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��14�3754 <br /> S�cured D�bts. Lend�r r�-�ay make a claim fvr any and a�� insurance hen�f�ts vr refunds that <br /> rnay be a�ai[ab�e an G�-antor's default. <br /> Sub�ect t� any r�ght t� cure, �-equ�red time schedu�es ❑r any ather n�t�ce rights Grantvr €�ay <br /> have under federa� and state �aw, L�nder may make a�� or any part af the amount �wing �y th� <br /> terms af the 5e�ured Debts i�med'rate�y due and forec�ose t�is Security �nstrument �n a manner <br /> pro�ided by �aw upon the o��urrence af an Event of Default a� anytime thereafter. <br /> lf there is an ��curr�nce af an E�ent of �efau�t, Trustee vLrill, 'rn additian to any �ther perm�tted <br /> r�medy, at tne request �f Lende�-, ad�ert�se and seli the Property as a who�e or in separate <br /> par�els at pub[ic au�tion tv the hEghest bidder for cash. T�ustee will give natice �f sale <br /> inc[uding the time, terms and p(ace Qf sa[e and a desc�-ipti�n of the Property t� be sald as <br /> requir�d by th� app��cable Caw �n �ffe�t at the tirne af the pr�posed sale. <br /> T❑ the extent not prahibit�d by �aw, Trustee wi�� app�y the prvice�ds of t�e Prap�rty`s sa�e in <br /> the fo[lowing a�-der: tn all fe�s, �harges, c�sts and expenses vf exer��s�ng the power of sale and <br /> the sa�e; ta L�nde� far a[[ ad�ances r�ade fvr r�pairs, taxes, insurance, [�ens, ass�ssments and <br /> prior encumbrances and �nt�rest thereon; t� the Secur�d Debts' principaC and interest; and <br /> paying any surplUs as requ�red by law. Lender flr its designe� may pur�hase the P�-op�rty, <br /> Upvn any sale of the Property, Truste� vtiril� make and deli�er a specia� or [im�ted warranty deed <br /> that c�nveys the prap�rty sold to the purchaser �r pu�chasers. Und�r th�s spe�ia� or ��m�ted <br /> v�ar�anty deed, Trust�e will �ovenant that Trustee has nat caused vr a[Iowed a li�n or an <br /> encumhran�e t❑ burden the Pr�perty and that Trustee w�[[ specially warrant and d�fend the <br /> Prnpe�ty's t�tle �f the purchaser �r purchasers at the sa�e against a[� lavvful claims and demand <br /> ❑f all p�rs�ns c�aiming by, thraugh ❑r under Trustee. The recita�s in any deed of con��yance <br /> wiI[ be p�-�rna fa�ie evidence of the facts set f�rth there�n. <br /> All reme�fies are distinct, cumulati�� and nat exc�usiW�, and Lender �s ent�tled ta al� remed�es <br /> pr�vi�fed at law ❑r equity, whethe� or not express�y set f�rth, T�e acceptance by Lend�r of any <br /> sum in payment ar �art�a[ paym�nt an the Secured Debts after th� balance �s due ar is <br /> accelerated �� after f��ec��sure praceedings are fi�ed will n�t canstitute a wai�er �f Lend�r�s <br /> right tv requ�re full and c�mp�ete cure of any existin� default. By n�t exercising any remedy, <br /> L�nder d�es not wai�e Lender's right tv �ater consider th� event a defau�t if it Gont�nues or <br /> happens again. <br /> �5. ��LLEGTlDN E�PEN5E5 A1VD ATTDR�EYS' FEES. �n or after t�e ac�urren�e �f an Event <br /> ❑f Defau�t, t❑ th� extent p�r�itted by Cavv, Grantar agrees to pay a�� �xpenses af c���ection, <br /> enforcement, �a�uat��n, appraisal ❑� pratection af Lender's rights and remed�es und�r this <br /> Secu�ity [nstrument or any ath�r dflcutr�ent re�at�ng to the Secured De�ts. Grantor agrees ta <br /> pay �x�enses for Lender to inspect, �a�uat�, app�aise and preserve the Prope�ty an� fvr any <br /> recardat�fln costs of re�easin� the Praperty frvm th�s Se�urity �nstt-ument, Expens�s inc�ud�, <br /> but a�e n�t ��mited to, attorneys' fees, court cvsts and other �egal �xpenses. These exp�nses <br /> are due and payable irr�mediate�y, lf n�t paid immediately, these expens�s wil� hear interest <br /> from the date ❑f payment unt�� paid �n fu[� at the highest inte�-est rat� in �ffect as pra�ided far in <br /> the terms af the Secured D�bts. �n addition, to the ext�nt p�rmitted by the �n�t�d States <br /> Bankruptcy Code, Grantar agr�es to pay the reas�nabie atto�-neys' fees �ncu�-red by Lender t� <br /> pr�t�ct Lende�-'s rights an�i int�rests �n c�nn�cti�n Vvith any bankrupt�y pro�eedings �n�t�ated by <br /> ar against �rantor. <br /> ��. ENV�R�NII�ENTAL LAWS AN�3 HA�ARDflUS SUBSTAIVCES. As used in this sectian, ��� <br /> En���onm�nta[ Law means, vvithout �i�mitation, the C�mp�ehens��� En�ironmental �esponse� <br /> Cvmpensation and L�ability Act 4�ERCLA, 4-� C�.S.C. 96D� et seq.}, all vthe�- fede�-a�, stat� and <br /> [�cal Iavvs, regu�ati�ns, ordinances, cvu�t �rder�s, attorney g�nera� opinivns ar �nterpret��e �etters <br /> can��rning th� pu�lic health, saf�ty, vve�fare, �nv��onment or a hazardaus substance; and ��} <br /> Hazardous Substan�� rr�eans any toxic, rad�oacti�� �r �aza�rdvus rnateria[, waste, pallutant ar <br /> c�ntaminant which has characteristics which render the suhstance dangerous or potentia��y <br /> dangerous ta the pub�ic h�alth, safety, we�fare or en�ir�nment. The te�m in�ludes, w�thaut <br /> [imitatian, any substan�es d�fined as "hazardaus materia[," "tvx�c substance," "hazardaus <br /> wast�," "hazardvus substance," or "regu�ate�i substanc�" under any En���-onmenta[ La�r. <br /> G�-anta� represents, warrants and agre�s that: <br /> A. Except as pr�W�flusly d�sclosed and acl�n�w[edged �n wt�[ting ta L�nder, no Ha�ardaus <br /> Substance has �een, is, o� w��� be lo�ated, transparted, manufa�tured, treated, ref�ned, ❑�- <br /> handled by any person an, under �r ahout the Property, except in the ��-dinary c�urse of <br /> business and in str�ct �omp��ance with all app�icable En�ir�nmental Law. <br /> B. Except as previously discC�sed an� ackn�w�edged in w�[ting t� Lender, Grantvr has nat <br /> and w��l not cause, cantribute tv, o�- pet-m�t the release af any Haza�dous Su�stanGe ❑n the <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> �. Granta�- wi�l �mmediately notify Lender if 4�� a re��ase flr threaten�d release af Haza�dnus <br /> Su�astance accu�s �n, un�i�r or abvut the Prap�rty or migrates ❑r threatens to m�grate f�-am <br /> nearby p�rflperty; ❑r ��} there is a �ialation of any Env[ranmenta[ Law c�n�ern�ng th� <br /> JAMES R JANDA <br /> ��Vehraska Deed flf Trust <br /> � <br /> ; �.N r �C��SEM ❑OQD�0��00067�n5'(Q5�3 7 4N Vllaiters�f�uwer Financ�al SerWices a19�fi,20"I 4 Bankers Page 5 <br /> �'��� � 5ystems�'� <br /> i �'' <br /> ,: � � . <br /> .�, J���•. �� <br /> 7 i� <br />