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<br /> Any appli�atiori of payme��ts, insut�ance proceeds, or 1Vl�sce��aneous Pt`o�eeds f:o pri�ci�aal d�.te unc�.�r��Ze Note
<br /> , shall no�ex�end o���os�pone��e due da�e, or cllar�ge�he a�oun�, of the Periodic Payir�ents.
<br /> " 3. Tunds for EsGrow Items. Bozirowei�shal�pay to Lender o�t�1e day Peri.oda�Paymen�s at•e due�.�nder the
<br /> � No�:e, un�z��he Note is pai�.it1 fu11, a sunz�t�1e'_'F`�.�nds"���pravide fo�paymen�of amoL�n�s�.ue For; (a}��xes
<br /> and assessrnents and o��aer i�eri�s vv�lic��.c�.ri att�.ir�priol ii:y ovez��h�s Sec�.�i ity�ns�r��ment as a 1i��or
<br /> � �ncum�arance o��he P��op�rtiy; �b} leasehald payments n�•grou�c�re�1�s on�he Pt-operty, rf an�r; (c}p�•etniu�s
<br /> for any and a�1 i�sut�a�ce t�eql�irec�by Lende�•un�.�r Se��ion 5; atld�d}Mortgage Insui:at�ce pr•emiums, if a�ay,
<br /> or a�y surns payab�e U�Borravver t�I.ae.nder i�llieu�f t�e payment of Mortgage It�surance�z•etniu�ns i��
<br /> �.ccordar�ce�vith i.he p�ovisions of Se��ion ��e These it�ems a�•e c�.11ed"�sc�o�v Ii.ems." 1�t origination or a� �
<br /> �.�Zy�ime durillg the term.of�he Loan, Lex�der may re�ti�i�e tha��ommurirt�r Assoc�a�ion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> .Assessments, if any� �ae es�ro�ed by Borrower, and such d�.es, fees and assessmet��s�h�11 be an Escrow
<br /> I�e�n. Bot�t ovver sh��1 promptly fi.��x�is���o Lender aI1 no�ices of amounl:s f;o be p�.i�.under�h�s Sectian.
<br /> I3ot rowe�•s�aa�I pay Le�der the Fu�ds For Escrow I�ems un�ess Lenc�e��wa�ves Bo�rower's ab�igation�o pay
<br /> �he F�.�n�s foz��.ny ot�all Esc��o�v Zteins, Ler�det�may waive Bort•ower's o�lr�;a�ron�o pay�o Lende��ru�ads fot•
<br /> an�r or a11 Es���aw�tems a�a�1y�xme. A�y such waiver�n�.y oi�ly l�e i���v�•i��ng. In���e e�er��of such waxver,
<br /> Ba�rowe�sha1l p�.y dit�e�tly, �vhe�l a��d�vhere paya��e, �he�.tl7aurats�.u�e for a�y��e�ov�I�e�ns for whic��
<br /> paymen�of Fun�s has��en waived by Lender and, if Lender rec��.�ires, s11�.T1 lut�nish�o Lendet•recefpts
<br /> eV��en���g such pay�nent�vi�hi�.sL�ch time period as Lenc�er�Z�ay require. I3orrowei's ob�ig�.tioil to n�ake
<br /> s��ch�aymeil�s and to provide re�eipts sha�l for al�purposes be deemed to be�.covenani:an�.�g1•ee�nen�
<br /> con�ai�ed in this Sec�:�tity Inst�•utne�n�, as��e pht�ase"co�e�an�and agreet��ent" �s t�sed in Sec�ion 9, Tf
<br /> Borrower is obligate�.�o��.y Escraw Items di�ectly, pursL�a�t t;o a wa�ver; �.nd Borra�ver fails i:a�ay�he
<br /> amot��1��ue for an Escrow I�en1, Le��der rnay exet�cise its��igla�s�.�.nder Sec�ian� and�ay sucl�amo�.�nt and
<br /> Bot•i•awer shall�11en be o�iigated under Sec�io�9 to�-epa��o Le�de�any suc11 ainou�at, �.�e�der may t'evalce
<br /> t11e v�a�ver as�o any or a�l Esc��ow��e�ns a�ai�y�ime by a no�ice given in a.ccordance wi�h Sectiotl �5 anc�,
<br /> upa�1 such revoc�.tion, Bot�rawe�shall p�.y�o Lenc�et�.�1 runds, �.nd iil such ai�nounts, t��at�.re�hen��equired
<br /> unde��this Sectian 3,
<br /> Lender m�.y, a�a�ly�iine, calle��a�d��o�d I'un�s i��a��amoLxn���.} suff�cient�o per��i�Let�.der to apply the
<br /> Fur�ds a��he txme specifiecl under�SPA, and�b}t1o��o exceed tl�e max��mum amotxn�a lend�i:can rec�uii�e
<br /> �.��der R.ESPA. Le�der sha�7 es�iina�e�he amo�.��nt o:C Fut�ds d��e on�he l��srs o�cu�•ren�dat�:aric���easonable
<br /> estimates aF expe���.i�ures of Fu�ure Esc�•o�v I�en�s or o�Ilerv�fse in accorc�a��ce with A�aplicable Lav�.
<br /> �`he Funds sha�1 be he1c�in arz i�st�����on w�lose de�osits at e insut e�.by a federal �:gency, i�stt�u��nen��:lity, or
<br /> erl�ity���.��ludii�g�ender, if Len�.�i�is�n��as�zt��i���v�r�iose depasi�s are so insL�t•�c�}or�n any F��.e��a1 Ho�ne
<br /> Loaxa.Banl�. Len�.er sha1�apply�he Fu��ds�o pay���e Esct°o�v T�ems��o lai:er tha��th��ime specifiec�undet�
<br /> RESPA. Len�er sha�l not charg�Borrov�er far holc�i��g�.��d apply��ng t�1e F�.��Z�.s, �nnL��.11y analyzing t�e .
<br /> esc��ow ac�aunt, or verifying�he Esct�ow If:ems, �.�nless Lellder pays Borrov�er�r�tet•es�on�he I`unc�s a��d
<br /> � Ap�1ic�.�le Lavv�ermits L���dex•�o xn�:1�e s�.�c1�a ch�rge. Unless at��.g�•eelnexat is�a��.de i���v���ti��g o��
<br /> Ap�1i�a�a�e Lav�req��res ii��eres��o l�e paid on the Funds; Len�e�sha��no�be rec�u�t•ec��a pay Borrowet•any
<br /> intet es�ar earni.ngs of1 t��e�`ux�ds. �3o�•rourer and Le��.e�•cata agree in vvriting, ho�veve�•, i:hat inter�s�sh�.tl be
<br /> pa�d o�1 tl�e ru�lds. Lender shall give��Borrov�er, wi�:hoL�t charge, a�an�nt�a1�.ccoun�i�lg�f the Fun�s as
<br /> 1'VC�U11 VC�V Y ����..a .
<br /> d
<br /> If the�e zs �.s�.�t�plus of I'ui�ds held in esc�'�W� as def�ne�t�nder RESPA, Le�ldei sha11 �ccoutl�ta Borrov�et�rat•
<br /> �Ile e�cess fu�1c��in accord�.�ce vvi��1 I�SPA. ���here is a s1�or��.ge oF I'unds�Zeld��.�scro�, as derined L�nder
<br /> RESPA, Lende��sha11 noi.�ry Bort ower as��ec�uit�ec�Uy RESPA, aX�d T3or�•ower shal�pay to Let1�e���11e�.�nou���
<br /> tlecessary to mal���.�p tl�e shor�age in�ccot•d�.�ce wii.h RT SPA, 1�u�.i�1�Zo mo��e�1�a�1 12 tnon�l�ly payr�le�ts. rF
<br /> thex�e�s �.c�ef�ciency af F��ds held in esct�ow,. as c�ef���ed�xnder R�CSPA, Le��.et�s�1�.1�no�ify Boi•i�ower as
<br /> 900352�67�T7 .
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaeJ�reddie Mac UNfFQRM INSTRUM�NT � Farm 3�28�1��
<br /> VM P p VM P6�NE��1�05�
<br /> V11v1fers Kluwer�'inancial 5ervices . page 5 af�
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