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��14�4�54 <br /> A�� insurance pal�cies requir�d by Lender and renev�als of such poiicies sha�� be subjec��o Lender's right to <br /> disappro�ve such poli�ies, shail in�lud�a standard mor�gage clause, and shal�name Lender as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an additional loss payee. Lender shail ha�e�he right to hold the pa�ic�es and renewa��er��fica�es. If <br /> I.ender requires, Borrower shall prompt�y g�ve t� Lender all receipts of paid pr�m�urns and renewal notices. <br /> �f Borrov�er obtains an� form of insurance co�r�rage, n�t o�herwise required �� Lend�r, far damage to, or <br /> destruc�ian of, the Proper�y, such policy sha�� include a standard mortgage�lause and sha�� name Lender as <br /> mor�gagee andlor as an addit�anal loss payee. <br /> �n the e��nt of Iass, Borrawer shall giv�promp�not�ce�o th�insurance�arrier and Lender. Lender may <br /> �nake proof of�oss if no�mad�pr�mpt�y�y Borrower. Unless L,ender and Borrower othervw�se a�ree�n <br /> writing, any �nsurance proceeds, whether or not the under�y�n� in�urance vvas r�quired by Lender, sha��be <br /> appiied�o res�oration or repazr of the Property, if the restora��on or repair is econom�eally feasib�e and <br /> Lender's security �s not �essened. Dur�ng su�h repair an.d res�oration period, L.�nder sha11 have�he right to <br /> hoid such �nsuran�e pr�c�eds un��l Lender has had an oppflr�unity to inspe�t su�h Proper�y�o ensure the <br /> war�has been c�mp��ted�o Lend�r's sa�isfaction, prov�ded��.a�such inspection shall b�under�aken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse praceeds for�he repairs and r�stora�ion in a single paymen�or in a series�f <br /> progress payments as �he vvo�rk is compieted. Un1�ss an agreem�n� �s made in wr��ing or Appiicable La�u <br /> requires �nteres�to�e paid�n such insurance proc�eds, Lender shal�not�e required��pa� Barrower any <br /> �n�erest or earn�ngs�n such proce�ds. Fees far public ad�usters, or other th�rd parties, retained�y Borro�rer <br /> shal� no�be paid out nf the insurance praceeds and sha���e the sole�b�iga���n of Borrov�er. If the restoration <br /> ar repair�s nat economically feasib�e or Lender's se�urity wauld be�e�sened, the insurar�ce proceeds shall be <br /> app�ied�o the sums secured by�h�s Se�urity �nstrum�nt, whether or n���hen due, v�r��h�he excess, if an�, <br /> paid ta Borrow�r. Such insurance proc�eds shall be app��ed�n the nrder provided for in Section 2. <br /> �f Borrower abandons the Pr�per�y, Lender may �Ie, nego��ate and sett��any ava�Iab�e insurance claim and <br /> rela��d matters, If Barr�wer does nat resp�nd w�thin 3Q days ta a no�ice from Lender that�he insurance <br /> carrier has�ffered to se�tle a claim, then Lender may ne�ot�ate and se�tle the cla�m. The 3�-day per�od w��� <br /> begin when fhe notice �s g�ven. In either e�ent, or if L..ender acquires�he Pr�perty under Sect�nn 22 or <br /> o�herwise, Borrovver here�y assigns to L�nder�a} Barrower's rights ta any xnsurance proceeds in an a�rnoun� <br /> not�fl exceed the amaunts unpaid under�he Note or�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�, an� ��} any other of <br /> Borrower's rights �other than the right�� any refund af unearned premiums paid by Borrawer}under a�� <br /> insurance po�ic�es�o�er�ng�he Praper��, insofar as sr�ch r�ghts are applicable t� the c�verage of the <br /> Proper�y. I�nder may use�he insurance�roceeds eith�r to repair or restore the Property or�o pay amounts <br /> unpaid under the No�e or this Securi�y �nstruxnen�, v�rhether or n�t then due. <br /> 6. �ccupan�y. B�rrower shal�occupy, establish, and us��he Property as Borrower's princ�pal residence <br /> within 60 da�s after�he exe�ution of this Security Instrum.en�and sha���ontinue to�ccup�the Propert� as <br /> Borrower's prin�ipal res�dence for at least one�ear af�er the date of occupan�y, unless L.ender o�her�vise <br /> agrees in wri��ng, which cansent shal�not be unreasonab��wxthheld, ar unless extenuat�ng circums�ances <br /> exist which are b�yond Borro�ver's cantrol. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, Maintenance and P�ot�ction vf the Property: �nspect�ons. Borrawer sha�l n�t des�ray, <br /> damage or impa�r�he Property, allaw the Prop�r�y�o det�riora�e or c�mmi� u�as�e on�he Proper�y. '�hether <br /> or not B�rr�w�r is residing in the Propert�, Barrow�r shai� maintain�he Proper�y in order to pre�en��he <br /> Proper�y f�-�m deteriora��ng or deGreasxng in vaiue due to its condi�ian. Unless it�s de�ermined pursuat�.t to <br /> Sectian 5 �hat repair ar rest�ra��on is no�economica�iy feas�ble, Borrov�er shali promp�ly repair the Proper�y <br /> if damaged�o avo�d further deteriora�i�n�r damage. �f insurance or condemna�ion proceeds are paid in <br /> ��nnection wi�h damage�o, or the tak�ng of, the Propert�, Borraw�r sha�i be respons�ble for repa�ring or <br /> res�oring the Propert�oniy if Lender has re�eased proce�ds for such purposes. Lender ma� disburse proceeds <br /> N£BRASKA-Single�arnity-Fan�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTREJM�NT Form 3�28�101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi{N��[13�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer�ir�ar�c�ai 5er�ices Page 7 vf 17 <br />
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