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��14�435� <br /> Inspe�tion. Lender or i�s agen� may mak� reasonab�e entries upon and insp�c�i�ns of�he �'roperty. Lender sha�1 <br /> give Barro�v�rer no�ice a��he t�me of�r priar�fl an�nspec�i�n sp���fying reasonable cause for�he i.nspec�ron. <br /> Candernnation. The proceeds of any award or c�axm far damages, direct or consequent�a�, in connect�on with any <br /> condemna�ion or other�aking of any par� of the Proper�y, or f�r �on��yance in �ieu of condemna��on, are hereby <br /> ass�gn�d and sha1�be paid�a Lender. <br /> �n the event �f a�a�al �aking af�he Proper�y, �he pr�ceeds shall be appl�ed�a �he sums secured�y �ixs Security <br /> Instrumen�, whether or no� �hen due, with any excess paid �o Borrower. In �he �vent of a par�za� �aking of the <br /> Proper�y in v�hich the fair marke� �a�ue of�h� Proper�y imm�d�ately befare�he taking is equa��o or grea�er�han <br /> the amaun� of�h� sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen� immediately before �he takir�g, unless Borrovver and <br /> Lender otherw�se agre��n�ri��ng,�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y�nstrumen�shall be reduced by�he amaunt of <br /> �he proceeds mul�ip��ed by the frac�ian: �a��h�t�ta1 amoun�af�he sums �ecured imm�diate�y befare the <br /> taking, divided by �b3 �he faix mar�et value of�h� Pr�perty �m�mediate�y before�he �aking. Any balance shall be <br /> paid�o Borro�ver. �n the event of a partia� taking of�he Properry in which�he fair market value of�he Property <br /> �mmediately befor� �h� taking �s �ess �han the amoun� af�he sums s�cured immediately before �he �ak�ng, unless <br /> Barrower and Lender other��se agr�e in writing Qr un�es�Applicab�e La�v o�herv�ise pra��des, �he proceeds shall <br /> b�applied�o the sums secured by th�s Securrty�ns�.rument whe�her or na��he sums are�h�n due. <br /> rf the Praperry is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after no��ce by Lender�� B�rrower that the co�demn�r offers�o <br /> make an avvard or set��e a�1aim f�r damages, Barr�vv�r fails to respond�a Lender w��hin�he m�nimum number af <br /> days es�a�lished by App��cab�e Law after the da�e the noti�e is g�ven,Lender�s autharized to collec�and app�y the <br /> pra�eeds, at i�s op��on, either to res�arat�an or repair of�he Property ar �o �h� sums s�cured by this Security <br /> �nstrument,�vhether or not�h�n due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in writxng, any applicat�on of pro�eeds to�pai shall n�t ex�end <br /> or p�stp�n��he due date af the paymen�s du�under th��ontract�r change�he amaunt of such paym�n�s. <br /> Barrovver No� Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wa�ver. Ex�ens�an of �he time for paym.�n� or <br /> m�dif��a�i�n of amor�iza�ion of tihe sums secured by this Secur��y �nstrument �,ender ta Borrov�er or <br /> any successor in interest of Barrawer shall na� operat� �o re�ease the 1iab��ity of the or�g�na� Borrower or <br /> Barrovc�er's successors in in�eres�. Lender sha11 not be required to comrnence proceedings agains�any successor�n <br /> in�erest or refuse to ex�end time for paymen�ar a�herwise m�dify amor��zatian flf�he sums se�ured�y this Security <br /> �nstrument by reason of any demand made by �he orig�na� Borrower �r Borrower's successars �.n interes�. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerc� any righ� or remedy sha�l not be a waiver of or pre�lude �he exercise of any <br /> righ��r remedy. <br /> Su�cessors and Assign� Bound; Joint and Se�eral Liab�Ix�y; Accommadatian Signers. The covenan�s and <br /> agreemen�s of this 5ecurity Instrumen�shal�bind and benefi��h� su�cessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> sub�ect t� �he prav�si�ns of section �itled Transfer of the Proper�y ar a Beneficral Interest �n Borrower. <br /> Barrower's co�renan�s and agreemen�s shall be join�and se�reral.Any person whfl co-s�gns th�s S�curx�y Ins�rumen� <br /> but has no persanal ��ability under �he �ontra�t �"Ac�ommoda�ion Signer"}: �a} is ca-signing th�s Se�ur�ty <br /> �ns�rum.ent only �a mor�gage, gran� and con�ey �hat Accomm�da�ion Signer's in�erest in �he Proper�y under the <br /> tenms of the Security Ins�rument; �b} �s no� persona��y obligated tn pa� the sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rument; and��} agr�es tha�L�nder a.nd any ather Borrovver may agr�e to�xtend,modify, farbear or make any <br /> accommodations with r�gard�o the�erms of�his Security�ns�rumen�or�he�on�ra�t withaut�hat Accommodation <br /> S�gner's consent. <br /> Loan Charges. If�he loan secured by �his Secur�ty rnstrumen� �s su���ct �o a �avv which sets xnax�mum Ioan <br /> charg�s, and�ha�lavv� is final�y�n�erpre�ed sa that�he interes��r o�her�oan charges col�ected or to�e cflllected in <br /> c�nnec�ion �w��h �he loan exceed �he perm�tted �imi�s, �hen: �a} any such �oari charge shall be r�duced by �he <br /> am�unt necessary ta reduce�he charge�a th�permit�ed �im��s and�b} any sums a�read��ollec�ed from Bflrrawer <br /> wh�ch exc�eded permit�ed �imits will be refunded �a B�rrower. L�nder may choose �a make �his refund by <br /> reduci.�.g �he principal awed under the �on�ract or by making a direct paymen��o Borrovver. If a refund reduces <br /> principal,the reduc��on wi���ae trea�ed as a par�ia�prepayment under�he Contra��. <br /> Noti�e�. Any no�ice �o Bnrro�ver pravided far �n this Security Instrumen� sha1X be g�ven by de�ivering it or by <br /> mailing it by firs�class ma��un�ess App��cab�e Law r�quires use of ano�her method. The natice shall be directed�o <br /> �he Proper�y Address ar any o�her addr�ss Borrovc�er designat�s b}�notice to Lender. B�rrower agrees �o provide <br /> Lender with Borr�v�c��r's m�s� current ma�l�ng address, as i�may change from�ime-to-time. Any notice to Lender <br /> sha11 be gi��n by f�rst class nzai�to Lender`s address s�ated here�n�r any other addr�ss Lender designat�s�y notice <br /> �o Borr�wer. Any no�ice provided far�n this Secur��y�shall be deemed�o have�een g�ven to Borrovver <br /> or Lender when given as pra�ided in�his paragraph. <br /> Go��rning Law; Se�erab�ixty.This Secur�ty�nstrument shall be governed�y federa�law and�he Iaws of the sta�e <br /> of Nebrasl�a. �n �he e�en��ha� any prov�s�an or clause of this Security �ns�rumen� �r t�e �ontract conflic�s w��h <br /> App�icable La�, su�h confl��� shall not affe�� o�h�r pro��sxons of�his Se�ur�ty Ins�rum�n� ar�he �ontrac�whi�h <br /> can be given effect vvithout the conflicting provision. To this end the prfl�isians�f this Security�nstrument and�he <br /> Contract are declared to be severable. <br /> Borrawer's�apy.Borrower shal�be given one copy of�h�s Se�ur�ty��. <br /> Transfer of the Proper�y or a Benef�cial Intere�t in Borrower. �f aI�or any par�of the Proper�y or any interes� <br /> in it is so�d ar transferred �or if a beneficia� in�erest in Barrower is sald �r transferred and Barrower is no� a <br /> natural persorz� vvi�haut L�nder's pr�or wr�t�en consen�, Lender may, a� i�s flp�ion, require immedia�e payment �n <br /> Q 204�-24i3 ComplianGe 5ystems,Inc.9F�5-7C24-2413L2,�,721 <br /> Cvnsumer Real Escate-Securtty Instrument DL2�36 Pa�e 3 af 5 <br />