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20/4036/3 <br />leasing pasture for the grazing of Permitted Livestock owned by others. There shall be <br />no effluent or other waste from a livestock operation deposited on the Property. <br />3.12 Recreational Uses. Grantee shall have the right to engage in and permit others to <br />engage in recreational uses of the Property, including, without limitation, hunting and <br />fishing, that do not require or result in any surface alteration or other development or <br />disturbance of the land and that do not adversely affect the Conservation Values. No off - <br />road use of vehicles for recreation is allowed, except to retrieve hunted game. Further, <br />pursuit of wildlife by any form of motorized transportation is not allowed. <br />3.13. Hunting and Fishing. All hunting and fishing rights for personal use of the <br />Grantee and invitees are expressly granted to Grantee and are not reserved by the <br />Conservancy. Grantee may use the Property for recreational hunting so long as such <br />hunting is conducted in conformity with all applicable rules and regulations established <br />by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission or such other local, state, or federal <br />agency with authority to regulate hunting. There shall be no introduction of non - native <br />species, including for the purposes of hunting. <br />3.14 Topography. There shall be no ditching; draining; diking; filling; excavating; <br />removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, or other materials; or any change in the topography <br />of the land in any manner except in conjunction with activities otherwise expressly <br />authorized herein. <br />3.15. Vegetation. At the time of the reservation of this Conservation Easement, the <br />majority of the Property is in native perennial vegetation. It is the purpose of this <br />Easement to maintain this vegetation type into the future on the Property, although the <br />proportions of the vegetation types relative to each other may vary due to conditions of <br />grazing, climate, or fire. Grantee shall have the right to cut and remove trees or shrubs. <br />Grantee may overseed, interseed, plant, restore and/or enhance the native plant <br />communities on the Property, so long as such activities use plant species native to and <br />appropriate for the habitats on the Property and provided that only local ecotype plant <br />materials (which shall mean the foundation genetic material shall be from the eastern <br />one -third of Nebraska) may be used. If local plant material is not available, Grantee may <br />utilize or introduce non -local ecotype plant material only with the prior written approval <br />of the Conservancy. Grantee may also protect, preserve and enhance the aesthetic and <br />wildlife habitat values of the Property, and may conduct prescribed burns on the Property <br />for those purposes, to the extent consistent with the other terms and conditions of this <br />Conservation Easement. <br />Grantee shall control noxious plants as identified by the agency having jurisdiction over <br />them. <br />3.16 Non - Native Plants and Animals There shall be no intentional introduction of <br />non- native plants or animals on the Property except as may be otherwise expressly <br />allowed elsewhere in this Conservation Easement. <br />Page 10 of 24 Pages <br />
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