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201 403613 <br />1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Conservation Easement is to preserve and protect in <br />perpetuity the Conservation Values (defined below) (the Conservation Purpose). <br />The Property is a natural area that consists of "a relatively natural habitat of fish, <br />wildlife, or plants, or similar ecosystem," as that phrase is used in 26 USC <br />170(h)(4)(A)(ii) and applicable regulations. Specifically the Property contains native <br />prairie, approximately 5,330 feet of frontage on the Platte River, and also provides <br />migratory staging habitat for whooping crane, sandhill crane, waterfowl, and shorebirds. <br />Undeveloped land along the border of the active river channel is particularly important to <br />the ecological and hydromorphological functioning of the Platte River. The absence of <br />buildings, lighting, or other disturbances that might disrupt the use of the river for <br />roosting or nesting birds, along with other wildlife use, is a critical component of the <br />Property. In addition, the undeveloped and unarmored river bank allows the river to pick <br />up and deposit sediment and alter its course of flow; both of which are essential <br />components of a functioning river. The native, unplowed, and diverse prairie <br />communities on the Property are also extremely important and are rare along the Platte <br />River corridor. Maintaining native plant diversity is particularly important because that <br />diversity is the foundation for the diversity and abundance of other species, especially <br />insects. Plant diversity is also essential for sustaining ecological processes such as <br />pollination and for promoting the overall ecological resilience on the Property and <br />surrounding areas. <br />The attributes of the Property described in this section and in the Easement <br />Documentation Report referenced below are collectively referred to in this Conservation <br />Easement as the Conservation Values. <br />2. EASEMENT DOCUMENTATION REPORT. The Grantee and the Conservancy <br />acknowledge that an Easement Documentation Report of the Property has been <br />prepared and that the report has been approved in writing by the Conservancy and <br />Grantee. A copy of the report is on file with Grantee and the Conservancy at their <br />respective addresses for notices set forth below. The Conservancy agrees to provide a <br />copy of the report to the Grantee's successors in title upon written request. The parties <br />agree that the report contains an accurate representation of the natural resources and <br />physical condition of the Property at the time of this conveyance, of the current and <br />historical uses of the Property, and a more detailed description of the Conservation <br />Values. <br />3. PROPERTY USES. Any activity on or use of the Property inconsistent with the <br />Conservation Purpose of this Conservation Easement is prohibited. Without limiting the <br />generality of the foregoing, the following is a listing of activities and uses which are <br />expressly prohibited or which are expressly allowed. Additional retained rights of <br />Grantee are set forth in Section 4 below. <br />3.1 Subdivision. The Property may be divided, partitioned, subdivided, or conveyed <br />into no more than two tracts by Grantee, after which the Property shall not be further <br />divided, subdivided or partitioned. Each of these tracts shall continue to be bound by and <br />Page 7 of 24 Pages <br />