: '1 D1�77't 9� �Continued� Page 7
<br /> together. !fi Lender decides to spend money or to per�orm any of Trus�ar's obligations under this Deed �f Trus�,
<br /> after Trustor's fai�ure to d❑ sa, �hat decision 1�y Lender wFll not affect Lender's right to declare Trustor En defaul�
<br /> and�a exercise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Reques��ar Notice. Trus�t�r, on beha��af Trus�ar and Lend�r, hereby requests that a capy of any Notice a�Default
<br /> and a copy of any Notice of Saf� und��this Deed❑f Trus� be mailed t❑them at the addresses set�orth in the firs�
<br /> paragraph of�his aeed��Trust.
<br /> AttarneYs' F�es. Expenses. I� Lender institutes any su�t ❑r acti�n tv enforce any o� the t�rrns ❑f this Deed o#
<br /> Trust, Lender shal� be entitled to reca�er such sum as the �ourt may adjudge reasonahle as at�orneys' fees at tr�a�
<br /> and upan any appeal. Whether ar not any court actian is in�olved, and t❑ the extent not p�-ohibi�ed by law, a[E
<br /> �easonab�e expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary a� any time for the prot�ct�on of its
<br /> interest or the enf�rcemen�o� its righ�s sha�� hecome a part of the Indeb�edn�ss payal�Ie on demand and shall bear
<br /> �nterest a��he Note rate from the date o�the expenditure until repaid. Expenses����red by�his parag�-aph inc�ude, �
<br /> uv�th�ut limitatian, howe�er subject to any �imits under applicable law, Lender's attorneys' �ees and Lender's legal
<br /> �xpenses, whether o� not there is a �awsuit, inc�uding a�tarneys' f�es and expenses for bankruptcy pra�eedings
<br /> �inc�uding effor-�s to madify ar�acate any autvmatic stay or injun�tion�, appeals, and any anticipated post--judgmen�
<br /> callectian s�r�ices, the c�st ❑� searching re�ards, ❑bta�ning ti�le reports �in�luding foreclosure reports�, sur�eyors'
<br /> reparts, and app�aisai fees, titie insurance, and �ees far the Trustee, tv the extent pe�mitted by applicable law.
<br /> Trustor alsa w�ll pay any cvurt casts, in addition to all other sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee sha��have a�l vf th� righ�s and du�ies of Lender as se�fvrth in�hi�sect�on.
<br /> P�VIIERS AN❑ DBL�GATI�NS �F�'RUSTEE. The folfowing prv�isians relating to�he pawers and ohligations of Trustee
<br /> are part o�this ❑eed vf Trust:
<br /> PQwers of Trustee. �n addition�v afl powers of Trustee arising as a ma�ter ot 1aw, Trustee shalf ha�e the pflw�r to
<br /> take the follawing actians with respect ta�he Pr�perty upon the wri�ten request af Lende�-and Trustvr: {a�jo�n in
<br /> preparing and filing a map ar p�at o� the Real Property, in�luding the dediGativn of stree�s ar ather rights ta the
<br /> public; 4b� �o�n in granting any easemen� vr creating any restriction on th� Rea� Praper�y; and {c} �o�n in any
<br /> subordinatian❑r other agreement affec�ing this Deed a�Trust or the interest of Lender under this i�eed of Trust. �
<br /> Trustee. Trust�e shali meet afl qual��icativns required fior Trustee under applicable law. !n addition tv the rights
<br /> and remedies set �or�h ahv�e, with respect to all o� any part of �he Property, the Trus�ee sha�i ha�e the right to
<br /> �arec�ose by notice and safe, and Lender wil[ ha�e the right ta �oreclose by judicial fore�losure, in ei�her case in
<br /> accardance w€th and tfl the fu�l extent pravided by app��cable �aw.
<br /> Successor Trus��e. Lender, a�Lender's �p�ian, may frvm�ime ta time appoin�a successo�Trustee t❑ any Trustee
<br /> app�int�d under this aeed �# Trust hy an ins�rumen� executed and ackn�wledged by Lender and recarded in th�
<br /> ��fice o� the recnrder of HALL County, S�a�e ofi Nebraska. The instrument sha�� cantain, in addition ta all ��her
<br /> matters required by state law, the names ❑f the origina! Lende�, Trustee, and Trustor, the �ook and page 4ar
<br /> computer system reference� where this D�ed of Trust is reco�ded, and the name and address of �he successa�
<br /> t�ustee, and the instrument shalt b�executed and acknowledged by a���he beneficia�ies under this Deed o#T�ust o�
<br /> their successars in interest. The suc�essor trustee, with�ut con�eyan�e o#the Proper�y, shall succ�ed to all th�
<br /> title, pawe�, and duties canferred upon the Trustee in�his ❑�ed of Trust and by applicable iaw. This procedure far
<br /> su�s�itution of Trustee shall ga�ern to the exclusian of al�other pra�isions for substitutian.
<br /> NDTICES. Any notice requEred tv he gi�en under this Deed vf Trus�, inciud�ng v►rithout �'rm�tativn any notice of default
<br /> and any notice ❑f sale shal! he given in writing, and shall he effecti�e when actually deii�ered, when actuaiiy received
<br /> by telefa�simil� �unless otherwise required by �aw}, when depasited with a natianally recogni�ed a�ernight courier, or, if
<br /> mailed, when depasit�d in�he United S�ates mai�, as#irs�class, cer�ified❑r reg�s�ered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed to
<br /> �he addresses shawn near the heginn�ng of�his B�ed vf Trust. AI� cvpies of natices vf farec�asure from the holder o�F
<br /> any lien which has privrity a�er this Deed of Trust shal� be sent to Lender's addrsss, as shawn n�ar the beginning vf
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust. Any person may change his ar h�r address fvr notEces under this Deed ❑f Trust by gi�ing �ormal
<br /> written no�ice �Q �he othe� person or persons, speci#ying tha� the purpose of the no�ice is to change the persan's
<br /> address. For not€ce purposes,T�rustor agrees ta k�ep Lender informed at a�� times of Trustor's curren�address. Unless
<br /> ❑therwis� pro�ided or required by faw, i#there is more than one Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender�❑ any Trust�r is
<br /> deerned to be n�tice gi�en ta alI Trustors. lt wili be Trus�or's responsibifity to tell�he others o�the nvtice f�vm Lender.
<br /> MISCELLANE�US PR�VISIflNS. The follvwing m�s�ellaneous pro�isians are a par�❑f�his Deed❑f Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. V`Jhat is writt�n in thEs Deed af Trust and in �he Refa�ted ❑ocuments is Trustor's entire agreement
<br /> with L�nder cvncerning the ma�ters co�ered by this aeed of Trust. T❑ be effecti�e, any �hange or amendment ta
<br /> this Deed af T�-ust must �e in writing and must be signed by whoe�er wi�l be b�und ar o�l�gated by th� change or �
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption headings in �his D�ed of Trust are far can�enience p�rposes only and are n�t ta be
<br /> used�a interpcet or define the pro�isions af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Merger. Ther� shall be no merger af the in�erest or es�ate Greated by this Deed of Trust with any other interest ar
<br /> estate in�he Praperty at any time held by ar for the bene�i�of Lender in any capacity, witha�rt�he written consent
<br /> o�Lende�r.
<br />