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��14�351� <br /> f�r the repairs and restorat�aza �n a single payment�r in a series of pr�gress paym.ents as�he�v�rk �s <br /> campleted. If�he insurance or conden�a�z�n proceeds a�r�na�suff��i�nt�o r�pa�r or restflre the Proper�y, <br /> Borrawer is not rel�eved af Barro�ver's obligation for the c�xnpie�ion�f su�h repa�r or restaratian. <br /> L�nder or its agent nlay mak�reasonable entries upon and inspections of�he Pr�per�y. �f zt has reas�nab�� <br /> cause, Lender may inspec�the�nterior of the impr�v�ments on the Pr�per�y. Lender sha��give Bnrr�wer <br /> notiCe a�the time of or pr�or t�such an interior inspection spec�fying such reasonab��caust, <br /> 8. Borra►�er's Lvan App��cativn. Borrower shall be�n defau���f, dur�ng th�Loan app�ica�ion process, <br /> B�rro�ver or ar�.y persons or entiti�s act�ng at�he dzr�ct�on of Borrovver or w�th Barrawer's know�edge or <br /> ca�sent gave ma�er�al�y false, misl�ad�ng, �r�na��urate�nf�rnaatian�r sta�ements to Lender��r fa��ed to <br /> prav�de Lend�r v�r��h mat�rxa� �nfor�mat��n} �n connec�ion v���h�he Loan. Material representat�ons �nclude, bu� <br /> are na�li�rxzited to, repr���n�a���ns cancern�ng B�rrower's�ccupancy of the Proper�y as Borrower'�principa� <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Pratection �f Lender's �nterest in tne P�operty and Rights Under this Se�ur�ty Instrument. �f�a� <br /> Borr�wer fai�s to perform the covenants and agre�ments�ontazned�n thz� Security �nstrument, �b}�here�s a <br /> �ega�proceeding�hat might significantly affect Lend�r's int�rest�n the Proper�y andlor rights under�h�s <br /> Secur�ty�ns�ru�nent �such as a proceed�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, for�andemna�ion or forfei�ure, for <br /> enfor�enlen�af a���n which may at�ain pr�or�ty over�h�s Se�ur�ty�ns�ru.ment ar to enf�rce�aws or <br /> regula�ions}, �r��} B�rrflwer has aband�ned�he Pr�perty, then Lender ma�c�o and pay f�r wha�ev�r is <br /> reasonab�e ar appropr�ate to pr��ec�Lender's �nterest in�he Proper�y and righ�s under th�s Secur��y <br /> In��rument, including prot��ting andl�r assessing the value of�he Proper�y, and securing andl�r repa�r�ng <br /> the Proper�y. Lender's acti�ns can include, but are not Iimited�o: �a}pay�ng any sum�s secured by a��en <br /> wh�ch has priflri�y��er thi� Secur�ty Instrumen�; �b} app�aring in cour�; and�c}paying r�asonab��at��rneys' <br /> fees�a pro�ect zts in�eres� in the Proper�y andlor righ�s under�h�s Secur�ty�nstrurn�nt, �nc�uding ��s secured <br /> posx�ian�n a bankrup�cy proc�ed�ng. �ecuring the Proper�y xnc�udes, �u� is n��lim����.��, entering th� <br /> Proper�y to rnake repazrs, change��cks, rep�ace or�oard up dQors and w�ndows, �rain water from pipes, <br /> ��iminate bu�lding ar�ther cade�iolations or dangerous �onditions, and ha�re ut�l�t�es�urned on or�ff. <br /> A��hough Lender may�ak�actian under this Sect�on 9, L�nder does not have to da s�and is not under any <br /> dut�r�r ob��gat�on t�do so. It is agre��that L�nd�r�ncurs n�liabili�y far not taking any or a�� ac��ons <br /> authorized under t���S�c��on 9. <br /> Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this Secti�n 9 shall bec�me additiona�debt of Borr�wer s��ured by <br /> th�s 5e�ur��y�nstrument. These am�un�s shall bear inter�st at the No�e ra�e from the date�f d�sbursemen� <br /> and sha��be payab�e, �vith suCh�n�erest, up�n notzce from Lender to Borrower reques��ng paym�ent. <br /> �f�his�tcurit�r �nstrument�s an a�easeho�d, Borrower shall comp�y�ith all �he provisions of th��ease. �f <br /> B�rrower a�quires fe�ti��e to the Property, �h��eas�ho�d and the fe�tzt�e sha��n��merge un��ss Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in wri�ing. <br /> ��. Nlartgage Insurance. �f Lender r��u�r�d Mor�gag��nsurance as a c�ndition�f making�he Loan, Barrow�r <br /> sha�I pay�he prexniums r�qu�r�d r�ma�n�a�n th�N�ortgage�nsurance in effect. �f, for any reason, the <br /> Mortgage�nsurance coverag�r�quzred by L�nder ceases�a be a�ailab�e fr�m the mor�gage insur�r that <br /> previous�y provided such�nsurance and Borrovver was required to make separa�e��des�gnated paym�n�s <br /> toward�h�prern�ums for Mor�gage �nsurance, Borrawer�ha��pay the premiums r�qu�red t�ob�ain c�verage <br /> substan�ia��y equival�nt t�t�ie Mortgage Insurance pr�vi�usly in effect, a�a cos�su�s�ant�ally e�u�va�ent to <br /> �h�cost to B�rrav�er af�he Mor�gage Insurance pre�iously in effeCt, from an al��rnate mortgage xnsurer <br /> selected by Lender. If subs�ar�tially equivalent Mar�gage Insurance c�verage �s not avai�able, Borr�wer shail <br /> NESRASKA-5ingl��amily-�annie MaelFrecidie Mac UNIFC3RM�NSTRUM�NT �orm 3�28 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP�{NE3�'�3�2j <br /> Wotters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page S of 17 <br />