<br /> �y applica.�ion���ay�rients, �nsurar�ce p�oceeds, or 1VI�scella.�eous Proce�ds to pr�ncipal due under�he Note
<br /> �h�.��ot�xter��.ar����tpone the due dat�, �r��ar�g�th��o��; of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> �. ' �wnd.s for�scarv�v Ite�s. Borrourer sha���.y to Ler�c�er�n�he da:.y Periodic Payments are due under the
<br /> Nate, un-��l the Not�is paid im full, a sum�the"Funds"}�o�rov�de far payment a�amou�ts due for: [a�taxes
<br /> and ass�ssments and��h.er�terr�which can attain pri�r�ty over�is Security In.strument a,s a lien or
<br /> e�cumbrance an the Prape�ty, �b} �.easeho�d paymenfs�r groun.d rer��s on the Pr�perty, i.f any; �c�premiuxns
<br /> for a.-�y and aII ir�sura�c�requ�-ed by Lender under Sect�on S; and�d�Mortgage Insurance premiums, �f any,
<br /> �r any sums payab�e by BQrrower tQ Lender�n�.T.eu of�he payment flf 1Vlartgage Iia.surance premiu.ms�n
<br /> accorda�ce wi_th the prov�sian.s of Sectzan 1�. These item.s are ca:�.�.ed"Escraw It�ms." At orig�n.ati�n or at
<br /> ariy time during�he term of�he Loa.n, Lender m�.y r�qu�re that�ommunx.ty A�sociatiox�:Dues, Fees; an.d
<br /> .A.s�essments, i�any, be escrv�ved by B�rra�xrer, ar�d such dues, fees axad assessments��iall be a:n EscrauT
<br /> Item. �orr��ver s�a��.prom�tly f�n�is�to I�erider��natic�s of amaunts�a be paid under tl�is Sect�o�.
<br /> Borrow�x shall pay Lender the]Eunds f�r E�crow ltems�.ess Lender wazves Borr�wer�s obliga��.flr��a pay
<br /> the Funcls for any�r a11 Escrflw Items. Lenc�er may waxve Borrawer's obl.�gation t�pay to Lender Funds for
<br /> any or ai1 Escrow Items at any�me. Any such waiver may an�y be in writ��g. In t�e even�af suc�.wa��rer;
<br /> BorroWer�hall pay d�rect�y, when and where payab�e, the a7mounts due f�r any Escrow I�ems for�xrhie�
<br /> pa�rment of Funds has been vv�a�ved b�Lender a:nd, �f Ilender requ:ire5, sha11 furn�s�i t�Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing such p�.yment vr�.thin such time period as Lender may require. Barrov�rer's�bl�gatxon�o rna�e
<br /> such paym�nt�and�o�rov�de recei.�ts shall far aII purposes be deemed�a be a covenan�and agreement
<br /> con�ained.�n this Security Ins�rument, as�he phrase�'covenant and agreement" 15 11S�C��S�Ct1�I1�. If
<br /> �orrower�.s�bliga�ed.ta pay Escrovv I�ems d�re�tiy, �ursuar�t ta a�va�ver, axa.d��rr�wer�ail.s�ta��.y t�e
<br /> ax�ount du�fQr ar�Escr�w I�em, L�n�e�n�ay ex�rc�se�ts��.ghts under Sect�or�9�d�ay such�n.ou�t�.cl
<br /> Bo�-oure�sha1l then�e ob�igated under Sec�i.�n��t�r�aay�a Ler�der any such an�ount. �.er�d.er may�ev��e
<br /> the wa�ver as�a any or a1�Escraw Items at aa�y t3.me�y a not�ce give�:�n accard.a:nce wzth Sectio�. 1 S and,
<br /> upon such revocatzon, Borrawer sh.al�p�y to Ler�a�er a11 Funds, and.in such amounts, tha�are then requ.ir�d.
<br /> t�der this S�ction 3.
<br /> Ler�.der may, at any�me, colle�t and hold Fu�a.ds in an am�unt�a� suff�icient�o�ermit Lender to apply the
<br /> Fur�ds at the time specifxed under RE�PA, and�b�not to exceed the maximum am.o-unt a 1.ender ca�requ�re
<br /> under RESPA. Lender sha11 estim.a.te the a.m.aunt of Fund.s d:ue on the basis of curre�t d.a.ta anc�reasonable
<br /> estinzates of e�penditures of future Escr�w Items�r �t.�ier�ise zn acco�dance urit�A�pli�ab�e Law.
<br /> T�ie Fu.�d:s s�.a:II b�he1c��.n..an anst�tu��ox�whase�e��s�ts��ixLsured b�r a fec�e�-aI age�xc� inst�ent�.l�-�y, �r
<br /> entity�inc�uc�ir�g�end.er, if Lender is an�ns��tuti�n�v��s��.eposits are�o�nsured�flr�an�F ede�al]�Iome
<br /> �oan Ban�. Ler�der shall app�y�he Fu�ds to�a�th.�Escr�w Items n�Iater tha�t�e�.r�e speci�'�ed-�.u�der
<br /> �ESPA. I..ender shall not c�.arge Borrotiver f�r�a�ding and a�aply�ri.g�hc Fu�ds, annua�Iy analyzirig�he
<br /> escrovr acc�unt, or verifyin.g�he Escrow I�ems, unles�L�xider pay�Forrower i-�terest o�.the Funds and
<br /> Appli�abl.e Law permits Lender to make such a charge. Ux�.�.e�s�n agreement�s rna.de in u�ri.txng or
<br /> App��cable Law requ.ires interest to be paic�Qn the Funds, Lender shall not be required t�pay Lorr�w�r any
<br /> int�rest or earrungs on the Funds. Barr�wer ar�d Lend�r can agree in.urriting; however, that i�aterest sh�.11 be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to BQrrower, w�thout e}�arge, an axulua�accau��ing af t�a.e Funds a�
<br /> re�uirec�.by 1�S1�.A.
<br /> If there�s a surp�us�f Funds h.e�d.x:n�scro�v, a�c�efined.�c�er RESFA, L.e�.c�er��a�l�.cco-uxit���3�x�o��r fv�
<br /> �xe��cess�d.s in�.c�Qrda�a.ce�t�RESl��.. I���i�re�s a��or�age�f F�c���ie�d�.�scro�, �de��ed��..de�
<br /> �ES�A, �enc�er s�a�I r�oti�y Borrower as requ�rec�by�SPA, �nc�I3orrower s�iall�ay to���ader�he amau�at
<br /> necessary�o mak�u��he shortage a��accorc�ance w�t.�i 1�E�PA, bu�in no more tha-n ��month�y payn�.e�ts. If
<br /> t�.iere�s a defic�ency of Fux�.ds held��escrow, as de�ried und.er 1�.ESPA, Lender sha��notify Borrow�r�.s
<br /> 2�aas��z
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sing[�Fami{y-Fannie M aelFreddie M ac UNI�ORM 1NSTR�M ENT Form 3��8'iIQ'�
<br /> V�P D VN!PB�NE}�1342}
<br /> 1No�ters KIuw er Financial 5ervices P�������7
<br />