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��14�351� <br /> con��nue�o pay�o L.ender the amount�f the�epara�e�y des�gna�ed payments tha�were�iue when the <br /> �nsurance coverage ceased ta be in eff��t. Lender wil� accep�, use ar�d re�ain�hese pa�ments as a <br /> non-refundab�e�oss reser���n Iieu�f Mor�gage Insurance. Such Ioss reser�v�sha��he non-refundable, <br /> not�ri�hs�and�ng�he fact that th�Loari is ultirn.a�e�y pa�d�n fu�l, and Lender sha��not be r�qu�red�o pay <br /> Borr�wer any in�erest or earnings an such l�ss reserve. Lender can no Ionger require loss reser�e payment� <br /> �f Mor�gage I�surance coverage�in the amaunt and for�he perxad tha�L.�nder requires}pro�ided by an <br /> insurer se�ec�ed by Lender again be�ames avaiiable, �s ob�ained, and Lend�r requ�res separatel�designated <br /> paym�n�s�av�rard the premiums for Mor�gage Insurance, If I..�nder r�qu�red Mortgag��nsurance as a <br /> candition of making�he Loan and Borr�wer was required to mak�separa�e�y designated pa�rments toward the <br /> premiums for Nlor�gage�nsurance, Barrower shall pa��he premiums required to main�ain Mor�gag� <br /> �nsurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundab�e loss reser�e, until Lender's requirement for Mor�gage <br /> Insuran�e ends in accordance vvi�h any wri�ten agreem�ent be�ween Borrower and Lender provid�ng f�r such <br /> ��.ion or until term�nat�on�s requ�red by Applicab�e Law. N�thing �n this Sec��on 1D aff��ts <br /> Borrflwer's obl�gat��n�o pa�intere�t a�the rate prawided�n the No�e. <br /> M�r�gag�Insurance reirr�burses Lender�or any en�x�y that purchase�the Note� f�r certain lasses �t ma� �ncur <br /> if Borrower daes no�re�ay the Loan as agreed. Borrower�s no�a par�y��the Mor�gage Insuran�e. <br /> Mor�gage insurers�valuate their tatal risk on a�� such insuran���n f�rce from time�o��m.e, and may enter� <br /> into agreemen�s w��h o�her par��es�ha�share or mod�fy�heir risk, or reduc��osse�. These agreemen�s are�n <br /> �erms a�d��ndi�ions�ha�are satisfac�ory�o�he r��r�gage�x�surer and�he other party�or partie�} �o th�se <br /> agreen�.en�s. These agre�ments may require the mortgage insurer�o mak�paymen�s using any saurce of fund� <br /> tha�the mor�gage insurer may have a�ai�able�which may inciude fund�ob�ained fr�m Mort�age Insuranc� <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of�hese agreemen�s, Lender, any pUrchaser of the Na�e, another insurer, any reinsurer, any o�her <br /> en���y, �r any af�liate af any of the foregoing, ma�receive�direct�y or indirec���� amounts that der�ve from <br /> �or rnight be characterxzed as} a por���n af Borrower's paymen�s for Mor�gage�risuran��, in e�.change far <br /> sharing or rn�odifying the mor�gag�insurer's risk, ar reduc�ng Xfls�es. �f such agreement pra�id�s�ha�an <br /> affi��a�e of Lender�akes a share of th��nsurer's risk �n exchange f�r a share of the prem.iums paid��the <br /> �nsurer, the arrange�nent�s often termed "captzve rei�surance." Further: <br /> �a� Any such agreements wi��not affe�t the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Nl�rtgage <br /> Insurance, ar any�ther terms�f the Loan. Su�ch agreement�will no�increase the amount <br /> Barrower w���awe for Mortgage In�urance, and they wili not ent�t�e Borrower to any refund, <br /> �b� Any such agreements wi��not affect the r�ghts Borrower ha��-if any�w��h respect�o the <br /> �Vlortgage Insurance under the�Iflmeovvners Pratect�on Act�f 1998 or any ather�aw. These r�ghts <br /> �nay�nc�ude the right to receive�erta�n disc�osures, to request and ob�ain cance�lat�on af the <br /> 1Vlortgage Insurance, to have the Martgag�Insurance term�.�nated autamat�cally, andlor ta r�ce��ve <br /> a refund of any Ni�r�gage Insuran�e prem�urr�s that were unearned at the t�me af such <br /> cancei�at�on or termination. <br /> 'i 7. Assignment af Misce�lane�us Proce�ds; F�rfeiture. A�� M�scei�aneous Proceeds are hereby assxgned to <br /> and sha�l be paid to I�ender. <br /> �f�h�Proper�y is damaged, such N��sce��aneaus Praceeds shal�be appl�ed to r�stora�ion or repair of the <br /> Pr�per�y, if the restora��on or repaxr�s ec�nomica��y fea��b�e and Lender's security �s no�I�ssen�d. Dur�n� <br /> such r�pair and res�ara�ian periady L,�nder shaZl have�h�rzgh�to hold such N��sce��aneaus Proceeds un��l <br /> I..�nder has had an o�partunity�� inspec�such Proper�y�o ensure�he v�ork has been compl��ed�� Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle Famity-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3028 1101 <br /> VMP Q VMP6tNEj{7 3a2y <br /> Walters K#uwer Financial Ser�ices Page 9 of 17' <br />