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��14�435� <br /> Applicable Law. As used in this Security Instrumen�, �he term "Appl�cab�� Law" shall xx�.ean a�� �ontralling <br /> applrca��e federal, state and �ocal statu�es, regu�a�ions, ordinan�es and adxz�.inistrative ru�es and arders �that have <br /> the effec�af�av��as well as a�I app��cab�e final,non-appealab�e judicial apin.xons. <br /> �harg�s; L�ens. Borrower sha�l pay a�� taxes, assessments, char�es, fnes and imposi��ons attri�utab�e �a the <br /> Prop ert�which may attain prior��y over thzs S ecur�ty Ins�rum�nt, and �eas eha ld p ayments ar ground ren�s, �f any. <br /> A��he reques�of Lender,Barrav�er shal�prampt�y furn�sh to Lender r�ceipts�viden��ng the payments. <br /> Borr�v�er sha�� prompt�y dxscharge any Iien vvh�ch has pr�orzty over th�s Securifiy �ns�rument un�ess Borrower: �a} <br /> agrees in wr�ting �o the payxnent of the ab��ga�ion secured hy �he ��en zn a mann�r acGeptal�Ie ta Lend�r; �b} <br /> con�es�s in good fai�h �he ��en by, or def�nds aga�r�.st enforcemen� af tihe ��eri in, Iegal praceedings which in the <br /> Lender's opin�an opera�e �o pre�en� the enf�rc�ment of the Iien; ar �c� secures from the h��der of the �xen an <br /> agreement satisfac�ory to Lender subardi.nating the �ien�o this Securi��nstrument. �f Lender determ�nes�hat any <br /> part of the Pr�per�y is subj�ct�o a lzen which may at�a�n przori�y o�er this Securxty znstrume�.t, Lender may give <br /> • Borrower a notice �dentify�ng th� �ien. Bflrrower shall sa��sfy the l��n or take one or more of�he actzons set far�h <br /> abo�e within ��days of th�giving af natice. <br /> Hazard or Property InsuranGe. Borrower shaX��eep the �mprovements n�w exxst�ng or here�fter erected fln�he <br /> Prnperty�nsured against loss�by f r�,hazards zncluded w�thin the term"ex�ended caverage" and any�ther hazards, <br /> includzng floods or floodzng, for which Lender requ�res insurance. This insuran�e sha1l be mainta�n�d �n �he <br /> am�unts and for the periods tha�Lender requ�res. The insurance carrier pro�id�ng the insurance shall be�hosen by <br /> Borrower sub�ec� ta Lender's appro�a� wh�ch shal� na� be unreasonab�y withheld. �f Borraw�r fa�ls �o mai.�.tain <br /> co�erage described above, Lender may, at L�nd�r's optz�n, obta�n �overage to protec� Lender's righ�s in �he <br /> Property�.n a�c�rdance with sec�ion tz���d Protect�on vf Lender's Rights�n the Property. <br /> A�l insurance policies and renewals sha�� �e accep�a�le to Lender and shal� rnclude a s�andard mor��age c�ause. <br /> Lend�r sha��ha�e the rzght to hold the p��zcies and renevva�s. zf Lender requires, �arrav�er sha.��promptly give�o <br /> Lender aIl receip�s of pazd pr� and renev�ai n��ices. In the e��n��f l�ss, Borrower sha�l gi�e prompt not�ce <br /> �o the insurance carrxe�and L�nder.Lender may make proaf of Ioss�f not mad�pr�mp�ly by B�rrawer. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree zn v�r��zng, �nsuranc� proceeds shall be ap��red �o r�stora�i�n ar <br /> repa�� of the Proper�y damaged, �f, zn Lender's sole d�scretion, the res�aratian or repa�r is ec�nomxca�Iy feasible <br /> and L�nder's security xs n�� �essened. �f, �a. Lender`s sole discre�xan, the r�st�ratian or repair zs zaot ecanom�cal�y <br /> feas�ble or L�nder's se�urity w�u�d be lessened,the�nsurance pro�eeds shal�be applzed�o�he sums secur�d by�his <br /> Secur�ty �nstrum�n�, wh�ther or na� �hen due, with any excess pa�d tn BQrrower. rf B�rrower abandons the <br /> Praper�y,or does nat answer v���hin the num�er�f days prescribed by App�zcab�e Law as se�far�h zn a n���ce from <br /> L�nder to Barrower�hat�h� �nsuranc� carr�er has offered to se�t�e a clarm, th�n Lender may col�ec��he insurance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the praceeds to repazr or res�tire the Praper�y �r to pay sum.s secured by�his Security <br /> �nstrumezat,whether or not then due.The period�f��me for Borrower�o ans�er as set forth in�he notice v�r���beg�n <br /> v�hen the n�ti��is give�.. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrower othez�vvise agree irz�ri�ing, any appizca�z�n�f pra�eeds ta prxn��pal shal�not ex�end <br /> or postpone the due date of th�pa�ments due under the �ontrac�ar change the amoun�of the paymen�s. �f under <br /> the s�Ctian txt�ed Acce�eration; Remed�es, the Praper�y �s acqu�red by Lender, Barrflwer's right t� any �nsurance <br /> polic�es and proceeds resul��ng from da�nage to the Praperty pri�r t� �he acquxsi�7on shall pass �o Lender to the <br /> ex�en�of the su�ns secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrum�n�immedza�eiy przor to�h�acqu�s���on. <br /> Preser�at�an, �Vla��tenance and Protection of the Property; �3orrow�r's Loan App��cation; L�aseho�ds. <br /> B�rrnv�er�ha��not destroy, damage or zmpa�r the Prop�r�y, al�aw the Prop��.y t� deteriora�e, or commit waste on <br /> �he Prop�r�y.B�rrow�r sha��be�n d�fault if any f�rf�xture act�on or proceeding,whether civil or�rzmina�,�s begun <br /> tha� i� Lender's gaod fa�th�udgment cou�d resul� �n forfe�ture of the Proper�y or ath�rwise ma�er�a�ly zmpair the <br /> I�en created by �h�s Secur�ty Znstrumen� �r Lender's secur�ty in�er�st. Bor�rower may cure such a defaul� and <br /> re�ns�a�e, as provided�n s�c�ion ti�led Borrower's R�gh� t� Re�nstate, by caus�ng the ac�zon ar proceed�ng�o be <br /> dxsmxssed v�i�h a ruling tha�, in Lender's gaod fazth d��ermina�ion,preclud�s forfeiture of the Borrower's interest�n <br /> �he Praperty or other material impazrment of the I�eza created by thzs Secur�ty �nstrumen� �r Lender's security <br /> �nteres�. Borr�vver shall also be in defau�t zf Borrower, during the Ioan appl�ca��on pr�cess,gave materia�Iy fa�se or <br /> �nacc�rate rnforma�ron or s�atemen�s to Lender �or failed to prov�de Lender wz�h any ma�eria� informat�on} in <br /> c�nn�ction v�i�h the loan e�iden�ed by the C�ntra��. �f�hxs Secur��y Ins�runr�en� xs an a leasehald, Borrower sha�l <br /> comply v��th al�the pro�is�ons of the Iease. �f Barr�wer acquires fee�r�Ie to�he Proper�y,the leasehold and the fee <br /> title sha�l no�merge uniess Lender agrees ta�he merger�n wr�ting. <br /> Prat�ctiaz� of L�nder'� Rights in the Prflperty. �f Borr�w�r fa��s to perform �he cnvenants and agreemen�s <br /> con�aX.ned in�his Secur�ty Instrument, �r there �s a�egal praceedinb that may signif�can�ly affect Lender's rights in <br /> �he Pz�pex�y �such as a praceeding zn bankruptcy, pro�ate, for condemna��on or forfe�ture ar �a enforce �aws or <br /> regulat�ans�, then Lender may do and pay for whatever zs necessary to �ro�ect the value of the Praper�y and <br /> Lender's r�ghts�.the Proper�. Lender's actions may�nc�ude payi.r�g any sux�.s se��red�by a��en wh�ch has pr�ori�y <br /> over�his Securx�y�ns�rum�n�, appear�ng in cour�,paying reasanab��attorn�ys'fees and entering an the Property�o <br /> z�.ake repairs.Al�h�ugh Lender ma��a�Ce action under�hzs sec�x�n,Lender does nat have ta da so. <br /> Any amounts disburs�d by Lender under th�s section shall be�ome additional deb� of Borro�uer secur�d by this <br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Unless Borrower and Lender agr�e �o o�her �erms of payment, �hese amaun�s shal� bear <br /> �nterest from �he da�e of d�sbursemen� at the same rate assessed on ad�ances under �he Contra�t and shall be <br /> payab��,with xn�erest,upan natice fram Lender ta Bnrrov�er request�n.g paymen�. <br /> m 2004-2Q 13�ompliar��e Systems,Inc,9F95-7C24-2fl 13L2,�,'721 <br /> ConsuFner Real Estate-Secur�ty Instnarraent DL2�36 Page 2 oF 5 tivww.campliar�cesystems,com <br />