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��14�4�54 <br /> c�ntinue�o pay ta Lender�he amount of the separate�y des�gna�ed payments that vvere due vvhen�he <br /> insurance coverage ceased to b� in eff�ct. Lender wi�l accep�, use and re�ain these payments as a <br /> non-refunda�Ie loss reserve in�i�u of Martgage�nsurance, Such Ioss res��-�r�sha�i be non-r�fundabie, <br /> notwiths�anding the fac�tha�the Laan is ultima�e��paid �n full, and L.ender sha�1 not be r�qu�red�a pay <br /> Barrawer any interest or earn�ngs on such �oss reser�re. Lender can no Ianger r�quire loss reser�e payments <br /> if N��r�gage InsuranGe co�erag� �in the am�unt and for the period that Lender requ�res}pro�ided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becomes avaiiable, is ob�ain�d, and Lender requ�res s�para�eiy designa�ed <br /> payments ta`nrard�he premiums far Mor�gage�nsurance. If Lender requ�red M�r�gage �nsurance as a <br /> condition of m.aking the Laan and Borrower was required to make separate�y des�gnated pa�rmen�s toward the <br /> premiums for Mor�gage�nsurance, B�rrov�►rer shall pay the prem�ums required to m�aintain Martgage <br /> �nsurance�n effect, �r ta pra�ide a non-refundable I�ss reser�ve, unti� Lender's requiremen�f�r M�rtgage <br /> Insuranc�ends in accardance vvith any wri��en agre�ment b�tween gorrower and Lender prov�d�ng for such <br /> termination or un��� termina��on is required b�App��cable Lav�. Nothing �n�h�s Se��i�n �D affects <br /> Bflrrovver's o�iigat�on�o pay �n�erest at�he rate pro�ided in the No�e. <br /> Mortgage�nsurance reimburses Lender�or any enti�y tha�purchases��e Note} fnr�er�ain.Xasses i�may incur <br /> �f Borro�er do�s not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrovwer�s nflt a�ar��r to the Mortgage�nsuran.ce. <br /> Mor�gage insurers e�alua�e th��r�a�a� risk on all such insurance in force fram time�o time, and ma�r en�er <br /> inta agreemen�s with other par�ies that shar�or modify�heir r�sk, or reduce�osses. These agreemen�s are an <br /> terms and�ond�t�ons �hat are satisfac�ory to the mor��age�nsur�r and�he�ther par���or par�ies��o these <br /> agr�emen�s. These agreements ma�requ�re the mortgage�nsurer to make paymen�s us�ng any�ource af funds <br /> that the mnr�gage insurer ma�ha�re a�aila�le�which r�nay inc�ude funds ob�ained from Mortgage�nsurance <br /> prem�ums�. <br /> As a result of these a�reements, Lender, any purchaser flf�he No�e, an�ther�nsurer, an�reinsurer, any ather <br /> ent�t�, or any affi�iate of an�r af th�f�rego�ng, ma�recei�e�d�rectly ar ind�r�c�i�} amaun�s�ha�der��re from <br /> �or might be chara�ter�zed as} a p�rt�on of Bnrrower's payments f�r Mortgage Insurance, in e�change for <br /> shar�ng ar m�dxfying the mortgage�nsurer's r�sk, or reduc�ng losses� �f such agreement provides�hat an <br /> af#il�ate af Lender�akes a share of the insurer's r�sk in exchange for a share of the prem�ums pa�d to the <br /> insurer, the arrangement is aften�ermed "cap���re reinsurance." Further: <br /> 4a� Any such agreements wi��not affect the amoun�s�hat Borrower has agreed to pay f�r Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her terms of the Loan. Such agreemen�s vv���not increase the amoun� <br /> Borro�ver wi�l owe for N.Ior�gage Insurance, and�h�y wi�l no�entit�e Barroti�ver to any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreemen�s wi�i not affect�he rights Barrower has-if any -�v��h resp�ct t��he <br /> N�ortgage Insuran��under the I3omeo►wners Pr�tection Ac� of 1998 or any other�aw. These rights <br /> may inciude the r�gh��o receive cer�a�n d�sc�osures, to reques�and obfia�n�ance��a��on of th� <br /> Mortgage Insurance, ta have the Mortgage Insurance term�nated auto�nat��a��y, andlor to rece�ve <br /> a refund of any Mortgage In�urance premiums that►�vere unearned at�h�t�me of such <br /> cance��a��on or termination. <br /> ��. Assignment �f CV�isce��anevus Pr�ceeds; Fvrfeiture. A�� M�scellaneous Proceeds are h�reby ass�gned�o <br /> and shai�be paid to Lender. <br /> �f the Proper�y is da�maged, such Miscellaneous Prnceeds sha11 be appl��d ta restora��on or repa�r of�he <br /> Proper�y, i�'�he res�oratian or repair�s e�onomically feasible and Lender's security �s not lessen�d. During <br /> such repa�r and restorat�on period, Lender shal�have the righ��o hold such Misce��an�ous Proceeds untii <br /> Lender has had an oppor�unity�o inspect such Property ta ensure�he work has been Gomp�e�ed to Lender's <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�arr�ily-�ann�e MaelFredd�e Mac UNI��RM lNSTR�M�NT Farrr�3028 7141 <br /> VMP� VMPS[NEi{7 342} <br /> Woit�rs Klt�wer�inancial Ser�ices Page 9 of 17 <br />