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��14�4193 <br /> []E�C� �F TRU�T <br /> �.van N�: ����5���3 ����`t��u�d� Pa�.g� 4 <br /> to g��ernmental�axes,�ees and charges are a part o� Deed o�Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and C�a�ges, Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall execut� such documen�s in addition �a <br /> this �e�d o�Trust and take whatever other a�tian is reques�ted by Lender tv pe�-�ect and con�inue Lender's lien on. <br /> �he Rea� Praperfy. Trustor shal� reimburs� Lender �o� all taxes, as described belv�nr, toge�her wi�h all expenses <br /> incu�-red in recording, per�ecting ar continuing this I]eed o� Trust, including without limitation �f[ taxes, fees, <br /> documen-�ary s�amps, and other cfiarges f.or recording ❑r regis�ering fihis �eed of Trust_ <br /> Taxes. The foflowing shall constEtute taxes to wh�ch �his section applies: {1} a speeific tax upon this type o� <br /> Deed of Trust or up�n a[[ or any part ot fihe Indebtedness seGured by �his Deecl o�Trust; ��} a specific �ax ❑n <br /> Trusto�which Trust�r is authorized or required to deduct��om payments on the Indehte.dness secured by thi�type <br /> o�Deeci o�r Trus�; �3} a�ax vn�his type o�Deed af Trust chargeab[e agains�the Lender or the holder of the Creciit <br /> agreement; and {4� a specific �ax vn ail o.r any por#ion af the [ndebtednes� o�- on paymen�s of prin�ipal and <br /> interest made by Trustor. <br /> Subsequen� "fa�es. �f any �ax to wh€ch th�s s�ction appl�es �s enac�ed subsequent tfl the date of this Deed af <br /> Trustr this event sha�� ha�e th� same effec� as an Even.t of Default, and Lender may �x�rcise any or al� of �ts <br /> aWaiia-b�e remedies far an E��nt o� Default as pravided belaw unless Trusfior either ��} pays �he tax before i-� <br /> becomes delinq'uent, or �2} contests the tax as pro�rided ab�r�e in the Taxes and Liens se�tivn and deposits rivi-�h <br /> Lender�ash or a sufficient corpora�e surety band ar othe�secu�rity s�tisfactory to Lender. <br /> SECURlT'� �G�EEfVIENT; F�6VANC1IV� S`fATEIV�ENTS. The follorrving pro��sions r�[ating to this Deed af Trust as a <br /> s�curi�r agreement ar� a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Securi�y Agreemen�. This in:strum�nfi shall consti�u�� a 5�curi-�y Agreement �o �khe exten� any of �he Properky <br /> const�tutes fixtures, and Lender sha�i ha�e al1 0�the righ�s of a secured party under-�he Uniform Commer�ia� Gode <br /> as amended fr�m-�ime�o time. <br /> Security ln�erest. Llpon request by Lende.r, Trus�or shall �take whate�e� action is requested by Lender t❑ perfec� <br /> and con�inue Lender's seou.ri�ty interest in �he Personal Pr�perty, In addition to r�cvrding this �eed of Trus� En the <br /> real property rec�rds,�L�nde� may, at any time and wi�hout �urther authori�ativn �rom Trustor, f�le execut�:d <br /> counterpa�ts, copi�s or reproduc�ions of �his Deed o� Trust as a �inanc�ng s�atement. Trus�or sha�l reirnburse <br /> Lender �vr ai[ �xp�nses incurred in perfec�ing or con�inuing this secur�ty interest, �1pon defauft, Trustvr shall not <br /> remo�e, s���r or detach �he Pe:rsvnal Property frorr� the Property. Upon defaul�, Trustor shall assemb.�e any <br /> Persona[ Proper�y not a�fixed �o the Prvpert}1 in a rnanner and at a p[ace r�asonably convenien� �o Trustar and <br /> Lender and make it avaiiable ta Lender within ��ree �33 days after rece�pt o-� written demand �rom Lender �o �he <br /> ex�en�permitfied by applicab[e Caw. <br /> Add�ess�s. The mai[ing addresses af Trusrtor {debtar� and Lender �secured party} �From which �nforma�ian <br /> concerning the security inte�-est g�anted by this Deed o�Trust may be obta�ned �each a� required by the Uniforrn <br /> CommercEa� Cade} are as s�a�ed on�he fiirs�page of this Deed vf Trust. <br /> FU1�TH��i ASSURANCES� �4,�T�RIV�Y-�N-FA�T. The �o[[ow�ng pro�isions refating to fur�her assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fact are a part of this ❑eed o-F Trust: <br /> Fur�her Assurances. Afi any�ime, and from time to �ime, upon requesrt vf Lender, Trustor�rvill make, execute and <br /> deli�er, or will cause to be made, executed or deli�ered,t� Lend��or�� Lender's d�signee, an.d when requ�sted by <br /> Lender, cause ta be fi�ed, recorded, re�i[ed, or rerecorded, as the case may be, a�such times and in such offices <br /> and p[aces as L�nder may deem appropriate, any and a3� such mortgages, deeds of�rus�, securi�ty deeds, securi�y <br /> agreements, financing st�tements, cantinuat�on statemen�s, insfirume�nts o� f�r�her assuran�e, certi�icates, and <br /> other documents as may, in the so�e opinion o�Lender, be necessar�or des�ra��e in order�o �:����ua��, camp��t�� <br /> per�ect, continue, or p:r�ser�e {�� Trustor`s �bligations under the �red€t Agreemen�, �his Deed a�Trus�r, and the <br /> Re[ated Dacum�nts, and 4�} the liens and security interests created by thfs �eec1 of Trust as �irst and priar liens <br /> on the Prvper�y, vvhether now vwned o�h�reafter acq°uired by Trustor. Un[�ss prohib�ted by 1aw or Lender agrees <br /> to�the contrary in writ'rng,Trustor shal� reimburse Lender-�or a[[ costs and expenses incurred in connectivn with the <br /> matt�rs referred to 3n this paragraph. <br /> Att�rney-in-F�c�. !f Trustor�ails�o do�any of the thin�s referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may da so <br /> far and in the name of Trustor and at TrustorTs expense. For such purposes, Trustv� hereby ir�evocahly appoEnts <br /> Lender as Trustvr's attorney-�n-�act f��the purpose of making, execufiing, deli�ering,filing, recording, and dving a�� <br /> other �hings as may be necessary ar ciesirab�e, �n Lender's s�le apinivn, �v acc�mp[ish the rnatters referred �ko �n <br /> the p�ecedin9 paragraph. <br /> F�LL 1'E1RF�1R�ViAN�E. lf Trustor pays all t�e lndebtedness v�rhert due, termina�es�he credi-��ine accaunt, and o�herwise <br /> per-�arms all the ob[igat�ons i�nnposed upon Trus�or under�hes Deed �f Trvst, Lender sh�ll execute and deli��r�to Trustee <br /> a reques� for fu[[ r�conveyar�ce and sha�E exec�te and �eliver to Trustor s��tab�e sta��men�s o�F termina�ion o� any <br /> �inancing s�atemen� o� �ile evidencing Lender's secur�� in��r�s� in th� F��nts and the Person�9 P�-operty. Any <br /> reconveyance�free reqr��red by�aw sha[[ b�paid by Trustor, i��erm3tt�d by app��cab[e fa�rv. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Trustor will be in defau[�under this Deed o�Trust if any of the�o1l�wing happen: �A} Trustar <br /> commifis �raud or makes a ma�eriaJ misrepresen�a�ion at any time in connecfiion inrith the Cr�dit Agreement. l�his can <br /> include, for �xamp[e, a �alse s�atemen� about Trus�or`s in�ome, assets, fiabilities, or any oth�e� aspects of Trustor's <br /> financia3 cond�tion. �B} Trustar does not meet�he repaymen-�terms o�th� Gred�t Agreement. {C3 Trustor's action ar <br /> inaction ad��rs�ly a€�ects the colla�eral or Lenderrs righ�s in �he colla�eral. This can Enc[ude, fvr example, �ai[ t� <br /> maintain required insurance, wast�vr destructi�e use o��he dvve�ling, fiailure t� pay taxes, dea�h o�all pers�ns liable an <br /> � the acc�unt, �krans��r ot �itl� or safe �f the dweC[ing, c��a�ion of a senEor lien an the dwe[[ w�thvut Lender's <br /> permissivn,tvrec.losure by the ho�der o�anothe�-l�en, or the use❑f�Funds�r the dwelling�or prvhibeted purpases. <br /> �IGH�S AND iRElV��DIE� �N DEF�4ULT. �f an EWen�o� Defaul�occ�rs under this ❑eed �f Trus�, at any time�hereafter, <br /> Trus�ee o�-L�nder�nay exerc�se an�ane or m�re a�th�fo!low�ng ��ghts arad remedies: <br /> A�cele�a�iun Upon �3efau��:Ac�di�i�nai Rerx�e�ies� i€any E��nt of De�auEt occurs as per the terrns o��he Credi� <br /> Agreeme�t s�cured hereby, Lender may dleciare aI� lnde�tedness secured by this Deed o�Trus�t�o �e du� and <br /> payable and the same shall thereupon be�ome due and pa�able withQut any presentmen�t, demand, protest or <br /> not�ce o�any kind. Therea�Fter, Lender may: <br /> {a} Either in person vr by agen�, wi�h or without bringing any actfon ar praceeding, or by a receiv�r <br /> appvinted by a cvur�ancl vvithou� regard to �he aciequacy of its security, enter upon and�ake possessiQ.n <br /> o�the Property. or any par��hereo�r, in its own name or in the name v�Trustee, and do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or desirable to preser�e�he�alue,[ity or rentabili�y❑f the Property, or part o� <br /> the Proper�y or interes� in the Property; increase the income from fhe Prvper�y or pratect the security of <br /> the �roper-�y; and, with or without taking passession o� the Proper�y, sue �or or otherwise Go��ect the <br /> rents, issues and profits of the Proper�y, inc�ud�ng �hose past due and unpaid, and apply�he same� less <br /> c�sts and��penses af operation and co���ction atkors�eys' fees,to any indebted-ness secured by�hi� Deed <br /> �� Trust, all ir� such order as Len�er may defiermine. The entering upvn and ��kir�g p�ssession v�the <br /> Proper�t�, �he co[[ec�ion o� such ren�s, �ssues a�� prvfits, and �he app�ication tnereo� s.ha[[ not cure o� <br /> � viraiue any default or notice o�de�aulfi unde:�-�his L�eed of Trus�or in�a�idate any aCt done in r�sp�nse to <br /> such de�ault or pursuant to such no�ice o-�default; and, no�v�riths�anding the cantinuance in possession o� <br />