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� ��14�37�3 <br /> required by F�SJPA, a�d Borrawer shall pay ta Lender the amoun�necessary ta make up the deficier�cy in <br /> accordance w�th RESPA, but i�n�m�re�.han 12 mont�y payments. <br /> �Jpo�pa�rxnent�fu��af a1I sums secured by�his Secur�.ty Ir�strumen�, Lend�r�ha11 pron��t�:y <br /> �3orrawer any Fund�held by Lender. <br /> 4. �harge�� Liens, �3orrower shall pay a1�taxes, assessments, charges, �rxes, ar�d i�rnpasiti�ns at�rxbu�a��e to <br /> the Praperty w�i�h ca.�att.a��or�ty over this Securit�r Ins�rument, Ieasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> the Property-, �f a�y, and C�mmunity Associ.ation Dues, Fees, and A.ssessments, xf any. Ta the e�tent�hat <br /> these�tems are Escrour Itenls, Borrower shall pay them in.�ie ma�aner provided i.n Sectzon 3. <br /> Borra�rer sha��pr�xnp�ly d�ischarge axxy��en�vbich has prior�ty over th�.s Security Ins�ment unless <br /> ]Borr�w�r: (a� agr�es i:n u�r�t��.g�o�he paymen��f the obl.�ga�io�secur�d by the l.ien i�a ma�xer accep��.b�e <br /> �o Y�ender, but on�y so I.�ng a.�Borra�ver i.s perf��ni�a�such agreement; �b}ca��ests the�.e�iri goac�fant�by, <br /> or d��fen�.s against enforcement of the�.�eri in, I.ega1�roceedings v�rh�eh in Lender's o��r�io�.���rate t�prevent <br /> �he enfar�emen�af��e�.e�whi1�thfl�e�roceec�irigs are�end%ng, �ut ar�y un���such�roceec�ings ar� <br /> co�.cluc�ec�; or(c} secures from�ie holder of�ie Iien an agreernent sati�factory to Lenc�er su�ord�.x�.at�ng the <br /> �ien�o�us Secu.rity Instrument, If L.ender determines that ax�.y part of�he Property is subj ect to a�ien v�hich <br /> can atta�n pr�.o�ity over this Secu:r�ty Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a nQtice ident�fyin�-the�ien. <br /> �ith�.n 1�days of the date on which that not�ce is given, B�rrower sha1l sa�sfy the�.�.en or take one or more <br /> af the ac��oris set fox�h above�n�his Sectian 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-�ime charge for a real.e�tate ta�verification andlor reporting <br /> serv�.ce used by Len�.er i.n conne�tion�r�i�.h�his L��. <br /> �. Pr��e rt� 1�s u ra�c�. �Borrav�er sh.a1l�eep�.e inlpr��remer�ts now existi�g o�hereafter er���e�l on�ie <br /> Proper�y�surec�ag�nst��s�by f�e, haz�c��7:xa:c�u�ec�tivzt�n the term'°extendecl coverage,44 and axiy at�ier <br /> h.azards�.nc�udingy �but not��mit�d��, ea�hqua�es and.�loods, for v�r�e]h I�end�r rec��res an.,s�rance. T�.ii.� <br /> ixxsu:rance sha1�.be maintai:xa:�d.�n th�amounts [�.n.cluding deduetib��I�vels}and for the periods��:t Lender <br /> requ�res. �hat�,ender requires pursuant t�the p�ecedir�g sentences ca�chang�during�he term of the Laan. <br /> The insuraxice carrier pr�viding the�.nsuranc��ha��be ch�sen by Borrower subject to Lender's righf ta <br /> d�sapprov�Borr�urer`s chQxce, which right sha1l.not be ex�rcised ux�reasonab�y. L�nder may requ�re <br /> Borro�xrer t�pay, �.n con�ection v� this Loan, either: �a}a�ne--t�ie charge for flood 2ane determ-��at�o�., <br /> ce�i�'ic�.�ion and�rac�ing services; ar(b� a one-t�rn..�charge for flood zane determir�ation and certi�catz�r� <br /> ser�ri.ces ax�d subsequer�t charges each time remappi-�gs or si��ar Ghanges occur v�r�i�h�easona�ly rn�g�t <br /> affec�suc�determ�na�ion or cert�f cat�on. �orro�v-er s�a.�I a1s�be resp�x�s�b�e for�e payr�e�t of a�y fee� <br /> imposed.�b��he F ederal E�nergency Manager�en�Ag�ne�r�conneet��n vv�t�i�tJh.��eview�f amy f�oo�.���.� <br /> determ�.nat�o�result�.x1�from arx o�j ect��n�b��3or�-ou�er. <br /> If Borrawer fai�s tfl ma��ain any of�he coverages descri�bed al�ove, Lender may ab�a��ance coverage, <br /> at Lender's opt�or�and B�rrower's expense. Lender is und�r no obligat�or��o purchase any part��:ype flr <br /> amou.nt of coverage. Therefore, such coverage sha1�caver Lender, but might ar n�ght n�t protect Barr�wer, <br /> Bo�-rotiver'�equ.�ty in the Pro�erty, or the conten�s of�he Prop�r�y, aga�nst any risk, ha�-d ar lxability and <br /> n�iglit prov:�de greater or�esser coverage�han was pre-v��usl.y i-�effect. Borrower ackriov��.edges�hat the cost <br /> of the�n.surance coverage sa obtai�ied m:ight s�g�if can�ly e�ceed t�ie e�st af�n.surance t�iaf Bo�-r��xrer cou�d <br /> have o�ta�ed.. �iy arnounts d�sbur�ed by L�nc���unc�e�°�tl�i�Sec��or�5 sha1l becon�e add�tion�d.e��of <br /> BorrQ�vver se�urec��y�� Security�s�rura�e�t. �'h..�e�o�.ts s�a��beax interest�.t�e Note rate fror���ie <br /> d.ate of d�s��rsem�nt�:nd.sha��be�ayable, �:�.s�c���e�-�s�, u�pon n�ti�e from�e� to�oxxaW�r <br /> request.i�.g��:yn�en�. <br /> z¢oa63�2 <br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngl�Famify-�ann�e NtaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRLlN!ENT Farm 3�28 1I01 <br /> VM P Q VM P6�NE}(�3��} <br /> VVa[ters Kiuw e�-Financial Services pa���a��7 , <br />