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��14�3754 <br /> business interruption insuran�e r-nust he �n an amvunt equal t❑ at least coWerage of ane y�ar`s <br /> �ebt ser��ce, and requ�red esc�aw acc�unt depnsits �if agreed t❑ s�parat��y in vvr�ting�. <br /> Grant�r wi�� give Lender and the insurance c�mpany �mmediate natice of any loss. All �nsuran�e <br /> p�oceeds �vi11 be app�ied to restorati�n or repair ❑f th� P�-operty vr t� the Secured Debts, at <br /> Lend��'s aptian. Cf Lender a�quires the Property �n damaged �onditi�n, Grant�r's rights t� any <br /> �nsurance pa��cies and prv�eeds wi�� pass t❑ Lender to the extent vf the S�cured De�ts. <br /> �rantvr vsril[ immediately n�tify Lender of canc�l�atian ❑r terminat��n of insuranc�, lf �rantar <br /> fa��s tv ke�p the Praperty �nsu�ed, L�nder may obtain insurance t❑ protect Lender's �nterest in <br /> the Prvperty and Crant�r will pay for the insuran�e an Lender's deman�. Lender may demand <br /> that G�anto� pay for th� insurance a[� at �nce, v� Lender may add th� insuranc� prem�ums t❑ the <br /> aa�ance �f the Secured aebts and charge �nterest an it at the rate that app�ies tv the S�cured <br /> Dehts. This �nsuranc� may �nclude ���erages ��t �rigina�[y requir�d vf Grantor, may be �rvritten <br /> �y a campany �th�r than one Grant�r uv�u�d choose, and may �� vvritten at a higher rate than <br /> ��rantar cflu[d �btain if �ranto�- pu�-chased tne insurance. Grant�r a�know�edges and agrees <br /> that Lender vr ane of L�nder's affiliates may re�eiv� commissians an the purchase af this <br /> �nsurance, <br /> '19. ESCRDVI! F�R T►��ES AND INSURANCE. Grantor will nvt b� requir�d to pay to L�nde�r <br /> funds fflr taxes and insuran�e in es�r�vir. <br /> 2�. SUCCESSDR TRUSTEE. Lender, at L�nder's ❑ptinn, may from time to time ��mave Trustee <br /> and appoint a successor withvut any ❑th�r forma�ity t�an the designati�n in �rirriting. Th� <br /> su��essflr trustee, withaut �onv�yance of the Pr�perty, will succeed ta all the title, povver and <br /> duties conferred upan Trustee by this Security lnstrument and app�ica��e law, in�[uding, w�th�ut <br /> �i�itati�n, t�e r'rght t❑ appo�nt a success�r ❑r suhstitute trustee at any time and f�am t�me to <br /> time, <br /> ��. F1�CTURE F�L1NG. Grantor gi�es tv Lend�r a security interest �n al� g�vds that Grantvr �wns <br /> now ar �n the future and that are ❑r wi[� became fixtures related ta the Property. <br /> �2. ►4PPLI�ABLE LA�111. This �ecu�ity �nstrument is governed by the laws �f Nebraska, the <br /> Un�ted States vf Ameri�a, and to the extent required, �y th� �avvs �f the �ur�s��ction wher� �he <br /> Praperty is �acated, except ta the extent such state lavvs are preempted �y fede�-a� iaw. <br /> �3. JD�NT A�Vd I1VDiV�DUAL LIABIL�TY AND SUCCESSDRS. Each ��-antar's ab�igat�ans under <br /> this Se�ur�ty Instrument are independent of the �b�igations �f any other �rant�r. L�nd�r may <br /> su� each �rantvr ind�W�dually o� tageth�� vv�th any othe� Grant�r. Lender may ���ease any part <br /> ❑f th� Praperty and Granta� w��� st��� be �bl�gated under this S�curity Instrument for the <br /> r�ma�ning Property. �rantor ag�ees that L�nder and any �arty t� t��s Secur�ty lnstrument may <br /> :... .. .. ... . .........:.;..,..... <br /> e�ctend, mad�fy or �nak� any chang� in the terms of this Security:�nstrurnent�`ar any �vidence �f <br /> debt without �rantnr's consent. Such a change wi[� nat re�ease G�ant�r`fram the terms �f this <br /> .,. . <br /> . <br /> 5�cu�ity lnstrum�nt. The duties and henef�ts af this Security.:�nstrume;nt:''wil[ bind and ben�fit <br /> the successvrs and ass�gns vf Lender and Grantor, <br /> 24. A11�ENDMENT, INTEGRA`fID� AND SEVERABILITY. This Secur�ty [nstrument may n�t be <br /> amended ❑r rna�ified by ara� agreement. N� ar�nen�lment �r mo�if�cat�on af this 5e�urity <br /> �nstrument is effe�tive unless made in writin� and �xecuted by �rantar. and Lender. This <br /> Security lnst�urrrent and any other ��cuments relating tv the Secur�d D�bts are the c�mplete <br /> and final expression nf the agre�ment. �f any provis�vn �f this Security �nstrument is <br /> unenf�rceab�e, then the unenforceab�� p��vision will be severed and th� �-ema�ning prv�isions <br /> w��! still be enfo�-�eab�e, <br /> 25. ��TERPRETAT�DN. V11h�ne��� used, the s�ngular in�ludes t�e plur�a� and the plura[ �nc�ud�s <br /> the singular. Th� s�ctivn h�adings are fvr canvenience ❑n�y and a�e nQt t❑ b� used ta �nt�rpret <br /> or define the terms of this Se�urity �nstrument. <br /> ��. N�DTICE, ADD�T��NAL DC]CU�llENTS A�D RECDRDING FEES. L�n�ess othe�wise �-equi�ed <br /> hy law, any natice wi�� be given by deliv�ring it ar mailing �t by first ��ass mail tv the appropriate <br /> party's address Iist�d in th� DATE AND PARTIES se�t�vn, or to any vth�r address designat�d �n <br /> writing. N�tice t❑ one Grantar wilC be deemed t❑ be n�tic� to all Grant�rs, Grant�� w��� inform <br /> Lend�r �n wr�ting af any �hange �n Grant�r's name, address or. �ther app(��atian infarmation. <br /> Grantor will pro�ide Lend�r any other, cvrrect and comp[ete informatian Lende� requests to <br /> eff��tive�y martgage fl�- conv�y the Prvp��ty. Grant�r a�rees to �ay a[� expenses, charges and <br /> taxes �n connectian with the preparatian and �ec�rd�ng of this Security instrument. �rantar <br /> ag�ees t� ���n, de�[��r, and f��e any additi�na� d��uments or cert�ficativns that Lend�r may <br /> cvnsider necessar�y to pe�fect, continue, and pr�ser�e Grantar's ob��gatians under this 5e�urity <br /> lnstrument and tv canfirm Lend�r's lien status on any Praperty, and �rant�r agrees to p�y a�� <br /> expenses, c�arges and taxes �n cQnnectian with th� prepa�-at�vn and re�vrding therevf. Time �s <br /> �f the essence. <br /> JAMES R JANDA <br /> IVebraska Deed a€Trus� <br /> NE14 t M�SEMANDDOU�Q�QQafl67405�Ofi 7 3�4N Wolters K�uwer Financial 5erv�ces��99fi,20'i A-Bankers Page 7 <br /> 5ys�ems�'� <br /> , <br /> ��'� , <br /> �� . <br /> � <br /> , <br /> t <br /> � <br />