<br /> �EEC] �F TF��J��'
<br /> Lva� N�: �7���9�93 ����7#[1��1�d� ��ge �
<br /> an, under, about ar from the Property �y any prior owners or occupan�ts af th� Property, ar {�} any ac�ua� or
<br /> th�eatened [itigation o:r clai;ms v� a,ny kind by any person relating to such matters; and {�} Except as previous-[y
<br /> disciosed fa and acknow[edged by Lende�r in writing, �a� nei�ther Trustor no�any�e.nant, �on�rac�or, �gen�or other
<br /> authvrized user of�he P�operty sha�f use, gerierate, manu€actu�-e,stor�� treat, dispose of or release any Hazardaus
<br /> Sul�s�ance on, under, about or�rom the Property; and {b} any su�h activity sha11 be cnnductedf �n compliance with
<br /> all applicab�e federal, sta�e, and �oca� l�v�rs, regulations and ordinances, incEudin� ►nrithou� ��:m�tation all
<br /> En�irflnmenta[ Laws. Trusto-r au�hori�es Lender and '€ts agents to enter upon the Property to make sueh
<br /> inspec�ions and �es�s, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate ta de�ermine compfiance vf fihe
<br /> Praperty wi�h this section vf the Deed of Trust. Any inspections ar tests made by Lender shal� �e �or Lenderrs
<br /> purposes anfy a.nd sha1� not he cons�rued �o crea�e any responsibility or [iabili�y an the part o� Lender to Trustor or
<br /> to any o�her person. The representatEons and war�an�t3es contained h�rein are based on Trus�or's due diii��nc� in
<br /> rn�es�igatin� �he Prvperfiy for Ha�ardous Substances. Trustor hereby �1} releases and wai�es any future c�airns
<br /> against Lender for indemnity or con�ribu�ion in the event Trustor b�comes liable �or c�eanup ar o�her casts under
<br /> any such �awsr and {�} agrees to �ndemni€y, de�end, and hafd harm[ess Lender agains�any and all cla�ms, fosses,
<br /> �iabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirectly sustain or suffer resulting �rom
<br /> a breach o�$his s�ct�an of�he Deed o� T�ust or as a con�equenee o� any use, generation, manufacrture, stvrage,
<br /> disposal, re.lease or threafiened re�ease occurring privr to Trustvr's ownersh�p or interest in the Property, whether or
<br /> nv�the same v►ras or should ha�e been knoarvn to Trus-tor. The provisions o� this section of the �eed of Trust,
<br /> including the ob[iga-�ion-�o indemnify and defend,sha[[sur�ive the payment o�the Indebtedness and the sa�isfaction
<br /> and reconveyance of the Iien of this Deed of Trus�t and sha�� nat be afFected by Lender's acquisition of any in�erest
<br /> in the Pr�perty,whe�her by foreclosure or afih�rwise.
<br /> iVuis�nc�. Vlraste. T�-ust�r shall no� cause, conduc.t or permit any nuisance nor cvmmit, permitr or sufFer any
<br /> stripping o� or waste on vr tv the Properry or any por�ion of�he Prop�rty. Vllithout ��mit�ng fihe genera[ity a€the
<br /> foregoing, Trus�or v►ri[[ not rer�ivWe, or grant to any other parky the right to :remove, any�imbe�-, minerals {including
<br /> oil and gas}, c�a[, ciay, scaria,soil,gra�el vr rock produc�s withvut Lender's prior written consent:
<br /> �era-�o�aI o��mprv�ements. Trustor sha[[ not demvlish or remo�e any�mprovements f�om the R�ai Property wi�hvut
<br /> Lender's prior written consen�. As a cond�tian to�he r�mova[of any lmpra�ements, Lender rnay rea�uire Trustor to
<br /> ma�e arrangernents sa�isfactory to Lender to replace such [mpr���m�nts wi�h 1_mprovements of at feast �qua�
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's F��ght tv Ent�r. Lender and Lender"s agen�s and represen�a�ives may enter upon the Rea! Property a�a[[
<br /> �-easvnab[e t�mes to attend ta Lender's "rnterests and to insp�ct the Real Property for purpvses of Trustor's
<br /> compf iance wi�h the terms and cond�t�oris o�this ❑�ed a�f Trust.
<br /> Compl�ar�ce with Governme�n�al Requirements.. Trustor shall prampt[y comp[y wi-�h all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> regulatians, now or hereafter in effect, of a�l go�ernmental au�horities app[icable t� the use ar occupancy of the
<br /> Pr�perty. Trusto.r may can�est in gaod�ai�h any such lawr �rdinance, or regulation and w�thho�d compliance durin�
<br /> any proceeding, including appropriate appeafs, so long as Trust�� has notified Lender in vvriting p.ri,or to doing so
<br /> and so [ang as, in Lender's so�e opinian, Lende�'s interests in the Property are not�eopardized. Lender may requ.ire
<br /> Trus#�r�o post adequate security o�a su�ety hond, reasonal�ly satis�acto�ry�o Lender,to_pro�ec�Lender's interest.
<br /> Du�y to Pro�ec�. Trustor agrees neither �o abandon ar �ea�e una��ended the Proper�y. Trus�o� shali do a�3 ather
<br /> aC�Sr in addi�ion to those ac�s se�for�h�ho�e in this sec.fiion, which�rorr�the charact�r a.nd u.se o��he Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary to protec�and preser�e�he Pr�per�y.
<br /> D�E ON SALE-C�N51EZ1[T�Y L�N�EFi. Lender mayf a�Lender's option, decEare immedi��ely due and payabfe a11 sums
<br /> secured by�his Deed of Trust upon the sa�e or transfer, without Lender's prior writte.n consenfi, of aff or any part of the
<br /> F�eal Property, ar any in�eres� En the Real Property. A "sale or transfer" means the con�eyance of�eal Pr�per�y vr any
<br /> righ�, title or �nterest in the Rea� Property; whether legal, beneficiai or equitab�e; whether vo[untary or in�oluntary;
<br /> whether hy vutr€gh�t sa[e, deed, fnsta��menrt sa�e cantract, Cand cantract, contract for deed, [easehold in��r�st with a
<br /> term gr�a��r�han three {3} years, [ease-optian eon�racfi, or by sa�e, assignmentr or transfer of any bene�iciaf interest �n
<br /> � ar to any Iand �rust ho�di,ng titfe to the Rea[ Praperty, or by any v�her me�hod o�con�eyance a�an in�eres� in the Rea!
<br /> Property. Ho�re�er, this aption sha�1 not b� exercised hy Lender �� such exe,rc�se is prohibi�ed by �federa[ [aw or by
<br /> Nebraska [aw.
<br /> �'A�ES �ND L[ENS. The follov�rin.g p�o�isians rela�€ng to �he taxes and liens on tf�e Property are part of th`is Deed o�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> �aymen�. Trustor sha11 pay when due �and in all euents prior to delinquency� a�[�axes, s-pecial taxes, assessmen�s,
<br /> charge:s tincluding water and sewer.�, f�nes and imposi�ions �e�ied against or vn acc:ount o€the Prop.er�y, and shall
<br /> pay when due a[C cla�ms for wvrk done on or for ser�ices rendered vr material furnished tv the Properry. �"rustor
<br /> sha�� ma:intain the Praper�y free of all liens ha�ing priority o�er or equai-�o the in�erest of Lender under�his Deed o�
<br /> Trusfi, excep� �or the lien o� �a�es and assessme�nts not due and except as oth�rwise pro�ided in this �eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> �iight tn Gont�st. Trustor may withhoid paymen�of any tax, assessment, or claim in �onnection with a good faith
<br /> dispute over the obfigativn to pay, sv Iong as Lender's in�eres�in the Property is not jevpardized. �f a lien ar�ses or
<br /> is filed as a result of nvnpayment, Trustor shaEl w�thi�n fifrteen 4�5} days af�er the lien arises or, af a lien is filed,
<br /> wi�hin fifteen 4�5� days after Trust�r has not�c� of�he filing, secure the discharge o�the lienr �r Ef requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash ar a sufFicien�carp�rat�surety bvnd or other security sa�isfactory to Lender in an
<br /> arnQunt suffir�cient to discharge the iien p�us any cos�s and at�orneys° �ees, or o.�her charges�ha�cauld accrue as �
<br /> resu.[t�f a foreclosu;re or sal� under the ��en. ln any contestr Trus�ar shall defend i-�se[f and Lender and shafl sa�is�y
<br /> any adverse ju�gment befvre�n�orcement�gair�st�he�'roper-ty, �Trustor shall nar�-�e L�nder as an addi�ionaf �bligee
<br /> � under any s�r��bond�ur�n�shed sn th���ntes�pr�ceedings.
<br /> EWid.ence vf Payr�ent. Trustor shall upon demand �urnish to Lender sa�tisfactory evidence o�payment o�the�axes
<br /> or assessmen�s and shaf[ au�horize the �ppropria�e go�ernmen�al o��icia! �o d���v�r to Lender a�any time a wri�ten
<br /> statement o€the taxes and assessmen-�s against the Property.
<br /> 1V�#��e vf�v�s��uc�i�n. Trustvr shall no�ify Lender at [east �Fifteen {�5] days before any wa�'k is commenced, any
<br /> serWices are furnished, or any materials ar� su;pp�ied to the Property, if any mechanic's [ien, ma�erialmen's lien, o�
<br /> other lien couid be asserted on accoun� o�the wo�1c, ser�ices, or ma�erials. Trustvr will upon reqiaest vf Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�anee assurances sa�isfactory to Lender tha�k Trustor can and will pay �he cost of such.
<br /> improWemen�s.
<br /> PRQPEF�T� �Al�IIA�E INSU�A�VCE= The follo�rving pro�isions rela�ing �to insuring the Prvp�rty are a part o��his �eed of
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> �aintenan�� vf �nsuranc�. �rUst�� shall procure and rnairi�a�n policies o� �i�e insurance �rvi�� standard extended
<br /> co�erag� endo�-s��nents an a replacerr�ent basis for �he �u�l insu�able va�ue cavering aEl �rr�pr�vernen�s on the Rea9
<br /> Property in ar� amount sufficient �o a�oid app[ication o-� any cvinsurance clause, and w��h a s�andard rrfortgagee
<br /> clause in fa�or��Lender,tvgether with such other hazard and �iabiiity insurance as Lender rnay reasonably r�quir�.
<br /> Policies sha11 be written in form, amounts, ca�ie�ages and basis �easanably acceptab[� to Lender and issued by a
<br /> �ompany �r companies reasvnably accep�able to Lender. Trustar, upon �-equest of Lender, will de[iver to Lender
<br /> fram trme to time the policies or certificates ❑f insuranc:e in �rorm sa�isfactory�o Lender, including stipulations�h�t
<br />