<br /> fuli �f all sums secured by this Secur�ty Instrurnent. H�we�er, this op��on sha11 no� be exerc�sed by Lender if
<br /> e�er�ise�s pr�hibi�ed by federallaw as�f�he date�f th�s Security�nstrumen�.
<br /> �f Len�er ��ercises this �pti�n, Lender shall gi�e Borrower notice of a�celera�i�n.; The no��ce sha�l pr��ide a
<br /> peri�d �f na� Iess �h�n�he m�n�mum number �f da�s estab�ished �by App�icable La� from the da�e the noti�e is
<br /> del�vered or mai�ed �v��hin vvhich B�rro�ver mus�pa� aI� sums secured b� �his Security Ins�ru�ment. If Borr�v�er
<br /> fai�s to pay�hese sums pr�or.�o the expira�i�ri of�h�s per�od, Lender m.ay in�oke any remedies permit�ed by�h�s
<br /> Securit��nstrumen�v�ithout fur�her nut�ce or demand on Barrower. .
<br /> �
<br /> Barr�vver's Righ� ta R.e�nsta�e. If Borrower meets certa�n conditit�ns, Borraw�r shall ha�e the righ� to have
<br /> enf�rcemen��f this S�curit��nstrument d�scontir�ued at any time pr��r�o the ear�ier of: �a} 5 days �or su�h��her
<br /> per�vd as App�icab�e Law may specify f.or reins�a�emen�}before sa�e�f the Pr�perty pursuan��o any power of sale
<br /> cax�ta�n�d in �his Security �nstrumen�; or �b� entry �f a judgment enforcing this°Se�urity �ns�rument. Those
<br /> cor�d���ons are tha� Borrovver: ta� pays Lender all sums which�hen wou�d be due under this Security Instrument
<br /> and the Contx-act as if na acce��era�ion had�ccurre�;�b}cures any default of any o�her�ovenants or agreements;�c}
<br /> pays a1�expenses�ncurred in eriforc�r�g this Security�nstrumen�, �ncluding,bu�n�t�irr���ed to,reas�nable attorneys'
<br /> fees#o�h� e�tent pexmitted by la�v; and�d}tal�es such ac��on as Lender rr�ay reasonably require to assure�hat�he
<br /> �ien�f�h�s Se�urity Instrument, Lender's rights i�the P�-aperty anc�Barrower's obl�gation to pay�he sums secur�d
<br /> by ��s Secur�ty Inst�ru�nent sha�1 �on�inue unchal�ged. �Jpon reinstatemen�by Barrower, this Secur�ty �nstrument
<br /> and�he �b��gatiflns s�cured h�reby shal� rema�n fu1�y effective as �f no ac�elerati�n had occurred. However, th�s
<br /> r�gh�t to re�ns�a�e sha�l n�t apply in the case af acceleration under�he sec�ifln����ed Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> �enefici�l Intere�t�n Borr�wer.
<br /> Ha�ardous�ubstances.Bor�rawer sha�l n�t cause or per�m��th�presence,use, disposa�, s��rage, ar release of any
<br /> Ha2ard�us Substanc�s on or in the Praperty.�orr�wer sha��not do,nor a�1�w anyone e�se to do,anything affectixa.g
<br /> �he Praperty �hat is in vi��at�on of any Enviro�en�a1 Lavsr. The preceding �o sen�en�es sha11 nat apply to �he
<br /> presence,use,or starage�n the Froperty af small quan�ities af Hazardous Substances�ha�are general�y recognized
<br /> to b�appropr�ate to nornlal residential uses a�d�o ma�ntenance of�he Prvp�r�y.
<br /> Bor�-ov�er sha�1 pran�.ptly gi�e Lender wr�t��n notice af any�n�estiga�ion,claim, demand, Iavs�suit�r o�her act�on by
<br /> any governmen�al a�regula��ry agency �r priva�e par�y in�ol�ing the Property and any Ha2ardaus Subs�ance or
<br /> Environmenta� La�v of which Borrower has actua� kno�vledg�. If Barrower learns, or �s no�if�ed by any
<br /> ga�r�rn�n.en��.l or r�gula�ory author��y,�hat an�removal or��her remed�ati�n of any Ha�ardous Substance affecting
<br /> �he Property is r��cessar�, Borr��er s�al� prom��1� take a11 necessary remed�a� :actions in acc�rdance with
<br /> En�r�r�nmenl:a�La�.
<br /> As use��n�his para�raph, "�azard�us Subs�an�es" are�hose substances def ned as�oxic �r hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by �n��irunmen�al Lav� and �he fallowing substances: gasol�ne, ker�sene, other f�ammable or �axic petraleum
<br /> pr�duc�s, �o�i.c pesticides and herbicides, �olati�e svlvents, materials c�n�airiing asbestos or �`ormaldehyde, and
<br /> radioac���e materia�s.As used in this paragraph, 8'Enviranmental Law"rneans federal la�s and�aws of the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska�ha�relate to hea��h,safety vr enviranmental prote���on.
<br /> Acceleratio�; R.em�di�s. Lender shali gi�e natice to Bvrrovve�- privr to�acce�eratian following �arrower's
<br /> br��ch❑f any c��enant or agreemen�in thi5 Secur�ty InStrument�r�he Con�ract under which ac�e�erati�n
<br /> is perx���tec��hut nat pr�vr to acceleration under the��ecti�n t�t�ed Transfer of the Property or a Ben��cia�
<br /> Interest in �orr�wer, un�ess Applicable Law provides �th�rwise}. Th� noti�e shall specify: �a) the default;
<br /> �b� the act�an required to cure the default; �c) a date, n�� less than the minimum numb�r of day5
<br /> es�ahi�shed by Applicable Law from the date�he notice i5 gi�en to Borrower, hy wh�ch the default mu�t b�
<br /> cur�d; and �d� tha� failure to cure the defau�t on or before the date 5pe�if�ed �n �he notice may re5u�t in
<br /> ac��lera��on af the 5ums secured by thi� Security InStrument and sa�e of the Prvpert�. To the extent
<br /> permi�ted by �avv, �he notice shall further infarm B�rr�v�er vf th� right t� reins�ate after accelerativn and
<br /> �he right ta brin�a cour�action to assert the non--ea�istence of a d�fauit❑r any other defense of Borrower t�
<br /> acce�era�ior� and s�le. If the default is nat cur�� on or ��fore the dat� specified in the no�ice,Lender a� its
<br /> option may requ�re immed:ia�e payment �n ful� of al� sur�5 secured by thi5 Securi�y Instrument w�thout
<br /> fur�h�r demand ar�d may �nv�ke the po�ver �f sale and any other re�ned�es permitted by Applicable Law.
<br /> To th� ext�nt pe�mitted by �aw, Lender sha11 �e �ntitled �a col�ect all expensQ� incurred in pursuing the
<br /> r�medi�s prn��ded �n this Sectiun,including, but not l�mite�to, reas�nable attorn�ys' fees and cvs�s of tit�e
<br /> e��dQn��.
<br /> If�he powe�of�a�� �s invoked, Trustee sha11 record a notice af default in each cou�ty in which any part of
<br /> th�Pr�p�r�y�s �ocated and sha�l mail copies�f such n�tice�n�he manmer prescribed �y Appl�cab�e Law tfl
<br /> B�rra�,�ver and to the ather persans pres�rib�� b� Applicable Law. .�fter �he time r�qu�red �y Applicable
<br /> Law, TruStee sha�� g�ve pu��ic n�tice �f saZe to the pQrs�ns and �n the manner pres�rib�d by Applicable
<br /> La�v. Trust�e,w�thaut dernand on Borrower,shall sell th�Pr�perty at public auctivn t�the high�st bidder
<br /> a�the��me and pla�e and under the terms des�gnated in the notice of sale in�ne Qr r��re�arcels and in any
<br /> �rder Trustee det�rmines. Trust�e may pos�pone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by pubiic
<br /> annauncement at the time and place of a�y preWiousi�scheduled salee Lender ar ifs de�ignee ma�purchase
<br /> th�Pr�perty at an�sale.
<br /> Upon �eceipt af payment af the pr�ce b�d, Trus�e� sha�� de�i�er to �he purchaser 'Trus�ee's deed con�eying
<br /> th�Prnp�rty. The �-ecitals in �he Trustee's deed shall b� pri�a facie��idenc�af the truth �f the statements
<br /> made therein. Trr�ste� shall appxy the prac�eds �f the sale in the fol�owing order: [a} tn a�l cflsts and
<br /> expense� of�xer�i5�ng the power vf saie, and th� sale, �nclud�ng the payment �f the Trus�e��s fee� a�tuaily
<br /> 9 2d04-2�13 Carnpliar�ce Systetsas,In�.9F96-1032-2�13L2.0.721
<br /> C�nsumer Rea1 Estate-Se�urety�nstrE.iment DL2Q36 Pa�e 4 af 5 www.campliancesystems.�om
<br />