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EXHIBIT. "B" <br />201403850 <br />(Legal Description) <br />A tract of land comprising a part of tot One (1) , Island, and part of the Southeast <br />Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SEI NE }), all in Section Twenty Seven (27) , <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. In Hall County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows; <br />Beginning at a point on the east line of said Section Twenty Seven (27), said point <br />being Eight Hundred Forth Three and Forty Four Hundredths (843.44) feet south of <br />the northeast corner of said Section Twenty Seven (27); thence southerly along the <br />east line of said Section Twenty Seven (27) on an assumed bearing of S00 °09'51" E, a <br />distance of One Thousand Ninety Four and Twenty Six Hundredths (1,094.26) feet; <br />thence S58° 59' 28" W, a distance of Nine Hundred Fifty Five and Thirty Nine <br />Hundredths (955.39) feet; thence S 01° 03' 06" W, a distance of One Hundred Ninety <br />Six and Seventy Five Hundredths (196.75) feet to the south line of said Northeast <br />Quarter (NW; thence N 88° 56' 54" W and along said south line of the Northeast <br />Quarter (NE }), a distance of Four Hundred Eighty Seven and Thirty Five Hundredths <br />(487.35) feet to the southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast <br />Quarter (SE }NE }) ; thence North and along the west line of said Southeast Quarter of <br />the Northeast Quarter (SE,)NE }), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Three and <br />Ninety Six Hundredths (1,103.96) feet; thence N 89° 27' 56" E, a distance of Nine <br />Hundred Eight and Eight Tenths (908.8) feet; thence N 00° 13' 30" W, a distance of <br />Five Hundred Six and Forth One Hundredths (506.41) feet; thence N 83° 31' 11" E, a <br />distance of One Hundred Fifty Six and Sixty Six Hundredths (156.66) feet; thence <br />N 60° 36' 39" E, a distance of Two Hundred Seventy Nine and Eighty Six Hundredths <br />(279.86) feet to the place of beginning and containing 30.404 acres more or less. <br />