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<br /> Lo� ��: 7����7'4� �nt�nu�d} Pag� �
<br /> SECURiTY A��EEN�E�VT; FIN�IN�I�IC STAT'ElV�E�TS. The fol�ow�ng provisians �elating to �h�s Deed of Trust as a
<br /> security agreemen�are a part of this Deed �f Trust:
<br /> Secur�ty Agreemenf. This 'rnstrument shall consti�u�e a Secur�ty Agreemen� to the exten� any of the Praperty
<br /> constitutes fi�ctures, and Lend�r s:hall have a�� of the rights v�r a secur�d party under the Uniform Comm�rc'ral �ode
<br /> as amended from time�o�kime.
<br /> 5ecuri�ty In�erest. Upvn request by Lenoier, Trus�o�- shall �ake vvhate�er acti�n is reques�ed by Lender t� pe�fec�
<br /> and con�inue Len:der's secur'r-�y inte.r�st in the Persona� Praper�y. �n addifiion fo recording this Deed of Trus�in �he
<br /> r�a[ p�ap�r�y reco.rds, Lender may, at any time and withou� fur�her autharizativn �rom T�ustor, ���e executed
<br /> c�un�erparts, copies o� reproductivns o�F this I7eed of Trus� as a financing stafiem�n�t. Trustor shal[ reimburse
<br /> Lender �or a!I expenses �:ncurred in perfecting or co-nt�nuing �his securi�y i:nterest. Upo'n d��au�t, Trustor sha�� not
<br /> remo�e, se�er vr detach the Personal Property �rom �h� Property. Upon de�auft, Trustor shall assemble any
<br /> Personal Proper-�y not affixed to �he Prflper�y in a manner and at a p�ace reasonably canvenienfi tfl Trustor .and
<br /> Lend�r and make it a�ailable ta Lend�r vtirithin �hree {3} days a-�ter receip� af written dem.and fr�m Lender tv �he
<br /> extent permit�ed by appl�cab[e law.
<br /> Ad�re�ses, The mai��:ng address�s o� Trustor �debtor} and Lender �secured parfiy} f��m which infvrma�ion
<br /> concernirtg the securi�y interes�ti granted by�his ❑eed vf Trust may be obta�ned �each as �-equired by the Uniform
<br /> �ommercia� �od�� are as s�a�ed on�he first page�f�his Deed vf Trus�t:
<br /> FU�RTH�R �SSLJ�ANC�S. ATTDI�NEYw��1F-FACT. The foilowing pro�isivns rela�ing to �ur�her assuranc�s and
<br /> a��o.rney-�n-�act are a part o�this aeed o�Trust:
<br /> Further Assu�ances. At any ti.me; an_d frvm �ime to time, upvn r�quasf o� Lender, Trus�ar will rr-aa[ce, execute and
<br /> de�iverE or v�rill cause ta be macle, execu�ed or deli�ered,�� Lender vr to Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lend�r, cause to be �f��d, reeorded, refiled, or rerecorded, as the case may be, a"t such tirnes and in such affices
<br /> and places as Le�nder may deem appropria�e, any and a�1 such morkgages, cieeds af trus�t, seeurity de�ds, s�curity
<br /> �.greements, financing statem�n�s, continua�kian statements, �nstruments of �urther assurance, certif�cates; and
<br /> other d�cuments as may, in the sole opinion a� Lende�, be necessary or desirable in arder-�� ef�ecrtuate, complete,
<br /> perfect, continue, or preser�e ��� Borro�ver's and Trus�ar`s oh[igations under the No�e, �his Deed of Trust� and
<br /> the Related Documents, and ��} -�he liens and security interests�created .by this Deed of Trust as first and priar
<br /> liens on the Proper�y, whether nvw vwned vr hereafiter a�quired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by [aw or Lender
<br /> agrees�o the c�ntrary in writing� Trustor shaC[ reimburse Lende�-fo�r a�i cos-�s and exp.enses incurred in connection
<br /> wi�h the�matters re�Ferred�o in�his paragraph.
<br /> A�v�ney-�n-Fa�t. ➢�Trus�or fails ta do an���the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lend�r m.ay do so
<br /> �ar and ir� the name o�Yrus�or and a�Trust�r=s exper�se. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irre�acably appoi�ts
<br /> L�nder as Trustor's attorney-in-fac�f�r the purp.ose of making, execut�ng, deli�ering, filing, recording, and daing al�
<br /> ❑�her things as rnay be necessary or desirable, in Ler�de�'s svle opinian, �o aGcomplish the rr�atters referred to in
<br /> the preceding paragra�ph.
<br /> FULL PEF�F�RMANCE. ff Borrower and Trus�ar pay a€1 the Indeb�edness when due, and Trustor otherw�se performs al�
<br /> the obligations imposed upon Trus�kor under�his L7eed vf Trus�, Lender shall execute and deliver�o Trus�ee a request�For
<br /> �u[[ recon��yanee and shall exe�ute and deli�er t�Trustor sui�aE�Ee sta�emen�s of terminatian��any financing s�at�men�
<br /> on f�le e�idencing Lender's security in�reres�in th� Rents and the Personal Proper�y. Any recon�eyance fee requ�red by
<br /> [aw shall be pa�d by Trustor, if permitted by applicable 1aw.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. At Lender's �ptian, Trus�vr vvili �e in defaul� under fihis Deed of Trus� i� any of�he ��€[owing
<br /> happen:
<br /> Paymen��l��aui�. Borrower�ai€s to rr�ake an�paymen�v�hen due under the€ndeb��dness.
<br /> �reak ��her Pr€�rnises. 8orrvwer or�r�s�or br�a�Cs an�p�c��n�s� rna�e�� Lende�or�ai�s to per�orr� prornptrly a���e
<br /> time and s�ri�tly in the manner pr�vided in-�his �Deed of�rust or in any agreemen�k re�a�t�d�o this �e�a o��rus�.
<br /> C�mpfiance D��au��. Failure to comply with any ather t�rrn, �b[igati�n, Cvvenant or condi�ion contained in th�s
<br /> ❑e�d of Trus�,the Note or in any of the Related Documents.
<br /> De�F�u1t on�ther Payrnen�s. Failure of Trustar within the time required by this Deed of Trust to make any payment
<br /> ��r taxes or insurance, ar any v�her paymen�necessar�to pre�ent filing of or to e�f�c�discharge o�any lien.
<br /> D�fau�t in Fa��r vf Third Par���s. Shvuld Borrowe.r or any Grantor defauit under any loan, ex�tension of credi�,.
<br /> security a.�reemen�, purchase or sales agreement, vr any other agreement, in -Fa�or of any other creditvr ar person
<br /> that mav ma�erial�y afFec� any of B�rrower's or any Grantor's property or Bo�rower's ab��ity to repay �he
<br /> indeb�ec�raess or�Bor�-awer's or Grantor's ability tv perfarm thei�- �espe�ti�e o�iigations under�his �eed of Trust or
<br /> any o�the Re[a�ed �]ocuments.
<br /> Fals� S�aterr�ents. Any representativr� vr s�atemen� �ad� �r furnished to L�nd��- b� �orr��nre� or Trustor or on
<br /> B�rr�wer°� or �€�ust�r's behalf under ti��s �eed o� Tr�s� �r �he R�Iated Documents �s �a�se �r rr�islead9ng ir� any
<br /> mate�ia� �espe�t, eifiher now vr at�he�ime maC�or�u�r�Es�ed.
<br /> D�fe��a�e �o��ateraliza�ion. This �eed o# Trust or any of �he Re[ated Dacum�nts ceases �ro �e in �ul! fo�ce and
<br /> ���ect �inc[uding �at[ure o� any collateral document tv crea�e a va[id and perfected security �nteres�t or Iien� at any
<br /> t�m.e and for any reason:
<br /> D��th or insvl►rency. The death o�Bo�rower or Trustor, the inso[�ency of Borrower or Trus�or. �he appo�nfimen�of
<br /> a recei�.er�o�a:ny part of Borrower's or Trustor's proper�y, any ass�gnment f�r�he benefi�of creditors, any type af
<br /> credi�Cor workout, or�he commencement�f any proceeding under any hankrup�Ccy or insolv�ncy�aws by ar aga�nst
<br /> B�rrower or Trust�r.
<br /> �'�king o�F th� Prope�ty. Any creaiitvr or gv�ernmenta� agency �ries to �ake any of the Pr�per� or any o�her of
<br /> 1Barrower`s or Trus�t�r's pro�erty in whi�h Lend�r i�as a 16e�. This �ncl=udes �aking o�, garnis�ing of or �e�ry�r�g o�
<br /> E�orrower�s or Trus�tor's accounfis vvith Lender� �1�we�er, �3��rr��nrer vr Tr�st�r d�sputes ira g�ad fai�h whe�F�e�-the
<br /> c�airn �� �vhich t�e �alcing o��h-e Prapert�`is �a�e�i �s valid �r r�asonabie� and �� Borrovt�er�r 6 rusfor �irr�s ���der
<br /> wri��en n�t€ce of�he clairn and furnish�s Lender w�t� rnonies �r a sure-�y bv�n� sat�s�act�ry�o Ler�de�-�o sat�s�t�e
<br /> c[airrt,�hen�his de�au�t provision w�l[ no��ppl�.
<br /> Breach v�D�her Agreea�ent. Any breach by Borrower or Trustvr und�r th�t�rms vf any other agreemen�be�twe�n
<br /> B�rro�nrer or Trusto� and Lende�-tha�k is not remedied vv�th3n any graee period p�-o�ided �herein, i�ncluding wEthout
<br /> [imifia�ion any agr�emen� concerning any indeb�edness or v�her obligation of Borrower or Trus��r to Lender,
<br /> whether exis�ing now or Iater. �
<br /> Err�r�ts Affecting �u�rantor. Any of�he preceding e�en-�s vccurs �rvrth respec�to any guarantor, endorser, sure�y,
<br /> or acc�mm-odation party o� any of th� lndebtedness or any guaran�or, endorser, surety, or acc.ommodatEan party
<br /> dies or becomes incampeten�; or re�ok�s or disputes the Walidaty of, vr liabil.i�y under, any Guaran�y o� the
<br /> lr�deb�edness.
<br /> l:nsecur��y. �ender in good�aith be�ieves itse[�in_secure.
<br /> RE�:ht to �u�e. 1��ny deiaul�, v�her thar� a de�ault ir� �ayrr��n��s c�rab.le and �f�rustor has r�o�beer� g��en a no�ice
<br />