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��14�4�54 <br /> for the repairs and res�orat�on �n a s�ng�e paymen�ar in a series of progress payments as�he work is <br /> completed. �f th� �nsurance or condemnatian proceeds are not suf�i�ient t� repair or restor�the Property, <br /> B�rrower�s not rel�ev�d of Borrower's obl�gat�an far�he completion of such repa�r or restoration. <br /> Lender or i�s agent may make r�asona��e entr��s upon and inspe���ons af the Property. If it has reasonabie <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the interior�f the �mpro�e�nents nn the Pr�per�y. Lend�r shall give Barr�wer <br /> natice a��he�ime�f or prior to such an interior in�pect�on specify�ng such reas�na�ie�aus�. <br /> 8. Bflrrower's Loan Appl�cativn. Barr�wer shali be in default if, du�r�ng�he Laan app�i�at�on process, <br /> B�rrower or any p�rs�ns or ent���es a�ting at�he dire�ti�n of Borrow�r or with Borraw�r's k�ow��dge or <br /> cflnsent gave ma�erially false, mis�ead�ng, �r�naccurate�nformation ar sta��ments t� L�nder�or faited ta <br /> provide Lender wi�h material infarmation} �n conn�ct�fln wi�h the Loan. Mater�a� r�presentat�ons inc�ude, bu� <br /> are not limi�ed to, representations�oncerning Barrawer's occupancy of�he Property as B�rro�ver's pr�ne�pal . <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. P�atection of L�nde�'s Interest �n th� Pro�erty ar�d Rights Urtder this Security Instrument. If�a} <br /> Barro�ver fai�s�o perform�he co�enants and agr�ements cantain�d zn this Se�ur�ty �nstrument, �b} �her� �s a <br /> �ega� pro�e�ding that migh�significantly affe�� Lender's interest in the Praper�y andlar r�ghts under th�s <br /> Secur�ty �nstrument tsuch as a pro�eeding in bankruptcy, proba�e, for candemna�ian or forfeitur�, for <br /> enfor��men�of a��en wh�ch may attain prinr�ty over this Security Instrum�n�or to enforce laws or <br /> rebula�i�ns}, ar�c} Borrow�r has a�andoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is <br /> reas�nable�r apprapriate t�pr�tect Lender�s �n�erest�n�he Property and ri�hts under th�s 5ecuri�y <br /> �nstrum�nt, xnc�uding pr���cting andlor ass�ssing�he�alue�f the Property, and secur�ng an.dlor repairzng <br /> �he Praper�y. Lender's ac��on�can inciude, �u�are n�t l�m�t�d ta: �a}paying any sums s�cured by a��en <br /> which ha�priar�ty Qv�r�his Securz�y �ns�rum.en�; �b} appear�ng in caur�; arz�. �c�paying reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees�a pro�ect i�s interes� in�he Proper��r andlar r�ghts under�hzs S�curit� �nstrumen�, in�lu�iing its s�cured <br /> position in a bankruptcy proceeding. Securing the Praperty �ne�udes, but�s n�t��rnu�ed to, en�ering the <br /> Prap�rty to mal��repairs, chang�locks, rep�ace ar board up daors and w�ndows, drain water franl p�pes, <br /> e�iminate building or other cod�v�alati�ns or dangeraus condi�ions, and ha�e u�ili�ies turned an or off. <br /> A�though Lender ma�r�ake ac�zon under�his Sec�i�n 9, Lender daes not ha�e to da so and is no�under any <br /> duty ar ob��ga��on to do so. �t �s agreed that Lender in�urs nn �iabili�y for not ta�ing any ar aII ac�ions <br /> authoriz�d under this Sectinn 9. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lend�r under this Sectian 9 shall be�o�ne addit�onal debt of Borrower secured by <br /> th�s S��ur��y �n�trument. These am�un�s shall bear intere�t a�the Nate ra�� frtim the dat�of disbursemen� <br /> and sha��b�payab�e, w��h su�h znter�s�, up�n n�tice fr�m L�nder to B�rrov��r requesting payment. <br /> If this Security Ins�rument is on a leas�hald, Barr�wer sha�l comp�y wzth a���h�provzs�ons�f�he�ease. �f <br /> Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the�ea�ehald and the fee�it�e sha�l na�merge un��ss Lender <br /> agr�es to the merg�r in v�rri�ing. <br /> '10. Nlortgage Insurance. ��Lender required M�r�gage Insurance as a condition of making th�Loan, Borrower <br /> sha�l pay the prem�ums requir��to mazn�a�n the Mor�gage �nsurance in eff�ct. �f, for any reasan, �he <br /> Mortgage Insurance c�verage requzr�d by Lender c�ases�o be avai�able from the m.ortgage insurer�ha� <br /> prevznusly pro�id�d such insuran��and Borrawer was r�quired ta make separate�y des�gnated payments <br /> tnward�h�prem�ums for M�r�gag� �nsurance, B�rr�wer shall pay the pr�mium� required to ob�a�n co�rerage <br /> substant�ai�y equi�a��nt ta the N��r�gage�nsurance previaus�y �n eff�ct, a� a cost substantialiy equi�aient to <br /> the cost�a Barrower of the Mortgage�nsurance pr��ious�y �n�ffect, from an alt�rnate m�rtgag� �nsurer <br /> s�lected by Lender. If subs�antiall�equi�a�ent Mar�gag��nsurance c�verage is not a�ra��ab�e, Barrower sha�� <br /> N�BRASKA-SingEe�amily-�anni�MaelFrecfcfi�Mac UNt��RM INSTRUM�NT �orrE-�3D28�10"� <br /> VMP Q VMP�{NE7�13�Zj <br /> WoEters KEuwer Fin�n�iai Ser�i�es Pag�$vf 7 7 <br />