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��14�4193 <br /> ��E�3 �F T�LJ�T <br /> Lvan iVo: �7�����93 �G�nt[nu�d} Pag� 3 <br /> cove�-ages wi[[ not be canGelled or diminished �rvithout at least ten �1�} days prior wri�ten na�tice �o Lender. Each <br /> insuranGe policy also shal� inc[ude an endvrsemen� pro��ding tha� �ove�age in �a�or vf Lender wi[[ not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, om�ssion or defauff of Trustor or any other persvn. Should �he Rea� Property be [ocated in <br /> an area designated by th�Admin�strator of the Federal Emergency lUlanagement Ag�ncy as a special f�ood hazard <br /> area, Trustor agrees ta obtain and ma�n�ain Federal Flood �nsurance, if a�ai[ab�e, �or -�he maximum amvunt of <br /> Trustor's credi� line and�h�fu[� unpaid principa[ ba[ance v�any prior liens on the property securing �he Caa:n, up to <br /> fihe ma�cimum policy�imi�s set under the Natiana� Flood [nsurance Program., or as otherwise required E�y Lender, and <br /> fia maintain such insurance for�he�erm of the loan. <br /> App�icativn of Proceeds. Trustar sha�l prvmptly notify Lender o�any foss or damage to �he Proper�y. Lender may <br /> make proaf o�F loss if Trustvr fails to do so within �Fif�e�n {��} days of the casualty. 1Nhether or not Lender's <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's eIect€an, recei�e and retain �he proceeds vf any insurance and apply <br /> the proceeds to �he reduction o�the [ndebtedness, payment o� any lien affecting the Property, or the restora�ion <br /> and repair of the Property. �f Lender elec�s to app[y�he proceeds fio restoration and repair, Trustor shal[ repair or <br /> rep[ace the damaged or des�royed ImproWem.en�s in a manner satisfactory to Lend�r. Lender shall, upon <br /> safisfac�ory proof of such expenditur�. pay or reimburse Trustor trom �he proceeds for the reasonable cas� of <br /> repair or res�oration if Trustor is no� in de-�ault under this Deed �f Trust. Any pro���ds which ha�e not been <br /> disbursed within '[8Q days atter their receipt and whi�h Lender has not committed to the r�pair or restaration of <br /> the Prvperty sha11 �e used first fio pay any amoun� o�rvEng tfl Lender under this Deed of Trus�, then to pay accrued <br /> in�erest, and �he remainder, if any, sha[! b� app�ied to the prineipa! balance of-the [ndel�fiedness. If Len�er halds <br /> any proceeds a�ter paymen� in �ull o� �he lndebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid ta T�-usfior as Trustor's <br /> in�erests may appear. <br /> Gvmpliance with Existing lndebtedness. During �he per�ad in wh�ch any Existing Endeb�edness described below is <br /> in �ffect, cvmpliance w�th the insurance pro�isions contained in the instrument �videncing such Existing <br /> lndeb�edness shall constitute compliance with �he insurance pro�is�ons under this Deed o�F Trust, to the extent <br /> compliance wi�h the terms of this D�ed of Trus� wvuld c�ns�i�ute a dupf�cation o� insurance �equirement. �f any <br /> prviceeds from the insurance h�come payable on loss, �f�e pro�isians in th�s Deed of Trus�for di�ision vf proceeds <br /> shall apply only to tha�portion of the proceeds not payable to the holder o€the Existing �ndeb�edness. <br /> LENDEF�'S EXPENDlTURES. Ifi Trus�or �ails �A} to keep �h� Property free o� all taxes; [iens, secur�ty in�er�sts, <br /> encumbran�es, and other claims, {B3 to pro�ide any �-equired �nsurance on the Prvperty, �C} to make repairs to the <br /> Proper�y vr ta comply witF� any ab�igafiian to maintain.Ex�sting lndebtedness in gaod stand�ng as required beiow, then <br /> Lender may d� so. lf any a�tion o� proceeding is commenc�d that wou�d materialiy af�ec� Lender's �nterests in the <br /> Prvperty, �hen Lender on Trustor`s hehalf �nay, but is no� required �o, take any action tha� Lender believes to be <br /> a�prvpr�at� �o protect Lender's interests. Ali expenses �ncurred or paid by Lender for such purposes v+iill then bear <br /> interes� at the rate charged under the Credit Agreemen� �ram the date incurred vr paid �y Lender to the date of <br /> repaymen� by Trust�r. AlI such expenses wi�l becvme a part of the Indebtedness and, at Lender's op�ion, will {A} be <br /> payable on demand; �B} be added �o the ba�ance of the Credit�4gre�ment and be appor�ioned among and be payab�e <br /> with any installment payments to became due during ei�her �'C} the�erm of any applicab�e insurance policy; or (23 the <br /> remaining term of the Cred��Agreement, or �C} h�trea�ed as a ballvon payment which wili b� due and payable at the <br /> Credifi Agreemen�'s maturity. The Deed o�Trust also wi�l secure payrnent o�these amounts. The rights pro�ided�For in <br /> this paragraph shall be in addition to any ath�r rights or any remedies �o wh�ch Lender may be en�itled on account of <br /> any de�au�t. Any such actian by Lender shall not he constr-ued as curing the de-�aul-� s� as to bar Lender �rom any <br /> remedy that i�othe�wise would ha�e had. <br /> WARF�ANTV: DEFENSE DF TITLE. The�vllowing pro�isions relatEng�o owne�ship o�the Property�re a par�of thi:s D�ed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Title. Trustar warrants �hat: {a� Trustar ho�ds good and marketabl� title of rec�rd ta the Pr�per��in fee sim��e, <br /> free ancf clear o� a[[ �iens and encumbrances ��h�� �h�n thase set forth in the Rea[ Propert� des�ript�on or ir the <br /> Exis�ing [nd�bt�dness sectian h�iow or in an��itle �nsuran�e policyr t��le report, vr final ti�le �pEnion issued in favor <br /> of, and accep�ed by, Lender in connec�ion v►ri-�h �hss Deed af T�-ust, and {b} Trustor has �he �ulC �igh�, power, and <br /> au�hori�y to execu�e and defiver this Deed o�Trust to Lender. <br /> Defense of Tit�e. Sub�ect to the exception in the paragraph abo�e, Trus�or �nrarran�s and will forever defend th� <br /> �i�le ��-�he Property against fihe [awful c�aims of all persons. ln the e�en�any action or pr�ceeding is cammenced <br /> that questions T�-ustor`s tftle�r the interest of Trustee or Lender under this ❑eed of Trust,T�us�or shall defend the <br /> actEan at Trus�korrs e�cpense. Trustor may be the nominal party i.n such pro�eeding, but Lender sha�1 be en�itled �o <br /> parricipate in the proceeding and �v be �epresented in the proceeding by cvunsel of Lender's own chvice, and <br /> Trustor will d����er, or cause to be def��ered, to Lender such �nstrumen�s as Lender may request fram time to tEm� <br /> fio permit such parti�ipation. <br /> Cvmp��are�e Vllith Laws. Trustor warrants that �he Proper�� and Trustor`s use of the Proper�y cvm�[�es wit� a�� <br /> ex€s�ing applicable laws;vrdinances; a�d regula�ions of ga�ernmental aut�orities, <br /> Survival vf Prvmises. AC[ promises, agreemen�sF and sta�ements Trusto� has rnade in ti�is De�d o� Trust sha�i <br /> sur�i�e�he execut�or� and de[E�ery of�his Deed af�rust, sha[I be �on�inuing in na�ure and sha�� remain in fuli �arc� <br /> and ef�ect un�i[such��m�as Trustor`s lnde��edness is paid in�ull. <br /> E�iISTiNG �NDEBTEDNESS. The f��fowing p�ovisions concerning Existing [ndebtedness are a parr�f�his Deed�f Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien o�r this aeed of Trust securing the [ndebtedness may be secandary and inferEor to an <br /> e�is�ing [ien. Trust�r expressly covenanfs and a�rees to pay, or see tv the payment o�, �he ExistEng Indebtedness <br /> and to prevent any d��aul�on such �ndeb�edness, any default under�he instruments e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> or any defau[t under any security documen�s far such indebtedness. <br /> N!o �llodification. Trus�or shal! no� enter �ntv any agreement w�fh �he holder of any mortg_age, deed af trust, o� <br /> other �securi�y agreement which has �riority over this Deed v� Trust by which tha� agreerr�ent is moa�if�ed, <br /> amended, extendedr or renewed vv��hou� th� prior written c�nsen� of L�nder. Trustor sha[[ neither r�ques� nvr <br /> aecep�any�rutur�ad�ances under any such security agreer�ent wi�'hout the pr�or written cvns�nt o�F Lend��. <br /> C�ZIID��NATIQIV. �he�al�ov�ing pro��sions r�l�ting�o c�nderr�nati�n proceedings are a par�of this [Jeed o�Trust: <br /> Prviceedings. If an� proc�eding in condemnat�an �s fii[ed, Trus�vr sha!! prompt[y noti�Iy Lender in wri�in�, and <br /> Trustor sha�� prvmpt�y�a1ce such steps as may be necessary to de�end the action and obtain the award. T�us�or <br /> may be the nominal party in such proceeding, but Lender sha[[ be�nti'tled tv part�cipate in the proceeding and to be <br /> represented in the �roce�ding by counse! o� its o�vn GhD]C�, and Trustor will de����� vr Gause to be deli�ered �o <br /> Lender such inst�uments and dacumenta�i�n as may be requested by Lender frvm time t� time tv perm�t such <br /> participation. <br /> Applica�ivn vf iVet Proceeds. f€afl ar any par�o�the Property is condemned by eminent dQ�ain prviceedings or by <br /> any proceed�ng or purchase in iieu of condemnation, Lender may at its electEon require�a�all or any portion af the <br /> net proceeds �f �he award be applied to �he lndebtedness �� �he re�a�� ar res�orativn of the Praperty. �he n�t <br /> proceeds a��he award shalI mean the awar�f a�er payrn�n�of a[[ reasonab�e c�s�s, expenses, and attorneys9 �ees <br /> �ncur�-ed �y Trus�ee or L�nder�n connec�ion wi�h the�vnde�nna�ior�. <br /> I�VEPaSITIQN �F T'A�CES, FEES �4,Ni] CI-��OR�E� BY G�V'ER�V�UI��1[7"AL �4.UTH�RIT�ES. -fhe �ollawing provisions relat�ng <br />