subject to this Conservation Easement. This subdivision shall be limited to splitting of
<br />the property north of Interstate 80 from the property south of Interstate 80. When a
<br />subdivided tract is created or designated, the tract designation shall include a description
<br />of the boundaries of the subdivided tracts. The tract designation (by division, partition,
<br />subdivision or conveyance) shall become effective upon recording in the real property
<br />records, with a recorded copy provided to the Conservancy.
<br />3.2 Structures. Except as set forth in Paragraph 3.5 and Section 4, there shall be no
<br />construction or placing of any house, garage, barn or other building, tennis or other
<br />recreational court, landing strip, mobile home, swimming pool, fence, sign, asphalt or
<br />concrete pavement, billboard or other advertising display, antenna, utility pole,
<br />microwave tower, radio /television tower, other transmission towers, conduit, line, sodium
<br />vapor light, wind turbine tower or any other temporary or permanent structure or facility
<br />on the Property.
<br />3.3. Roads. There shall be no building of new roads or other rights of way except for:
<br />(a) paths and foot trails consistent with the preservation of the Property; (b) roads or trails
<br />to all pastures for inspection, care and movement of Permitted Livestock as defined
<br />below, and service of water, facilities and fences for Permitted Livestock; (c) relocation
<br />of roads that exist as of the date of this easement; and (d) roads or trails to cross the
<br />Property and for other uses consistent with the specifically authorized uses allowed
<br />herein. Existing roads may be maintained but shall not be widened or improved beyond
<br />20 feet in width. Roads, paths, foot trails and other rights of way shall be constructed
<br />only of pervious materials. With prior written approval of the Conservancy, a roadway
<br />may be hard armored or solidified to limit erosion.
<br />3.4. Intentionally deleted.
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<br />3.5. Fences, Water Pipelines, Windmills, Tanks and Corrals. Grantee may install,
<br />repair, replace, maintain, improve or remove any fence or other ranching improvement
<br />located on the Property as of the date of this Conservation Easement. Grantee may, but is
<br />not obligated to, construct, repair, replace, maintain, improve or remove such additional
<br />improvements of the type described in this section as the Grantee deems necessary to
<br />secure the Property. Newly constructed boundary or pasture- division fences must allow
<br />for reasonable wildlife passage through the Property, but other fencing may exclude
<br />wildlife from haystacks, newly - seeded areas, and temporary vegetative restoration areas.
<br />Subject to the provisions of Section 3.2 above, Grantee may install, repair, replace,
<br />maintain, improve, or remove existing agricultural and water facilities (including wells,
<br />water pipelines, windmills, and tanks) and develop new water resources and facilities for
<br />wildlife habitat enhancement and other uses provided for herein, provided that any
<br />maintenance, repair, reconstruction, construction or development activities may not cause
<br />significant or long -term impairment of water quality or riparian values.
<br />3.6. Vehicles. Except in emergency situations, there shall be no operation of
<br />snowmobiles, dune buggies, motorcycles, all- terrain vehicles or other types of motorized
<br />recreational vehicles on the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, cars, trucks and
<br />