� ��14�445�
<br /> i�EEC] �F ��L���"
<br /> L�ar� C�: '��1�?'7'!93 ����1���u�d� �ag� �
<br /> ��o�Q�� �f Ver�ue. i� there is a �awsui�, T�ustor agrees upan Lender's reques� to submi� ta the jurisdic�ian o� the
<br /> cour�:s of Ha�i County, S�ate of lVeb�-aska.
<br /> J�in� and 5evera� Liab�l��y. Ai] ob�i�a�ions ❑f Trustor under th�s Deed o� Trust shal� be joint and se��ra�, and al}
<br /> refe�E�nces �o Trustor shal� mean each and e�ery Trustor. This means tha� each Trustor signing below is
<br /> resptSnsih�e�or all abligations in th�s Deed of Trus�.
<br /> Al�l�Ja�ve�by Lend�r, Trustor understands Lender will not g�ve up any o�Lender's r�ghts under this Deed n�Trust
<br /> unle�,s Ler�der does so in wr�ting. The �ac� tha� Lender delays or �mits ta exercise an}� righ� w��� na� mean �hat
<br /> L�nder has gi�en up �hat right. �� Lender does agree in writin� to give u� ane o� Lender's �ights, �ha� d�es no�
<br /> mear3 Trust�r will nnt ha�e �o comp�y with the other pro�isions af th�s De�d af Trust. Trustar als� understands
<br /> tha� ifi �.ender does cans�nt to a reques�, that daes not rnean that Trustor �rii! na�t have to get Lender's cansen�
<br /> agair�i#�he situation happens aga�n. Trustor further-understands that�ust because Lend�r consents�o ane or mare
<br /> o� Tr�us�or's re�ues�s, tha� daes not mean Ler�der wil� be required �a consen-� to any a� T�'ustar's �u�ure requests.
<br /> Trus�tar wai�es presentrnent, demanc��c�r-�ayment, p�ates�, and not�ce af dishon�r.
<br /> 5�v��abal�t�. I� a court ��nds �ha� any pro�ision a� this �eed o� T�ust is no� �alid or should nat he en��rc�d, that
<br /> �ac� by �tsel�will no�mean�hat t�e rest o#this Deed a�Trus�wili no� be�alid or enfar�ed. There�are, a cour�wi��
<br /> en�o�-ce the rest of�the pra�isions ❑f this Deed of Trust e�en i€a pro�ision a��his �eed ❑�Trus�may be#ound to he
<br /> inva�id or unenfarceable.
<br /> ��c���ssc��� ar�d Ass�gns. Sub�ec��o any limita�ions stated in �his ❑eed of Trus� on �ransfer o# Trus�ar's �n�eres�,
<br /> �his Deed o� Trus� sha�� be binding upon and inure to �he benefit o� the parties, their successo�s �nd ass�gns. ��
<br /> ov�rn�:rship o�the Pr�perty becorr�es v�sted in a person oth�r than Trus�or, Lender, wi�h�ut no�ice to Trustor, may
<br /> deai with Trus�ar's successors wi�h reference to this �eed af Trust and�he lndeh�edness by way a�farbearance or
<br /> exter�sion withou�releastng Trus��r�rom�he oh�iga�ians ofi�h�s Deed❑f Trust vr liability under�he lnde�tedness.
<br /> �im���� ���i��E�sence. Time is�f the essence in�he performance af this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> �a���er ❑� Home��ead Exem�a���r�. Trustor here�y reieases and wa�ves all righ�s and benefi�s o� the h�mes�ead
<br /> exerr�p�ion f�ws o��he S�a�e nf Ne�raska as�o a!I lndebtedness seeured�y�his ❑eed a��rus�.
<br /> �EF�N�i'��?N�. The fol�awing words shal� ha�e�he fai�owing meanings when used in�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> �en���i��a�y. �he word "�enef�ciary" rneans Fi�� Points Bank, and �ts successo�s and assigns.
<br /> ��r�e�►�er. The word "Borrower" means Ange�a � �Illy�rs aka Angela �Vlyers an� Nathanie� L Myers ak� �a�hanie�
<br /> Mye�•s an�inc�udes a!I �o--signers and co--maker�s signing�he No�e and all�heir successors and assigns.
<br /> �Jee�� �f T��s'�. The wards "❑eed of Trust" rnean this �eed of Trus� among Trusto�, Lender, and Trus�ee, and
<br /> includes v+�i�haut limita�ian all assignment and security 9nterest provisions relating to the Personal Pr��erty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> E�v���o����tal Laws. The wa�ds "En�ironmen�al �aws" �nean any and al! s�a�e, federal and ��cal statu�es,
<br /> �egula��ans �nd ordinances re�a�ing t❑ �he pra�ectian a� human heal�h or the en�ironme��, including wi�haut
<br /> limi�<�tion the Camprehensi�e Env�ronmen�al Response, Compensa�ion, �nd Liabi�ity Ac� af 198�, as �m�n�ed, 42
<br /> �.5.C. 5e�tion 960�, et seq. 4"CERCLa"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauth�ri�ati�n Ac� o�f 7 98�, Puh. L.
<br /> �o. ��9-499 �"SARI-�"},�he Hazardous �ateria�s Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion 1801, et seq.,�he Resource
<br /> Cvn,�er�atian and RecoWery A�t, 4� U.S.C. Se�tion G3�'1, et seq., or othe�- appiicable state ❑r-�ed�rai laws, ruEes,
<br /> ar regulati�ns adapted pursuan�there�o.
<br /> ��e����af�e�aul�. �he w�rds "Even�o�Defau��" mean �ny o�the e�en�s o�de�aul�set�ar�h �n�h�s Deed of Trust�n
<br /> �he E:ven�s o�de�aul�section a�this Deed��Trust.
<br /> �a���rd�us ��bs�an��s. The w�rds "Hazardous Su�stances" rnean ma�eriafs �hatr �J2C�U5� o� �heir �uan�i-�y,
<br /> con�en�ra�ion or physical, chemica� ❑r infe��iaus char��teristics, may cause or pase � present or �v�en��ai �az�rd
<br /> t❑ hurnan heai�h�r�he enWironmen�when improperly �sed, �rea�ed, s�ored, disposed of, genera�ed, �anuf�c�ured,
<br /> �ran��po��ed ar o�herwise handled. The wvrds "Hazardaus 5ubst�nces" are used in�heir�ery �roadest sense and
<br /> include withou� lim€�a�ion any and �fl hazardaus ar toxi� substances, ma�eria�s or was�e as de�ined by ❑r lis�ed
<br /> und��r�he En�ironrnental Laws. The�erm "Ha�ardous Subs�ances" also includes, withvu�limitation, pe�rofeur� a�d
<br /> pet�oleur�by-produ��s or any fraction the�eo�and asbest�s.
<br /> ��p��av�€�en�s. The wor�d "[mp�-o�ements" means all existing and �u�ure �mpro�ements, bu�ldings, structures,
<br /> rnob�le horries a��ixed ar� �he Reai Pra�er-�y, ��ciii�iesf addit�ons, rep�acements �nd other canstru��inn on the Re�!
<br /> �'rope��y.
<br /> �r�de€�a��dneSs. T'he wvrd "indeb�edness" means aII principai, in�terest, and othe� amoun�s, cas�s �nd expenses
<br /> �ay��le unde� the IV�te or Rela�ed Documents, toge�her vtirit� ai� renewals o�, ex�ensians o�, madifications o�,
<br /> car��:aiida�ions o�and subs�itu�ions �or�he i�ote ❑r Related dacum�nts and any amounts expended �r ad�anced by
<br /> Lencler �o discharge Trus�or's o�liga��ons or expenses �ncurred by Trus�ee or Lender to �n�orce T�usta�'s
<br /> oblie3ations �nde� �hEs Deed a� Trus�, toge�her with in�eres� ❑n such amounts as pra�rided in this deed of Trust.
<br /> Spet�i��ca�ly, withou� limitation, lndebtedness ineiudes �he �uture advances set �or�h in �he �uture Ad�ances
<br /> provisaan o�this Deed a�Trus�, toge�her wi�h ali inte�est�hereon.
<br /> Len�ler. The �nrard "Lender�" means Fi�e Poin�s �ank, 6�s success�rs and ass�gns. The words "successors or
<br />