<br /> �3�ED �l� TRu��`
<br /> L�a�n No: 'I���974"� ��o�#��u�d� Page �
<br /> interes�at the No�e rate from�he date o�th�e�pendi�ure un�il repaid, Expenses coWered by this paragraph include,
<br /> withou� limita�t�on, however subjec�to any �im�ts under applic�ble la�, Lender's attorneys` fees and Lender�s legal
<br /> expenses, �rhether or nof ther� is � Iawsuit, inGlud-ing attorneys' fees and expenses for bankrupt�y proceedi.ngs
<br /> �including effor�s to madi�Fy or�acate any au�omatic sfiay o�-injun.c�ion}, appea�s, and a.ny anticipated post-judgmenrt
<br /> collectivn services, �he cost o�searching �ecords, oh�a�ning tit�e reports �incEuding foreclosure repar�s}f 5UC1IEI�ICJI"Sr
<br /> reports, and appra�sa[ fees, title insurance, and fees far the Trus�ee, to the ex�ent permit�ed by applicabf� �aw.
<br /> Trustor a[so Uvi[I pay any courk costs, in add����n fio a.�!othe�sums provided hy[aw.
<br /> F�ights v�Trustee. Trustee sha�{ have a[�of the rights and duties of Lend�r as se�fvrth in this sec�ion.
<br /> P41lVERS AND ��LiG�TIDNS OF TRUSTEE. The�ollowing pro�isions relating to the powers and vt�ligation$ o�Y€-uste�
<br /> are Rart of�his �]eed��Trus�:
<br /> Powers of Trus�ee. ln addition to ali pav�rers o�Trus�ee aris�ng as a mat��r of lawr Trustee shali have the pvwer t�
<br /> tak�the following a��ions wi�h respect�o the Proper�y upon ti�e wri�fien request o� Lende�and Trustor: {a�jo�n in
<br /> preparing and fifing a map or p�at o�the F��ai Property. €ncluding th� dedication v� streets or oth�r righ�s to the
<br /> pubfic; �b} join in granting any easernent ar c��ating any �-es�triction an the �eal Proper�y; and {c� jo�n in any
<br /> subordination a�ather agre�men�affec�ing this Deed of Trust or�he interest o�Lender under�his ❑�ed of Trus�.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee sha[[ mee� all quali�ications required for Trustee under applicable law. !n addition to the rights
<br /> and remedies set forth above, vv�th respect ta a[� or any part o��he Proper�y, �he Trus�ee shall ha�e the ;right�o
<br /> foreclose by no�ice and sa�e, and Lender will ha�e �he right�a f�recfvse by 4udicial farec[vsure, in eit_her case En
<br /> accorda�ce wi�h and�o the#ull extent pro�ided by applicab�e law.
<br /> Success�r�'rus��e. Lender, at Lender's op�ion, ma�from time to time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trus�ee
<br /> appointed �under �his Deeal of Trust by an ins�rument executed and acknawledged by Lender and recorded i.n th�
<br /> of�ice �� �he rec��d�r �� HALL County; S�a�e �f Nebraska. The instrumenfi sha[[ con�ain; in addit�on ta a�l o�ther
<br /> r�at�ers r�quired �� sta�e €aw, the �ames o� the oric�inal Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, �he book and page �ar
<br /> compu�er systerr� re�e�enc�� v�rhere this D�ed o� �"rust is recor-ded, and �he name and address vf �he successor
<br /> �rustee, and�he instrument shall he e�ecu�ed and acknowledged by a!�the beneficiaries under�his De�d o�Trust or
<br /> �heir successors in in�erest. The successor trustee, �nrithout con�eyance of�he Property, shall su.cceed �o all the
<br /> �i�le, power, and dut�es conferred upvn�Che Trust�e in this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. This pr�cedure fvr
<br /> subs�itutfon o�Trus�ee shall go�ern to the exc�us3an af afl othe�prov�sions for substitu�ion.
<br /> N�T[CES, �Iny natice required t� be gi�en under�his De�d o�Trust, inc�uding wi�hout limi�a��on any no�ice o�d��au[t
<br /> and a.ny not�ce af sale shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be ���ectiv� �r►rhen actua[ly cieli�ered, when ac�ually �-ecei�ed
<br /> by te[efacsimile �un[ess otherwise required by law}, when deposited wi�h a nationa.[[y recvg:n��ed o�ernigh�courier, or, ��
<br /> mailed, when deposi�ed in�he United States maii, as�irs�t c�ass, certi�ied or�-egistered mail postage prepaid, d�rected to
<br /> �he addresses s���,vn n�ar the �eg3nning o��h�s Dee� o�Trus�. �11 copies o� notiees of-Forec9osu�e f�orn t�e k�older o�
<br /> an� l�en wh�c� �as priori� �ver �his Deed o���ust s�all �e sen� �o L�nder's add�-ess, as shown near �he �eginning of
<br /> �his �eed of�rust. ��y �ers�n €�nay change hgs or he:�r address for �o��ces under thEs I]�ed of Trus� by�i�ing farrrl�l
<br /> wrlirten notice to the ��her �erson vr_ persons, sp�ci�ing t�a� ��e purpose of th� n�tice is t� change the person's
<br /> address. For�o��ce purposes,Trus�or agrees ta €�eep Le�der in�ormed afi a[l times of Trustor's curre:n��ddress. �]nless
<br /> otherwise prvWided Qr reguired by [aw, if there is more than one Trustor, any no�tiee given by Lend=er�o any Trustor is
<br /> deemed to bs no�ice gi�en to a��Trustors. lt wi['[ be Trusfiar's responsibili�y�o�ell the others v�the notice from Lender.
<br /> 1V�1S�ELLANE�US P1��VIS�DNS. The�o[[owing misce[lane�us pr��isivns are�part of�his D�ed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. Wha�k is written in this Deed o�Trust and in the Related Documents is Trustar's en�ire agreement
<br /> with Lende:r can�ern�n.g rthe matters ca�ered by this Deed o�Trust. Ta b� effectiVe, any�hange or amen.d.ment�o
<br /> this Deed of Trus-� must be in writing and must be signed by r�vhoer�er wi[� be bound or obligated by the change or
<br /> amendmen�.
<br /> Cag��i�r� Headings. Caption heading�s in this Deed of `�'rust are �or con�enEence purposes only and are nat to be
<br /> used��a��erpre��r ae�in�the proWis.i�ns of this Deed o�F Trus�.
<br /> �erger. There s�a�! be n� rt-�erger af�he interes�or�state created by this Deed of�f�-�st w��h any o�her inte��st or
<br /> �s�ate in�he Pr�per�y at any fiime he;[d by or for the bene����f Le:nder�n any capa�i�y, inrithout�he i�vritten cor�sen�
<br /> ��Lende.r.
<br /> Gv►rerning Lavv. Th�s Deed of Trust wi�l be governed by feder�� �a�nr applicable �v Lender and, �v #he ex�ent n��
<br /> preer�pted by��derai law,the�aws v�the 5tate v�Neh�aska rn�ithout regard to its con�iicts of�aw provisivns. This
<br /> Deed a�Trus�has been�ccepted�y Len�er in fhe St��e o�Nebraska.
<br /> Ch�ice o�F Ve�ue. 1�there is a Ia�rvsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lender's reques�to subm�t to the �u.risdictivn of the
<br /> cour-�s of Hal� Coun�ty, State of Nebraska.
<br /> Jv�nt and SeWeral Liab�l��y. All ob�igations of Borrav►rer and Trustor under �his Deed o�F Trus� shall be joint and
<br /> several, and al1 referen�es to Trus�or shall mean each an� every Trust�r, and al1 �e�erences�� ���-row�r shal� rnear�
<br /> each ar��eWery E�orrower. This means�hat each Trustor sigr�ir�� be�ow �s respons.ib[e�or all o��iga�ti�ns in�h9�s Deec�
<br /> of Trust.
<br /> Nv 11Vai�er�y Lendex. Trus�or �nderstands Len��r v�i�[ �Qz giv� �� anv of Lender's r�g�its �ncier thEs Deed a��rus�t
<br /> unless Lenc�er does sa in writir�g. Th� �act tha� ��nc�er de�ays or orni�s t� exercis� any �-igh�t ��1� na� mean that
<br /> Lender has gi�er� up �ha� �-igh-�. [� Lender does agre� in writ�r�� to gi�e up one �� Lend�r-°s rig�ht�, tha� d�e.s n�ot
<br /> mean Trustor v�rill no� have �o �omply vtir�th the o�he� pro�is�ons o€this Deed af Trust. Trus�o.r also unders�ands
<br /> �hat if L�nder dves cvnsent to a request, that daes no� mean that Trus�vr wil[ nv� have ta g�t Lender's cons�nt
<br /> again �f the situa�ion happens ag.ain. Trustor�urther understands�ha�jus�be�ause Lender cans�nts to one or more
<br /> o�F Trustor's r�ques�s, fiha�t does not m�an Lender will be required to consen� to ,any of Tru.s�or's �u�u-re requests.
<br /> Trus�or wai�es presen�men�,demand for paym-en�, pratest, and notiGe o�dishonor.
<br /> Se�erab�ii�y. lf a court �inds �ha� aray prouision o�this Deed o�Trust 3s no� valid or shauld not he enforced, �h�t
<br /> �act by itse��w:i[l no� mean that fihe rest o�this Deed o�T�ust�vill not be�a�id or enfarced. �here�ore, a cou�t w��I
<br /> enforce�he rest a��he pro�isions a�this Dee� of Trus�even i�F a pro�ision af�his Deed of Trust ma�be found tv b�
<br /> in�alid or unen�vrceab[e.
<br /> S�c�essvrs and l�ss�gns. 5ub�ect�Q any limita`�ions stat�d ir� �his �eed vf Trus� on transfer a��rusto�°s �nte�est;
<br /> �his �eed o�Tr�st sha�� be binding upon and inure �o the �enefit vf�he �arties, their success�rs an;d �ssi�ns. 1�
<br /> vv�rriership o��he Property becornes �ested in � persor� o�her than �r�stor, Lenc�er, �rvi�hvu�notice �o�rus�ar, may
<br /> deal vi�.ith�rustor's successors w��th referenc��o this Deed of Trus�and-the inde��edness by way o��orbearance vr
<br /> ex-�ension without re[easing Trus�or from the obii:ga�ions of�his Deed o�Trust o��iabi[ity under the Nnde�tedness,
<br /> Time is �f#he Essen�e. Time is of�he essence in�he performance of this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> �1Slaive Jury. A�t parties �v this Dee� �f Trus� hereby waive the right to any jury�#rial in any ac�ion, praceed�ng, nr
<br /> c�unterclaim brough#�y a�ny par�y agains�a�y�th�r par�y.
<br /> Wa��er o� Homestead Exemp�ion. Trustor hereby releas�s and wai�es all rights and bene��ts o� the �amestead
<br /> exemp�ion lav�rs of the 5�ate of Nebras�a as�o a[[ lndebtedness secured by this Deed o��frus�.
<br /> D���N�T9�fV5, Th�fallov�ring words sha[[ ha�e the����owing rr�eanings when used in this Deed of Trust:
<br />