<br /> �EED DF TRU�T
<br /> �.��� n��: ��00��4�
<br /> ��o�t�nued} ��,g� �
<br /> of a breach of the same p�ro�ision of�his �e�d vf Trust�rvithin�he preceding�wel�e �'[2� months, i�may be cured if
<br /> Trus�or, af�er Lender sends v�rrit�en notice to Borra�rer dernanding cure of such d�fault: ��} Gures the de�ault
<br /> within twenty ���} days; or {�} if the cure requires mo�e than twerity �2�} days, immediately init€ates steps w�ich
<br /> L�nder deems in Lender's saie d�s�retEvn �a be su��Ficient to Gure the defau[t and �h�reaf�er c�nt�nues and
<br /> camplet�s all reasonable and necessary st�ps su�-�ieient�a produce c�mpliance as so�n as reasonably prac�ica[.
<br /> R�GHTS A�1ID F�EN�EDIES D�V DEFAULT. 1�an Even�o� Default occurs under this ❑eed fl-�Trus�, at any tims therea�er,
<br /> Truste�or Lender may exercise any ane or more of the following righ�s and �-emed�es:
<br /> Ac�eiera�ivn Upon Defau��; Add�tionai Remedies. �f any E�ent v� De-�au��flccurs as per the �erms v�the Na�e
<br /> secured her�by, Lender may dec[are af� lndebtedness secured by this fle�d ot Trus��o E�e due and payable and
<br /> the same sha[[thereupon b�come du� and payab�e withvut any presentment, dernand, protest or n�tice of any
<br /> . kind. Thereafte�� Lender may:
<br /> �a} Either in person or �y agent, with or with�u� bringing any action vr proceeding, or by a rece�ve�
<br /> appoin�ed by a court an� without r�garcl tv'�he adequaey of ifis securi�y, enter upon and �ake possessivn
<br /> of�he Property, ar any parr�he��:of; in rts �wn name flr in the name o�Trus�ee, and do any acts which it
<br /> deems necessary or desirab�e�Q preser�e the �alu�, marke�abi�ity or renfiabili�y a#the Proper�yr or part of
<br /> the Pr�perty a� in�erest En�he Praperty; inc�ease the income fram the Pr-oper-ty or pro�ecfi�he securi�y o�
<br /> the P�-�perty; and, with or �vithau� �aking possession Q� the Proper-ty. sue �or or otherwise cv�lect the
<br /> rents, issues and profits of�he Proper�y, inc�uding �hose past due and unpaid; and apply the same, less
<br /> costs and expenses o�opera�ion and c�ll���ion at�arneys' �ees,tv any indebtedness secured by�his �eed
<br /> of Trust, a[[ in suc� order as Lender may determine. The ente�-ing upvn and �aking p�ssession of fihe
<br /> Property, the co��ec�ion o# such rents, issues and pro�Ets, and the application th�reof shai� not cure or
<br /> waf�e any default vr notice of defau�t under this Deed of Trus�t or in�alida�e any act dane in r�spons�to
<br /> su�h de�ault or pu�suant fio such nofi��e�f defiau[�; and, notwi�hstanding the continuanc�in possession of
<br /> �he Property vr the col�ection, rece�pt and application of �-en�s, issues ar pr�fits, Trustee or Lender sha�1
<br /> be enti-�fed �to exer�ise every �ight pravided �or in the Note ar the Related Dvcuments or by law upan the
<br /> occurrence�f any e�ent of de�aul-�, �ncfudin�the right to e�e�ci�e the power o�r sa[e,
<br /> {�} Commence an action to forec[ose this Deed of Trust as a mvrtgage, appaint a rece��er or specifica[[y
<br /> enfor�e any ot the co�enan�s hereof; and r
<br /> {c} De[fver to Trustee a wrififien dec�arafiion of default and demand-�or saie and a wrEtten notice of de�Fault
<br /> and ele�tion to cause Trustor`s in�eresrt in the Properry to be so[d, which na�ice Trustee shall cause tn be
<br /> du�y filed f�r record in�he appropr€a�e of��ces o�F the County in whiGh th�Prap�rty is lacated, and
<br /> �d} Wifh respec�t� all or any part vf the Persona� Proper�y, Lender sha�l have a�!the rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured par�y under. the 1Vebraska Uni�rorm Commercial Code.
<br /> ForecIvsure by Power v�SaIe. 1-�Lender elects tv �ore�los-e by exercise o�th� Pvwer of Sale herein contained,
<br /> Lender sha�l noti-�y Trustee and shall depasi� �nrith Tru�tee this De�d af Trust and the No�e and such receipts
<br /> and evidence of e�€penc[itures made and secured by�f��s Deed of�rust as Trustee ma�require.
<br /> 4a} Upan rec�ip�of such no�ice frvm Ler�cY�r,Trustee shall �ause�o be reearded, �uh[ished and deli�ered
<br /> to �rus$or such Notice ❑fi Default and fVa�ice o� Sa[e as then requ�red by law and �a�this Deed o€�rust.
<br /> Trustee sha�l, �rv�thout demand on Trusto�-, afi�er such time as may then �ae requi�-ed by �aw and afte�-
<br /> recorda�ion v�such Notice vf Defaul�and after Not�ce o�r Sa�e haWing been gi�en as requir�d by lav�, se�1
<br /> the Property at the time and place of sa�e fix�d by �t in such Notice of Sa[e, either as a whole, or in
<br /> separate Cats or parce[s or items as Truste�sha[I deem expedient,and in such arde�as it may de�ermEne,
<br /> at publiC auc�ion to the highest bidder�or cash in lawful mon�y of the United Sta�es payab�e a�the$ime
<br /> of sale. Trustee shaf[ deli�er tv such purchaser ar purchase�s therev� irts good and su�ficient deed or
<br /> d�eds cvn�eying the proper�y s❑ sold, bu� Uvithout any co�enant or warranty, e�€press or imp[ied. The
<br /> rec��als in such deed af any mat�ers or facts shall be conc�usi�e proof o�the tru�hfu[ness �hereo�, Any
<br /> persan, inc[uding withou�[im��ra�ion T�ustar,Trus��e, vr Lender.may purchase a�such saCe.
<br /> tb� As may be permitted by �aw, af�er cleduc�ing al� costs, fees and exp�nses vf Trus�ee and v� this
<br /> T�us�, €ncluding cas�s o�evidence of ti�Ce in�or�nec�ion with sale,�rus�ee s�af� apply��e pr�ce�ds o�sa[e
<br /> �o payr�nen��� {�� all sums expended under��e��rms o#this �eee�a�T�-ust or-�rnder�he�er��vf the l�o�e
<br /> not �hen repaid, inc[ud�ng but no� limi-��d �a accrued in-terest and �a�� c�arges, �ii� a�� vthe�- su�s -�hen
<br /> secured her�by, and �i'ri} the remainder, i�any,to��e persan ar pers�ns��gaify en�itled thereto..
<br /> {c} Trust�e may in fihe manner pro�ided by law postpone s��e of alf or any portion of�the Property.
<br /> �emedies Not Exclusive. Trus�ee and Lend�rr and each of them, shall be �nti�led �o enfarce payment and
<br /> performance a�any indeb�edness or a�iigations secured hy this Deed o�T�ust and to exer�ise all righ�s and powers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under th� Note, under any o�the Refated Dacum�nts, v� under any other agreement or
<br /> any [aws now oa- hereafte� in �orce; notwiths�anding, some or a�[ o-F sueh fndebtedness and obligat€ons secured by
<br /> this Deed v�Trus� may notinr or hereafter be oth�rwise secured, whether by martgage, deed of�rust, pledge, lien.
<br /> assignmen� vr o�herwise. Nei�her the acce�tance of this Deed vf Trust nor its en�orcement, v►r�eth�r by cour�
<br /> . activn or pursuant tQ the power o� s�fe or o�h�r pvwers cor��ained �n th�s �eed af-frust, shall pr��udic� �r i� a�y
<br /> . manner affect Trust�e�s or Lender's right to reaEi�� upon �ar en�orce any otf�er s�curi�y noonr or here��t�r he[cC ��
<br /> Trus�ee or Lend�r,�t�e'rng agreed that T��s�ee an� Lenr�er6 and each of ther�, shal��ae��t�t�ed t�����r�e�h�s �e��
<br /> �f Trus� and any other se�urit� now or h�r�a��r ihe�d �� Lender or c�-ust�� ir� ��ch �rdier a;nd �anne� as ��a�� ��-
<br /> either o� theri� may in their ai�solute discretion d�terrnffr�e, �Vo re�edy ��r�ferr�� ��ar� or ��ser�e� �� ��-us�����-
<br /> Lender, is Tntended to b� exclusive of any othe�- �er�-�ec��ir��his �eed o�Trus�or �ay �a� pr���ded �r �err-:-�it�ed, but
<br /> each sha[[ be cumulati�e and sha€� be in addition to every �ther remedy given �n this Deec� �f �rust or �ovtir or
<br /> hereafker exist�ng at�aw or in�qui�y or by statute. Every pawer or remedy g�ven by the No�e o�-any of the Rela�ed
<br /> Do�uments to Trustee �r Lender or ta wh�ch eifihe.r of �hem may be otherwise entitled, may E�e exerc�sed,
<br /> concurrenfily ar independenrtly, �rom time t�time and as o�ten as may he deemed expedient by T�ustee or Lender,
<br /> and ei�her o� th�m may pu�sue incansisten� remedies, Nothing En th�s Deed of Trust shall be eonstrued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender�From seeking a deficiency judgment against�the Trustor to the exten�su�h action is permitfed by
<br /> faw.
<br /> EIec�ion �f �iemedies. A[f of Lender's rights and rer�ed�es v�i�l be cu:mu�ati�e and ma� be exercised a[or�e or
<br /> together. l-€ �.er€der decides to spend mvney or �o per�oa-rr� �a�y �f�rus�or`s obl�ga�ions ���er �i� �eed vf��-ustr
<br /> �ft�r Trust�r's ���f�are to do sor tha� decis�an by Lender �vE�l n�� a��ec# �en�er°s righ��� de���r� Trus�or in de���i�t
<br /> and�r�xerc�se�.ende�-'s remedies.
<br /> Requ�s�fvr flVo�ice. �rusta�, vn behalf o�Trus�or and L�nder, hereb�reques�s�ha�a �opy��any�ot�c�a�De�aulfi
<br /> and a eopy a�F any Notice of Sa[e under�his Deed v#Trust be rnailed to them a�c the address�s se���r�h ir�t�te�Firs�
<br /> paragraph o-�this Deed o�Tru��.
<br /> Attorneys` Fees; Expenses. �f Lender institutes any suit o�- action to enforce any of the ter�ns of �his Deed v�
<br /> Trust, Lender sha1� �e enti�led#o reco�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonab�e as attorneys' �Fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeaI. Whefih�r ar nofi any court action is in��l�ed, and to �the ex�en� nofi prohibited by lavv, all
<br /> �easonab�e e�penses Lender incurs �hat in Lender`s apinion are necessary at any time �or �he pro�ec�ian Q� its
<br /> in�erest or the en�arcement of its rights sha[[ become a part o�the �ndebtedness pa�abl� on demand and shall bear
<br />