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��14�3�15 <br /> Inspect�fln. Lender or ��s agent may make reasanab�e en�rie� upon and inspec��ons af�he Pr� e . Le <br /> p r�y nder sha�i <br /> g��e Barro�ver no��ce a��he�im�of or prior�a an r�spec��on spec�fying reasonab�e cause far�he�ns e�tio <br /> p n. <br /> Condemnat�on. The pr�ceeds of any a�vard ar��aim far damages,dire�t�r conse uent�al in canne��ion ' <br /> q � w��h any <br /> candernnat��n. ar o�her�ak�ng�f any part�f�he Praperty, or for�onveyance �n �zeu.of candemr�ation are <br /> assigned and shai�be paxd�a Lender. <br /> , hereby <br /> In �he event of a ta�ax taking of the Proper�y, the praceeds sha�l be appixed�o the sums secured b �h�s Securi <br /> �nstrumen�, �vhether or not then due, �v�th an exce�s aid �o BQrrov� � � <br /> Y p er. �n �he e�en� of a par�iai taking of the <br /> Praper�y in wh��h�he fair market�alue �f�he Property �mmed�a�e�y before the takin �s e ua� �� or reater�han <br /> �he amoun� af the sun�s secured b �his Securi �nstrument ' ' � � � <br /> , Y �y �mmed�a�ely before tihe taking, unless Barro�ver and <br /> L�nder atherw�se agree �n vvrxt�ng,�he sums secured by th�s Security�ns�rumen�sha�i be reduced b the am�un�of <br /> �he proceeds mult�plied by�he f��lotiv�ng frac��on: a the tata�amount of�he y <br /> � ) sums secured�mmed�ate�y bef�re�he <br /> �ak�ng, d�vrded by �b} the fair �marke� �a�ue of�he Praperty irnm�d�ate�y befare the tak�ng. An balance shal� be <br /> Y <br /> paid�o Barro�ver. �n�he e�ven�.of a part�a� �ak�ng o�'the Praper�y rn wh�ch the fa�r marke� �a�ue of the Pro e <br /> P �Y <br /> ��mxnediate�� befnr� the tak�ng �s less �han the amvunt af the sums secured immedxa�ely bef�re the �a�in uniess <br /> Borrov�er and I�ender flthervvzse agree xn v�r�ting or u.n�ess A licab�e Lavc�othe ' �� <br /> �p rvv�se pro�ides, �he proceed� shall <br /> be appl��d�o the surns secured by�his Securi�y Instrument�vvhether ar�o��he sums are then due. <br /> If the Praper�y is abandoned by B�rrower, �r�f, after notice by Lender to B�rrower tha�the �andemnar�ffers�� <br /> make an award�r sett�e a�laxm for�.amages, Borr�wer fa��s�o r�sp�nd to Lender within�he m�n�mum number of <br /> days es�ahlished by App��cabie La�after�he date�he na�ice is g��en,Lender�s au�hori�ed��coX�ect and a � �he <br /> �p Y <br /> proceeds, a� its aptz�n, e�ther t� res��ra��an �r repair �f the Proper�y ar to �he surns secured by �h�s SecurY <br /> �Y <br /> �ns�rument,�vhether or not then due. <br /> U�a�ess Lender and Borrov�er otherwise agree �n wr�ting, any app�ica��fln of pro�eeds ta pr�nc�pal sha�I no�ex�end <br /> or pos�p�ne�he due da�e of�he paymen�s due under the�ontract or change�he am�unt of su�h payments. <br /> Barrawer Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Nat a �Va��er, Ex�ens�on of the t�me f�r payment or <br /> �nod�fi�at�on �f amor��zat�on of�he sums secured by �h�s Secur�ty Instrument granted by Lender �o Borrav�er or <br /> any success�r in �nterest of. Borrawer sha�l n�� �perate to re�ease �he ��ab���ty of the or� ina� Barrflwer or <br /> � <br /> Borrow�r's successars in�n�erest. L�nder shall n�t be required �� �o�mmenc�proceed�ngs aga�n.s�any suc�ess�r in <br /> interest or refus�to extend ti�me�'or paym�.en�or atherw�se madify am�r��zatian of the sums secured�y�hx�S�curi <br /> �Y <br /> �nstrumen� by reasan of any demand mad� by the �riginal Borrower or Borrower's success�rs �n �n�eres�. Any <br /> f�rbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any r�ght or r�medy shall no�be a�va��er of�r preclud� the exer��se of any <br /> rzgh�or remedy. <br /> Successars and Ass�gns Baund; Ja�nt and Se�erax Liabi��ty; A�cammoda��an S�gners. The co�enan�s and <br /> agreemen�s �f�his Security�nsf.rument sha��bind and ben�f�the successors and assigns of Lend�r and Borrower, <br /> subject t� the pro�isxons af secti�n ��tled Transfer af the Praperty or a B�ne�cial Interest �n Barrower. <br /> Borrawer's���enants and agreemen�s shal�be j��nt and se�era�.Any person wha co�-s�gns th�s Security�ns�rumen� <br /> hut has no personal ��a�i�ity under �he Contract �"Ac��mmodation Signer"}: �a� �s cfl-sign�ng th�s Securx�y <br /> �ns�trument on.�y �o mor�gage, grant and.��nvey �ha� Accom�m�da��an. S igner'� in�eres� in the Praperty utader the <br /> �errns of �he Secur�ty �ns�rument; (b� �s no� persana�ly obiigat�d ta pay the sums secured by this Securx#.y <br /> �ns�rument; and�c�agrees th�.t Lender and any oth�r Barrower may agr�e to extend,mod�fy, forbear or make any <br /> ac�ommodat�,ons w�th regard�o�he�erms of th�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�or the C�n�ract withflu�that Accvmmodatian <br /> S�gner's c ansen�. <br /> Loan �ha rges. If the �aan secur�d by �his Secur�ty In,strument is subj ec� to a Zaw wh�ch s��s maximum ��an r <br /> charges, and tha� Iaw is f na11y interpret�d so that�he �nteres�or a�her Ioan charges cv��ec�ed or�o�e cal�ected�n <br /> c�nnec�ian vvith �he �oan �xceed the perrnxtted �xm��s, �hen: �a} any such loan charge shal� be reduced by �he <br /> am�un�necessary to reduce the charge�fl the permitted I�m��s and�b) any sums a�ready��l�ected fr�m Borr�vver <br /> wh�ch �xceeded perm�.�ted ��mits wi�i be refunded �v B�rrovver. Lender may choase ta make th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng�he pr�ncipa� ov�ed un.der the Contra�� or by mak�r�.g a direc�pay�men��o B�rrower. �f a refund r�du�es <br /> principal,the redu�t�on w���be treated as a par��al prepayment under t�e C�ntra��. <br /> Not�ces. Any n�t�ce to Borrov�er pr��ided for in �his Security Instrument shal� be given by de�ivering �� or by <br /> ma�Iing��by first ciass ma�l un�ess Appl�cable Law requires u�e of ano�her m�ethod. The no�ice shall be directed to <br /> �he Pr�perty Address �r any other address Barrawer designates by na�i�e �� Lender. Barro�er agrees to pro�ide <br /> Lender vwxth Barravverts mas� curren�ma��ing address, as r�may change fr�m ti�ne-to-�ime. Any n��ice to Lender <br /> sh�.�X be g�ven b�first class�nail to Lender's address s�a�ed here�n or any flther address L�nder des�gna�es by notice <br /> to Borrov�er..�Lny no�ice pro�zded f�r in�h�s Secur�ty�nstrumen�shall be deemed to have been given tfl Borrower <br /> or Lender v�hen gi�en as provided�n this paragraph. <br /> �o�ern�ng Law; S��erab���ty.This Securit��ns�rument sha��be governed by federa��aw and�he�avvs of�he s�ate <br /> �f Nebraska. �n �h� e�en� �hat any prov�si�n or ciause vf thi.s Secur�ty �nstrum�en� ar �he ��n�ract canfl���s wi�h <br /> Appli�ab�e Law, such confl�c� sha�� not aff�ct o�her pro�isions af th�s Secur�ty �nstrument ar�he Cflntract wh�ch <br /> can be g�v�n effect�v��hou��he confl�ctrng pro��sion. To�his end the prav�s�ons of th�s Se�ur��y�ns�rumen�and the <br /> Contrac�are dec�ared to he se�erab�e. <br /> B�rr�wer's��py.Barrower shaXl be gx�en one cflpy af�his Security�nstrumen�. <br /> Transfer of the Pr�per�y ar a Bene�cia�Interest�n Barrower. �f a��or any par�of the Prap�rty or any in�erest <br /> rn �� is sold or �ransferred t�r rf a b�neficxal in�erest �n Borrawer �s s��d or transferred and Barrovwer �s n�� a <br /> natural person� w�thou� Lender's prxor v�ritten c�nsen�, Lender may, a� its �p��on, require xmmedia�e paymen� in <br /> �2tiD4-2�13 Cvmpliac�ce Systems,In�.9F9d-1�32-20]3L2.4.72t <br /> C�nsumer Rea�Estate-Security Instrumer�t DL�036 Page 3 of 5 www.comp�iancesystems.cvm <br />
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