<br /> App��cab�e Law. As used i�. this Securi�y �nstru�ment, �he term "App�icable Lavv" shal� mean al� �ontrall�.ng
<br /> applicahle f.�dera�, state and �oca1 sta.tu�es, regula�ivns, �rdinances and ad�nin�s�ra�ive ru�es and orders ��ha�have
<br /> the effec�nf lavv�as vvel�as all app�icable final,n�n-appealable judi�ial opinians.
<br /> Charg��; Liens. ��rrower shal� pay all taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and impositions attri�utable t� �he
<br /> Pr�pert��h��h may atta�n prior��y over�his Securi�y �ns�rumen�, and leaseh�ld payments Qr ground rents, �f any.
<br /> At the reques�of Lender,B�rrower shal�pr�mp��y furnish��Lender receip�s evide��ing the paymen�s.
<br /> Borrower sha11 pr�mptly dis�harge any lien wh�ch has pri�rity over th�s S��urity�nstrument unl�ss Bvrr�wer: �a�
<br /> agre�s �n wri�ing to �he paymen� �f�he �bl�ga��on secured by the Iien ��a a manner ac�ep�able to Lender; �b}
<br /> �ant�s�s in g�od faxth �he lien by, or defends against enforcemer�� �f�he �ien in, �ega1 proceedxngs vvhich �n the
<br /> Ler�der's opinion op�rate to pre�ent �he enfarcement �f�he 1�en; or ��} secur�s from �he halder af the �ien an
<br /> agr�ement satisfactory�o Lender sub�rdinating�he ��en�a this Security�ns�runlent. If L�nder determXnes�ha� any
<br /> par�of�h� Propert� is sub�ec.t to a l�en which may atta�n przor�i.y over this Secur�ty �nst�umen�, Lender rnay g�ve
<br /> Borr�v�rer a r�ot�ce iden��fy�n�the �ien. Barrov�er shal� sa�isfy�he �ien ar tal�e �ne or�nore �f�he ac���ns se�for�h
<br /> ab��e�ith�n �.U days of the g�ving of no��ce.
<br /> Hazard or Praperty Insuranc�. Bflrr�wer shal�keep�he �mpr��emen�s no�v existxng Qr hereafter erected on the
<br /> Property insured agains�loss by fire,hazards included v���hin th��erm"e�t�nded co�erage"and any other hazards, .
<br /> in�luding fl��ds flr fl�oding, for which Lender requires insurance. This �nsurance sha11 be rnaantained �n th�
<br /> amounts and f�r the periods�ha�L�nder requires.The insurance carr��r pr�viding�he insuran�e shal��e�h�sen by
<br /> Borrav�rer subj ec� �� Lender's appro�al whi�h shal� no� be unreasonably w��hhe�d. �f Barr��ver fails ta maintain
<br /> ca�erage descr�bed abfl�e} Lender may, at Lender's optian, �btain coverage �o pro�ec� Lender's rights �n �he
<br /> Praperty�.x�ac�ordan�e w�th section��tled Prnte�tian�f Lender's l�ights in the Pruperty.
<br /> A1I insuran�e pflli�ies and renevvals shal� be acceptab�e �� Lender and shall �nclude a s�andard nlor�gage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�l ha�e th�righ��co hold�he po�icies and renewa�s. �f Lender requires, Barravver sha�l prornp�ly give to
<br /> Lender a1�receip�s�f paid premiums and renewal no��c�s. �n�he event of loss, Borr�v�er shall give promp�na��ce
<br /> ta�he insurance�arrier and Lender.Lender�nay x�.ake prflaf of�oss if na�rnade promp��y by B�rr�v�er.
<br /> Unless;Lender and B�rrower �thervvise agree in wr��ing, insurance proce�ds shal� be appXied �a rest�ratxon or
<br /> repair of�he Pr�per�y damaged, �f, in L�nder's sole discr��i��, th� restara�ian ar repa�r is e�onornical�y feasible
<br /> and Le�der's security is no� lessened. �f, in L�nder's sole d�scre�ian, �he restorati�n �r repair is not ecanomE�ca�ly
<br /> feasib�e or L�nder's security wou�d be lessened,�he�nsurance praceeds sha�l�e app�ied�o�he sums secured by th�s
<br /> Secur�t� �ristrumen�, �vhe�her ar not then due, �ith any excess pa�d to Borrawer. �f B�rrovver abandons �he
<br /> Property,�r does no�ans�v�rer v�ithin the number of days prescribed by Applicable Lav�as set for�h in a notice fr�m
<br /> Len.der t� B�rrower tha��he insurance carr��r has offered ta settle a claim,then Lender may c��lect the insurance
<br /> pro�eeds. L�nder may use th� pro�eeds �� repa�r or restore the Proper�y or to pay sums secured by�his Security
<br /> �nstru�rient,�hether ar not then due. The period of t�me for Borrower�o answer as set f�rth.�n�he notice wi�l�begin
<br /> wh�n�he n�tice xs g�veri.
<br /> Unless Lend�r arid Barrovver o�her�ise agree�n,wr�ting, any app�icati�n of praceeds to prancipa� shal�nflt ex��nd
<br /> �r postpone�he due date of�he paymen�s due und�r the C�ntra���r change th� amoun��f the paymen�s. If�.uader
<br /> the sec�i�n���Ied�.��elerat�nn; Remed�es, the Properfi� is aCqu�r�d�y Lender, Borrower's righ�ta any insurance
<br /> p�����es and prviceeds resul�ing from damage to the Praper�y priQr�o the acquisition sha�l pass to Lender ta the
<br /> ex�ent af�he sums secured�y this Security I�s�rument�mmediately pr�ar��the acquis�t��n. �
<br /> Pr��ervation, �Vlaintenance and Pr�tect�or� of the Praperty; Borro�ver�� Lnan Ap�l�cat�vn; Leasehold5.
<br /> Bo��wer sha�1 no�destroy, damage ar�mpa.ir�he Pro�er�, a11aw�he Pr�p�rry to d��eriorate, vr commi�v�ras�e on
<br /> the Praper�y.B�rrov�er shall be in defau��if any forfe��ure acti�n�r proceeding,whe�her civi�or crimina�,is begun
<br /> tha� �n Lend�rTs go�d faith judgment could resul� in f�rfeiture of the Pr�perty or a�herv��se material�y impair the
<br /> lien �rea�ced �hy �his Secur�ty Ins�:rument or Le�der's security in�erest. Borrower may cure su�h a default and
<br /> re�nstate, as pr�v�ded in sec�ion�rtled Borrower�s Right to Rein�tate,�y causing�he ac��on or proceeding�o be
<br /> d�s�rnissed vvi�h a ruling�hat, in Lender's gofld fai�h determination,precludes forfe��ure�f the Bflrrovirer's in�erest in
<br /> th� Pr�p�rty or o�h�r materiaX �mpairnnent �f the Iien �reated by this Secur��y �nstrument or Lender's securi�y
<br /> �n.terest.Bar�-ov�er sha11 a1s�be in default if Borro�ver,during�he�oan ap�iication pracess,gave ma�ter�al�y false or
<br /> �naccurat� ��forma�i�n or statements to Lend�r �vr fa�Ied �o pra�vide Lender with any ma�erial information} �n
<br /> connecti�n vv��h�he �oan e��den�ed�y�he �o�tract. �f this Security �:nstrument is fln a leasehold, Borrower shall
<br /> ��mply�nrith al��h�pro�isions�f�he �ease.Zf BorrQ�ver a�quires fee t���e t��he Pr�per�y,the leaseh�id and the fee
<br /> title sha��nvt merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wri��ng.
<br /> Pr�tec�ion of Lent�er's Righ�s in the Prvper�y. �f B�rrov�er fails tt� perfQrm �he co�enan�s and agreements
<br /> cantained in this Se�uri�.y�nstrum�nt, or there �s� �ega�praceeding�ha�may s�gnif�can��y affec�Lender's r�gh�s i.n
<br /> �he Praperty �such as a proceeding in bankrup�cy, prabate, f�r condemna�ion or forfeiture or to enforce lav�s �r
<br /> regula�ions�, �hen L�nder may do and pay fflr �vhate�er �s necessary �o protec� �he va�ue of the Prflperty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�he Pr�perty. Lender's ac�ions rnay in�lude pay�ng any sums secured by a lien vvh�ch�as pri�rity
<br /> o�er this Secu.ri�r�nstru�nent,appearing in caur�,paying reasanable attorneys'fees and en�ering�n the Property to
<br /> make repaxrs.Al�hough L�nder�may ta�e ac�i�n under�his section,Lender daes nat ha�e�o dQ sa.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender un��r th�s sec��on sha�l bec�me additional deb� of Barr�wer secured by this
<br /> Securi�y Iristrument. UnXess Borr��er and Lender agree to o�her �erms of paymen�, these am�un�s sha�l hear
<br /> in�eres� firor� �he da�e Qf d�sbursemen� at the same ra�e assessed on advan�es under �he �ontrac� and sha�� be
<br /> payab�e,�v��h interes�,upon notice fr�m Lender to Borrawer requesting paymen�.
<br /> C�24�4-2413 Cvanplian�e Systems,Inc.9F9�-1D32-2413L2.4.721
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Instrurne�t DL2�3d Page 2 af S �www.campliancesystems.com
<br />