. ��14�445�
<br /> �3EE� �F ����`�
<br /> L�a� ��. '1�'1�77'��� {���3t��u�d� P�g� �
<br /> {a� Eifiher in pe�son ar by agent, with ar wi�hou� bringing any ac�ion or praceeding, or by a recei�er
<br /> appainted hy a court and without regard�o the adequacy of its securi�y, en�er upon and �ake possession
<br /> o��he Praperty, or any par��her�o�, in i�s own name or in the name of Trus�ee, and do any acts which i�
<br /> dee�s necessary or desirabie to preser�e the �a�ue, marketabili�ry or rentabili�y o��he P�operty, ❑r par�a�
<br /> �he Property or interest in �he Property; increase the incvme from the Property ❑r pro�ect the security ❑�
<br /> �he Property; and, with or wi�hout taking passess�on af the Property, sue �or ar otherwise collect -�he
<br /> renfis, issues and profi�s o�the Praperty, including �hose pa5t due and unpaid, and apply the same, �ess
<br /> cos�s and expenses o�ape�a�ion and co)�ec�rior�attorneys' fees,�o any�ndeb�edn�ss secured by�his �e�d
<br /> o� Trust, al� �n such o�der as L�nder may de�errnine. The entering upon and taking possession a� �he
<br /> Praper�y, the �ollection flf such ren�s, issues and profi�s, and the appIication thereof shall nat cure ❑r
<br /> wai�e any de�auit or not�ce��defaul� under this Deed af Trust ar in�alidate any acfi done in respanse�a
<br /> such de�aul�o�pursuan��❑su�h notice o�de�ault; and, no�withs�anding�he c�nt�nuance in possession o�
<br /> �he Property ar �he co��ec�ion, �eceip� and app�ication o� ren�s, issues or prvfitsf Trus�ee �r Lender shall
<br /> be entit[ed to exercise every r�gh��ra�id�d fior ��the fVote or the Rela�ed Do�uments or by�aw upon �he
<br /> occu�rsnce af any e�ent o�de�ault, includ�ng the right to exe�-cise the pvwe�of sal�;
<br /> 4b} Cammence an actian to �or�ciose this Deed of Trust as a mortgage, appoin� a receiver ar speci�ica�[y
<br /> en-�arce any of the covenants herea�; and
<br /> �cy ❑eli�e�-to Trustee a wr�tt�n decIara�ion o�default and demand �or sale and a written not�ce af de�ault
<br /> an� e�ec�ion�o cause Trustor's i€�teres�in�he Praperty to be sold, which notice Truste�shail c�use�a be
<br /> du9y fi�ed �or�ecord in�he apprapria�e a��ices of the Coun�y in which�he Prope��y is 9oca�ed; and
<br /> �d� 11Vith respec��a afl or any par�fl��he Personai Proper�ty� Lender shall ha�e �li�he righ�s and remedies
<br /> o�a secured par�y under the Nebraska Uni�a�m Commercial Code.
<br /> F���cl�s�r�hy P�r�r��o�5�1e. lf Lender e�ects�o�orec[ose by ex�rcise o��he Power o�Sale herein con�ainedf
<br /> Lender sha�l noti#y Trus�ee and �hall depasi� with Trus�ee �his �]eec� of Trust and the IVote and such receipts
<br /> ar�d evidence o�expenditures rr�ade and secured by this �eed a�Trust as Trustee may requ�re.
<br /> �a} �Jpon receipt o�such noti�e�rom ��nder, Trustee shal! cause to �e recarded, published and deli�ered
<br /> ta T'rustor such Noti�e af Default and Not�ce af Sale as then required hy �aw and by �his Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Trustee shall, withou� demand vn Trustar, af�er such time as may ther� be required by �a�v and ���e�
<br /> recorda�ion ��such I�o�ice af Default and after No�ice o� Sale ha�ing been gi�en as re�uired by �aw, se�l
<br /> �he Proper�y at �he time and p�ace of sa�e ���ed by i� in such Not�ce of 5ale, either as a who�e, �r in
<br /> separate luts or parce�s❑r items as Truste� sh�ll deem expedient, and in such arder as it may determine,
<br /> a� pubiic auction to the highest bidder�or cash in law�ul money a��he �ni�ed 5ta�es payab�e a�the�irne
<br /> o� sale. Trustee shal� deli�er ta such purc�aser or purchase�-s thereo� �ts good and su-���cient deed or
<br /> deeds con��ying the prnper�y sa sald, but wi�thou� any coWenant ❑r vvarran�y, express or impl�ed. �he
<br /> recita�s in such deed a� any matters or fac�s shal� be conclus��e prao� of the truth�ulness there4�. Any
<br /> person, inc�uding withou-�limi-�ation Trustor,Trus�ee, ❑r Lend�r, may purchase at such sa�e.
<br /> �b� As may be permi�ted by law, after deduc-�ing a�[ C�5�5r fees and �xpenses of Trus�ee and of� ��is
<br /> Trust, in��uding cos�s af eviden�e o��it�e in connec�ion wi�h sa1e,Trustee sha�l apply the proceeds a�s�le
<br /> �o paymen�o� 4i� aII sums exper�ded under�he�e�ms of�his Deed o�Trust vr under�he�erms of�he IVote
<br /> nv� then repaid, including �u� not �imi�ed to accrued �nteresfi and �ate charges, 4iiy a!I other sums �hen
<br /> sec�red hereby, and {iii} the remainder, i�any,tq the person or persans�ega��y entitled the�e�a.
<br /> �c} Trustee m�y in�he manner p�ovided by�aw p�stpone sale a��II or any portian�f�he �'r�per�y.
<br /> Rer�edies �Vo� �x�f�s���. Trus�ee and �ender, and each of �hem, shai� be er��i��ed �o en�flrce payment �nd
<br /> per�ormance ❑��ny indeb�edness or nb�igations secured by this Deed of Trust and tfl exercise all r�ghts arad powers
<br /> und�:r th�s ❑eed of�rust, under th� Note, under any of �he Rela�ed �ocuments, �r und�r any o�her agreemen� or
<br /> �ny iaws now o� herea��er in -�orce; no�wi�hstandEng, s�me or all of such indebt�dness and ab�igations secu�ed by
<br /> this De�d o�Trus� may now or hereafte� be otherwise secured, v�rhether by mo�tgage, deed o�trust, p�edge, i�en,
<br /> ass�c�nr�nent or otherwis�. Nei�the� the accep�an�e ❑� this Deed o� T�ust nor i�s en�orcement, whether �y cour�
<br /> ac�ion or pursuant �a the power o� sa�e ar��her powers �antained in this aeed �� Trust, shal� prejudice or in any
<br /> �nann�r a��ect �rus�ee's or Lender's righ� to �ealize upon or en�orce any o�her� secur��y r�ow or herea�ter he�d by
<br /> Tr�ste�or Ler�der, i�being agre�d th��Trus�ee and Lende�, and each❑�them,shall be enti�ied�o en�orce�his Qeed
<br /> o� Trus� �nd any v�her security now ar he�eaf�e� held by Lender or Trustee in such order and manner as they o�
<br /> eith�:r ❑f thern may in their absolu�e discret�on de�ermine. N❑ remedy con�erred upon €�r reser�ed to Trus�ee or
<br /> Lencler, is in�ended tv he ex�lusive o� any o�her remedy in t�is Deed o�Trus�❑r hy law pro�id�d ❑r�permit�ed, �u�
<br /> eact�E sha�� be cumula�i�e and shall be in addition �o e�ery other remedy gi�en �n �his ❑eed a-� Trus� a�- now or
<br /> here��ter��is�ing a�lavv ar in equi�y ar by statu�e. E�ery power or remedy given by the No�e or any o�th� ��la�ed
<br /> Docdamen�s �a Trus�ee or Lende� ❑r �o which either of �hem may b� o�herwise ent��led, �ay be exercised,
<br /> concurr�ntIy ar inde�endent}y, �rom time t� t�me and as of�en as may be deemed exped�en� by Trustee o�- Lende�,
<br /> �nd e�ther o� them may pursue inconsistent remed�es. No�h�ng in �his Deed o� Trus� sha!! be Gons�rued as
<br /> prahi�i�ing Lender�ram seeking �de�iciency�udgmen� against�he Trustor�tQ�he�x�en�such action is permi��e� by
<br /> i�w.
<br /> E�������� �� �e��d�es. �11 0� Lender's rights and remed�es wil� �e cumulative and may be exercised a�ane o�
<br />