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201403850 <br />8. A tract of land comprising a part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E1/2NE1/4) of <br />Section Twenty Two (22), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., in <br />Hall County Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the south line of VALLEY VIEW SUBDIVISION, Hall County, Nebraska, said <br />point being One Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Three and Two Tenths (1,533.2) feet north of the <br />southwest corner of the East Half (E1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1 /4), and One Hundred <br />Eighty Five (185.0) feet east of the west line of said East Half of the Northeast Quarter <br />(E1/2NE1/4) thence southerly and parallel to the west line of said East Half of the Northeast <br />Quarter (E1/2NE1/4), a distance of Six Hundred Seventeen (617.0) feet; thence easterly and <br />parallel to the south line of said VALLEY VIEW SUBDIVISION, a distance of Six Hundred Ninety <br />Seven and Twenty Five Hundredths (697.25) feet; thence northerly and parallel to said west line <br />of the East Half of the North East Quarter (E1/2NE1/4) a distance of Six Hundred Seventeen <br />(617.0) feet , to said south line of VALLEY VIEW SUBDIVISION; thence westerly along and upon <br />said south line of VALLEY VIEW SUBDIVISION, a distance of Six Hundred Ninety Seven and <br />Twenty Five Hundredths (697.25) feet , to the point of beginning, EXCEPTING a tract of land <br />more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 84- 001788 and <br />EXCEPTING a tract of land more particularly described in Deed recorded as Document No. 76- <br />003263. <br />