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��14�435� <br /> fu�� �f a�� sums secur�d by th�s Secur�ty �nstrument. However, �h�s aptzon sha�� not be exercised by Lend�r �f <br /> exerc�se�s prohibi�ed by federa�law as�f�he date of�his Security�nstrument. <br /> zf Lender exerc�ses this op�ion, Lender shal� gxve Borrower notzce of acceleration. The notice shal� pravzde a <br /> perxad of not �ess than�he minimum number of days established by Appl��able Law fr�m �h� date th� no��ce is <br /> deliv�red �r ma�Xed wi�hin which Borr�wer must pa� aI� sums secured by �h�s Securz� ��men�. �f Borro�ver <br /> fai�s to pay these sums prior�a th� e�p�.ra�ion af�his per�od, Lender�m.ay �nv�ke any remedies permit�ed by th�s <br /> Securzfiy Znstrument wi�hout fur�her no���e nr demand on Barr�vver. <br /> Borrovver's R�ght �a Reinsta�e. Zf Borr�v�er m�ets certazn cand��xons, �onrawer shall hav� the right to have <br /> enforcement of th�s Security Instrument d�scontznued a� any time prz�r to th� ear��er nf: �a� 5 da�s �or such ather <br /> peri�d as Applicab�e Law ma�specify for rexns�atemen��before sale of�he Property pursuant��a�y power of sa�e <br /> conta�ned in �his Secur�ty �nstrument; or �b� e�.try �f a judgmen� enfor�ing this Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Those <br /> candztzons are �ha� Borravver: �a� pays Lender a1I sums wh�ch �h�n wauld be due under �his Securxty �nst�rument <br /> and��ie�ontract as if no a�celeration had accurred; �b}cures any defauXt of any other�ovenants or agr�ements; (c} <br /> pays a�l expens�s zncurred in enf�rc�ng this Securi�y Instrument, �ncXuding,bu�not limited t�,reas�nab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to�he extent permitt�d by law; and�d��akes such act�on as Lender may reasanab�y requ�re t� assur�that the <br /> �xen of�his Secur�ty�nstrument, Lender's r�ghts in�he Property a�.d Barrovver's obligation t�pay�he sum.s secured <br /> by th�s S��ur�ty Instrum.ent shall �antix�ue unchanged. Up�n re�nsta�ement b� Borravv�r, th�s Secur�ty �nstrument <br /> and�he ob��gat�ons secured hereby shall remaua. fu��y effective as xf no a����eratian had �ccu�red. However, this <br /> right to re�nstat�sha�I nnt app�y��.�he case nf acc��erat��n under�he section tit�ed Transfer nf�he Prop�rty or a <br /> Benefi�ia�In�erest zn Borrower. <br /> I3az�rdous Substances. Borrawer sha�l not cause or perm�t�he presence,use, disposai, s�orage, ar r��ease of any <br /> Hazardous Substan�es�n or zn�he Property.B�rrovv�r shall not do,nor all�w anyane else to do, any�hing affe�ting <br /> �he Prop�rry �hat is in v�ola�ion af any Environmen�al LavW. The preceding two sen�ences shall no� apply t� the <br /> presence,use,or st�rage on�he Property af smaX�quant�ti�s of Ha�ardaus Substances that are general�y recogn��ed <br /> to be appropr�a�e�o normal residen�xa�uses and to mazxztenance of�he Property. <br /> Borr�Wer shall promp��y giv�Lender wr�tten notice of any znvestiga�ian,cla�xn, demand,lawsui�or o�her acti�n by <br /> any gov�r�men�a� �r regula�ory ag�ncy or private party in�ol�ing �he Praperty and any Hazard�us 5ubstance or <br /> Env�ronmental Lavv af v�hich Borrawer has actuaX knawledge. If Borrawer �earns, or �s no�if ed by any <br /> governmental or regu�a�ory au�harity,tha�any rerr�ova�or ather rem�diat�oza of any Ha�ardous Substance affec�xng <br /> �he Pr�per�y �s necessary, Borrower shal� promptl� �ake a�� ne�essary remedzaX ac��ons in accordance v�r�h <br /> Environmenta�Law. <br /> As used �n�his paragraph, "�azardous Subs�an�es" are those substances defxned as t�x�� or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by Environmental Law and the fal�owing substances: gaso��n�, kerosene, o�her flammab�e ar toxic petra�eum <br /> praduc�s, t�x�c pestrcxdes and h�rb�c�d�s, vola�ile so��ents, mater�a�s c�ntain�ng asbes�os or formaldeh�d�, a�d <br /> radioacti�ve ma.t�rials.As used zn this paragraph, "En�iranmenta�Law"means federal Iav�rs and laws of the state�f <br /> Nebraska that relate�o h�al�h,safety or env�ronmen�al pro�ect�on. <br /> Acc�lerationq Remedies. Lender sha�� give nat�ce to Borrovt�er prior to ac�e�era�ion follow�ng �orrower's <br /> br�a�h of any co��nant or agreement xn this Security Ins�rum�nt or�h�Contrac�under wh�ch a�celerat�on <br /> is pe�-mi��ed �but not pr�or ta acce�era�ian und�r�he sec��an ��t�ed Transf�r of the Proper�y or a Benef�cia� <br /> Inter�st �n B�rrower, un�ess Appl�cab�e Law provides otherw�se}, The not�ce shall 5p�c�fy: (a} the defaul�; <br /> �b� the acti�n requ�red to �ure the defau�t; [c� a date, not Zess than the m�nimum number of days <br /> estab��shed by Applicab�e Law frflm the da�e the notice is g��en �o Barrower, by�h��h the defauI�must be <br /> cured; and ��} that fa�lure �o cure the default �n �r before �he date spe��f��d �n the notxce may resuZt in <br /> aecelerati�n of th� �ums se�ured by th�s Securi�y Instrument and sale of the Property. T� th� extent <br /> pern�a�tted by �aw, the �ot�ce shall further inform Borrower of�he r�gh�to r��nstate af�er acce�eration and <br /> �he r�ght�o br�ng�court action to as�ert the non-existence af a defau�t�r any other defense of B�rrower�o <br /> accelera��on and sale. If the default is not cured on or before �he date �pec��ed in the n�t�ce, LendQr at �ts <br /> opti�n may require �mm�diate payment in fu�l of a�Z sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrurnent v��thout <br /> further dem�nd and may invoke the power of sale and any �ther remed�es permitted b� Applicab�e Law. <br /> To the exten� perm��ted by �aw, Lender shall be enti��ed to coliect aIl expens�s �ncurred in pursuing the <br /> remed�es prov�ded i� �h�s Secti�n, in�Iuding, but no� �im�ted to, reasonable attorneysT fees and co�ts of t�tle <br /> ev�d�nce. <br /> If the povv�r of sal� is in�oked, Trustee siaa�� record a not��e af defau�t in ea�h county in wh��h any gar�of <br /> the I�roperty �s l��a��d and sha�l mail�opies of such no��ce �n the mann�r pres�r�bed b�Applicable Law tv <br /> Borrower and to the ather persons prescribed �y App�i�able Law. After th� t�me requ�r�d by App���a�Ie <br /> Law, Trustee sha�l g�ve pubi�c na�ice of sale �� the persons ar�d �n the manner prescr�bed by A.pp��cable <br /> Law. Trus�e�,w��hou�demand on Borrower, sha��5e1�the Proper�y at publ��auction to �he highest b�dder <br /> ��th�time and plaGe and under the�erms des�gna�ed in the natice of s�le in one or more parcels and in any <br /> �rd�r Trus��e determines. Trust�e ma� p�s�pone sa�e of a�� or any parcel of the Property by pubi�c <br /> annvunc�ment a�the trme and place of any prev�ous�y sGhedu�ed saXe. I,ender�r�ts des�gn�e may purch�s� <br /> the Praperty at any sale. <br /> Upo� rece�pt of payrnent of the pr�ce bid, Tru�tee shall del��er to �h� purch�5er Trustee's deed �on�eying <br /> the Prop�rty. The re�itals �n the Trustee's deed sha�x be pr�ma facie ev�dence of the tru�h of the statements <br /> made �herei�. Trustee sha�l apply the pro�eeds of the sa�e �n the fo��owi�g order: �a} to a�I cost� and <br /> expenses of exerc��ing �he power of sale, and the sa�e, in�Iud�ng the pa�ment�f the Trustee's fees actualiy <br /> C�2dQ4-2�I3 CompIiance Systems,Inc.9F96-7C24-2Q i 3L2.fl,7Z 1 <br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Se�urity Instrument DL203� Pa�e 4 of 5 www, <br />