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<br /> ��equ�rec�by R.�GSPA, �.nd Bar�•�wer sha1��ay to Lender���e amoun�necessary f:o make up�fle deficiency��
<br /> . accot•da�ce�rith RESPA, U�.�.t in no n�ore��ian �2 mo�a�hl�r payments.
<br /> " �C1�po�pa����ent rn full ol�.11 sun�s sec�.ired�y�hYs Sec�.�ri��r��s�rumeni:, Lende�•sha11 promptly refund�o
<br /> + S�rrower any�'unds he�d by Let�der.
<br /> - 4�, Char'g�s; Liens. Ba��•o�et•shall pay a11�axes, assessments, charges, fi�es, �.n�imposi�io�s attribul:a�ale�o
<br /> ���e P�op�r�y,wh�c��Ga�1 a��ai��prior��y over�his Sec�ri�y Instrun�ent, �ease�lold payments or ground rents oi1
<br /> �he P�oper�y, if�.ny, a��d Carrmmur�ity Associ�.�iar�D�es, Fees, �.nd Assessments, iF any. To�11e exten��11�.�
<br /> �hese rtexns are Esc�•ow Iten�s, �3or�ovver sha11 pay�hem in the m�.ru�er pi�ovic�ed in Sectian 3.
<br /> Barrower sha��pr.omp�ly disc��arge a�y Iien vvhich has priot•ity ove�•�his Secut�ity Inst�ument unless
<br /> Borrower: �a�agrees i�.v�ri��ng�o i.he payme�.�of t�ie abliga�ior�secure�l�y��ie lien�n a ma���e�acc�pta��e
<br /> �o Le�der, �ut only so long �s�orrower is perfot�n��ng su�h�.greemen�; ��}contests the lzer�i�goad f�.i�h i�y,
<br /> or defer��s agains�enforCetl�.en�af t1�e l�e�.in, �egal pt�oceeding�wh�c��in Lendet�'s o��nion operate�o�t•event
<br /> � �he enforcement of�he�ien whxle t�hose p�•oceedi��gs a��e penditlg, bu�on�y u�ti1 such��•oceec�in�s a��e .
<br /> conc�t�ded; at•�c} secu�es from t1�e 1�o1de�~of�he�i�n an agt•een�ent s�.��sfac�ory to Le�.c�er subardit�a�it�g t1�e
<br /> �ie��o�11is Sec�.�r��y Instt�umen�. If Lende�c�e�et�nlines�1�a�any part of t11e Pt•ope�•ty rs s�.��;j ect to a��e�.whi�h
<br /> c�.n a��ain pr�ority ove�•this ��curi�y I��strumen�, �►e�der�nay g�ve Bori owei�a n����e�dentifying the 1iet1.
<br /> Within 1� d�.ys of the date on w�.ich that i�otic�xs given, Bar��ower shall satisfy�he lien or ta��e o���o�•more
<br /> of t11e actYons s���ortlz above ir��lzis Seci.io�14.
<br /> Lender rnay reqL��re I3or�•owe�to pay a o��e-��me cha�ge f�r a t�ea1 es�a�e�tax verificai.ion andlar report;i��g
<br /> service used b�r Letldet�i�conr�ec�ion v�ith�his Loan,
<br /> 5. Prope�ty 1 nsu ran�e, Borro�rel s1�a�l I�eep�.he itnpt•ovements�ovv existing o��l�ereaf�er�rec�ed o�a�he
<br /> Pt•ope��ty insured agains�loss��fire, hazards ii�cluded within�h��err�1"extendec�co�vet•age," anc�any o�1-�er
<br /> ha�ards includi�g, bi�t not rimi�ed�o, eat1�hqua��es a�d Floods; for whic�l Lende�t�eqL�it•es i�ns�.�rance. This
<br /> irisL��ra�.ce shall be mai��tai�ed in�l�e anaoL�n�s�rncluding c�educ��l�le�eVe1s� and fo��he periods t��at Lende�•
<br /> �•equires. �ha�Le�deX requires pL�t�su�.nt to�he�t•�cec�ing se�.�er�ces cail change dL�rzng�he�et in of the I�oan,
<br /> Tlie ins�:��•ance c�.�r�er�ro�idi�ng the itlsu�ance shall Ue Ghosen�y Lo�i��o�rer subj ec��o Letlder's right to
<br /> dis�ppl ove Bo�•��owe�'s clloice, whi�h t1ig11�s�1a1�nfl�be ex�rcisec��:��re�sona�b�y. Lendex•may rec�t�i�•e
<br /> Bn����owei��o pay, in connec�io��w��11 t��s Loa�, ��thet: (a} a one��im�charge fo�flood zone de�ermination,
<br /> cer�ification an�.�racl�Yng services; nr�U} a or�e,time chat�ge.for f�aad zane de�:et•mit�ation a�d ce��tification
<br /> se��ices and sL��sec�t�exit cha��ges e�.c11 time��exna�pings or�imila��chang�s ocGur u�l�ich reasonably rnigh�:
<br /> �.ffecti such dete�•mil�a�ion or ce�•tiir�catioil, Bario�vei•slaa�l also be r�s�onsi�le fo��he paymen�of a�y fees
<br /> ��nposec���the I`ederal E��ergeilcy Mataagen�en�Agency in conr�ection with�he rev�ew of any fload zo�.e
<br /> de��rminatio�resu�tin.g from ar�o�Uj ect�o��.Uy Bo��owet�.
<br /> If T3o���ov�er fails to main�ain�.ny of�he cove���.ges c�escribe�.a�bove, Le�c�er n�ay ob�;ai��i�surance co�ve��age,
<br /> a�Lendet�'s op�io��:n�.B�t•rower's ex�etlse, Lendet�is t�nder no obliga�ion�o purchase a.ny partic��laY�ype��•
<br /> �€�Z�oL�r��:o:f coVe��age. Therefot•e, suc�c�ve��age sha11 covet•Le�der, �t�1;�n�gh�o��xnig�i�no�pro�ect Borrower,
<br /> I3o�i owe�•'s equr#y i��the P�•ope���y, or t��e�on�ents of f:��.e P��oper��, agains�any rislf, hazat•�a�•liabili��r a1�d
<br /> ���ight provide grea��r or lesser coverage�hat�vv�s pt•eviaus�y in effect. �3o�t�owe�:a�l�nowle�ges���a�the eos�
<br /> of�h�insut•ance coverage so ob��.ined might s�glltfica���1y��cee�t�1e cost o�C it�s�.tr�.�lce���at Borrov�et•co�i�d
<br /> h�.ve ob�a��e�.. Any�x��ol�n�s dis�u�se�.b�L�nc�e�°u��er t1�s Sec��o�15 sh�.11 became adc�itiana�del�t of
<br /> Bor��owet'SeClt�'�C�Uy��115 S�CU1.�ity Tnstt�ume�.�. These ar�lounts s�za11 l�ear x�a�et�esi.�.t t��e Not�ra�e fi•om��e
<br /> da�.e o��is�L�rsemen�at�d sh�.I��e pa�r�.b1e, Wi��1 SLiC�1]f7:t�l.�est, U�]���1 I7��1C�fI DI71 LE�IC��I��o Bo�•�iowe�•
<br /> �•ec��.�es�ing paymet�i:.
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<br /> VMP(Q vM P6�N�}�1105�
<br /> Walfers K{uw�r Financial 5ervices Page 5 af�
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