- ��14�3754
<br /> Pr�p�rty, In such an event, Grantv� �rill take al� necessa�-y remedia[ a�ti�n in ac��rdanc�
<br /> v�vith En�ironmenta� Law.
<br /> D. F�cept as previausly disc�ased and ackn�wledged ��n wr�ting to Lender, Grantor has no
<br /> knavvledge �f fl� reas�n ta b�[�eve the�e is any pending vr thr�atened inWestigativn, �la�m, �r
<br /> prvice�ding ❑f any kind relating tfl ��j any Haza�d�us Suhstance �vcated on, under or about
<br /> the Property; �r ��� any �io�atian by Grantor or any tenant af any En��ranmenta� Law.
<br /> Grantor wi�l imrned�at��y notify L.ender in writEng as svon as Grant�r has reas�n ta bel�eve
<br /> there is any su�h pending or t�reatened �n�est�gatian, c�aim, or pr�ce�ding. Cn such an
<br /> �vent, Lender has t�e r�ght, but not the �bligation, t� participate in any such prvice�d�ng
<br /> inc�uding t�e ��ght ta rece�v� copies vf any d�cuments re[ating t❑ such pr�ceedings.
<br /> E. Except as pre�ious�y d�sclased and acknvw�edged �n wr�ting t❑ Lender, Grantar and every
<br /> t�nant have been, are and wi[I rema�n �n full complianc� �nrith any app[�cable En��r�nmenta[
<br /> Lavv,
<br /> F. Ex��pt as pre�ivusly d�sc�flsed an� acknawledged in tirvriting ta Lender, ther� a�e n� _
<br /> underground st�rage tanks, pri�ate dumps ❑r open rrvel�s l�cated vn �r under tne Property
<br /> and no such tank, dump Qr we�� will be a�fded un�ess Lend�r first consents in writing.
<br /> G. Grantor wi�� r��u�ar�y inspect t�e Pr��erty, mon'rtfl� the acti��tie� and flperati�ns vn the
<br /> P�operty, and cvnfirm t�at all p�rmits, [�censes ❑r approvals required by any appli�abCe
<br /> Environmenta� Law are ��ta�ned and campl�ed w�th.
<br /> H. �rantar wi!! permit, �� caus� any tenant to permit, Lender or Lend�r's a�ent to �nte� and
<br /> inspect the Property and re�iew a1! records at any reasanab[e tim� ta dete�mine �7} the
<br /> existence, la�ativn and nature af any Hazardous Substan�e fln, under �r abvut th� Praperty;
<br /> {2} the existence, I�catian, nature, and magnitude vf any Hazard�us 5u�stan�e that has
<br /> been re�eased an, under or about the P��perty; ar {3� wh�ther or n�t Granto� and any tenant
<br /> are in comp��ance w�th app��cable Env��vnmenta[ Law.
<br /> �, Up�n Lender's r�quest and at any time, Grant�r agrees, at Grantor's expense, t� engage a
<br /> qua��f�ed en�ironmental engineer t� prepar� an environmental audit of the Prflperty and tv
<br /> submit the results of such audit tv Lender. The chai�e of the en�ir�nmenta� eng�neer w�v
<br /> v�r��� p�rform such audit is sub�ect ta Lende�'s appro�al.
<br /> J. Lender has tne right, but n�t the ob[igation, ta p�rform any of Grantor's abligat�ons under
<br /> this se�tion at Grant�r's e�cpense.
<br /> K. As a c�nsequence vf any hreach of any representation, warranty �r pr�mise made in this
<br /> se�t�on, ��} Grantor v�rill �ndemn�fy and �old Lend��- an� Lende�"s suc�ess�rs or assi�ns
<br /> harmfess from and against all lass�s, c�a�ms, demands, liab�lit�es, damages, c�eanup�
<br /> response and rem�d�at�on costs, pena�ties and expenses, in��ud�ng v�r�th�ut ��m'rtati�n all
<br /> casts af ��t�gation and att�rneys' fees, which Lender and Lender's successors or ass'tgns may
<br /> susta�n; and 42� at Lender's d�s�retion, Lender may release this S��u�ity Instrument and in
<br /> retu�n Grantor v�ri�1 pr�Wide Lender with co��ate�a� �f at least equal value to the Pr�pe�-ty
<br /> w�thout p�ejudi�e ta any ❑f Lender's rig�ts under t�is Security lnstrument.
<br /> L. N�tw�thstanding any of the languag� c�nta�ned in t�lf5 Se�urity �nst�ument to th�
<br /> c�ntrary, the t�rms of this se�t�on wi�� sur�i�� any fvreclvsure vr satisfa�tion af this S�curity
<br /> �nst�ument regard��ss vf any passage af tit�e to Lender ar any d�sp�siti�n by Lender vf any �r
<br /> a�� af the Praperty. Any c�aims and defenses t� the cantra�y ar� hereby wai�ed.
<br /> �7. C4NI]EMNAT��]N. �rantar w�[[ g�We Lender prampt natice of any pending ❑r threatened
<br /> act�vn by pri�ate �r pub�i� entities tv purchas� or take any or a�� af the Pr�per-ty thraugh
<br /> c�n�emnation, �min�nt damain, �r any �ther means. Grantvr authflri�es Lender to inte���ne in
<br /> Grantnr's name in any ❑f the abflve �escribed act��ns �r cla�ms. ��ant�r assEgns tv Lender the
<br /> praceeds af any award a� claim fflr damag�s ��nn�cted w[th a condemnat�on flr ather tak�ng of
<br /> a�} or any part of the Property. Su�h prflcee�s vvill be �onsidered payments and w��[ be app�ied
<br /> as pra�ided in this S�curity �nst�ument. Thi� assignm�nt ❑f p�-oceeds �s su�j��t t� the t�rms �f
<br /> any pr�vr martgag�, deed of t�ust, secu�ity agr�em�nt ❑r other [ien da�ument.
<br /> '[8. 1�S�JRANCE. Grant�r ag�ees t� keep the Property insured against the ris[�s �eas�nab�y
<br /> asso�iate�l w�th the Property. Grantor w��� maintain th�s �nsurance in the amounts Lender
<br /> requ�res. This insurance wi�� last unt�� the Pr�perty �s released fr�m t��s S�cur`rty Instrum�nt.
<br /> Vtilhat Lender requ�res pursuant t� the pr��eding twv sent�nces can change dur�ng the term af
<br /> the S�cured Debts. Grantar may choas� the insurance company, sut�ject to Lende�'s appro�al,
<br /> which �rrr��� not be unreasanably w�thhe�d.
<br /> AI� insurance poli�ies and renewals shall includ� a standard "mortgage clause" {�r "lender loss
<br /> payah�e cl�use"} endo�sement t�at names Lender as "mvrtgagee" and r'�vss payee". �f requ�red
<br /> by Lender, all �nsur�ance p�lici�s and renewa[s wilC a�sQ include an "addit�anaf insured"
<br /> endarse�ent that names Lender as an "a�dit�onal �nsured". �f r�quired by Lender, Grantor
<br /> agrees t� maintain cvmpr�hens��e general ��ability `rnsu�-ance and rental �oss �r� business
<br /> �nterruptian insurance in amvunts and und�r pfl�icies acceptable to Lender. The cvmprehens�ve
<br /> general ��ab���ty insurance must nam� Lend�r as an additiana� �nsured, The �ental �vss or
<br /> JAMES R JAN�A
<br /> Nebraska Deed at Trus#
<br /> NE14AM�5EMAN��Q��D����Q67405"i Dfi�314N 1J1loiters K�uwer Finan�Eal 5er�ices°1998,2�14 Bankers Page fi
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