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��14�351� <br /> satisfact�an, prov�d�d that such insp�ct�on shall be under�al�en pramptly. L�nder may pay f�r the repairs <br /> and restorati�n in a s�ngl�disbursemen�or zn a series of pragress payments as the work�s comp��ted. <br /> �]n�ess an agr�ement�s made in wr�txng or App�icable Law requ�re� in�er�s�to be pa�d on such <br /> Miscel�an�ous Prace�ds, L�nder sha�� not be requir�d ta pay Borrovver any inter�st ar earnzngs on such <br /> M�sce�lan�ou� Prflc�eds. If the restarat�on or repa�r�s n�t econom�cal�y feasi��e or Lender's security would <br /> be lessened, the M�sc��iar�e�us Proc��ds sha�� be app�ied ta the sums secured by thzs Secur�ty�ns�rument, <br /> whe�her or not then due, wi�h th�e�c�ss, �f any, pa�d�o Borrower. Such Miscel�aneous Proc�eds sha�l be <br /> app�zed�n�he order prav�d��for�n Sect�on�. <br /> �n the even��f a#o�a�tak�ng, �estruction, or�oss �n valu�of the P���erty, the Misce�lan�ous Proce��is shall <br /> be appli�d to�he sums se�ured by this Securi�y�ns�rum�n�, whe�her�r n�t th�n du�, with�he exc�ss, if any, <br /> paid tfl Borrower. <br /> In th�e��nt af a par�ial taking, destruc��on, or l��s in va�ue af�he Property �n tivh�ch the fair marke�va�ue of <br /> the Property�mmed�ate��before th�par��al taking, d�s�ruct�an, or�oss �n va�ue is equai�� or gr�ater than the <br /> amount af the sums se�ur��by this Secur�ty �ns�rument immedia�eiy before the par�xa� �aking, des�ruct�on, or <br /> ��ss in�a1ue, un�ess Borrovver and Lender otherwise agr��in writ�ng, �he su�ns secured by�h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrument sha��be reduced�y the amaunt�f�h�Mis��llane�us Pr���eds multip�i�d�y th�fol�owing <br /> frac�ion: �a} �he�ata� amount af�he sums secured��nmediat�Iy b�fare the partial taking, des�ruction, �r�ass <br /> in value d�vxded�y �b} �he fair marl�et va�ue of the Proper�y �mm�dia����bef�r��he partia� taking, <br /> des.truct�an, �r�o�s in�a�ue. Any ba�ance sha�l be paid t�Borr�wer. <br /> �n�he e�ent of a partial taking, destruc���n, or��ss �n�a�ue of th�Praper�� �n wh�ch the fair market va�ue af <br /> the Pr�p�r�y immed�ately b�f�re�he par�ia� takz�g, destructia�, ar loss �n va�u��s �ess than the amaunt of�he <br /> sums s��ured im�medza�e�y befor��he partia�tak�ng, destruc�i�n, ar lass in�a�ue, un�ess Borrower and <br /> Lender atherw�se agree�n�riting, �he Misce��an�ous Proceeds sha����appl��d�fl the sums s�cured by th�s <br /> Secur�ty �nstrumen�whether or not the sUms are�hen due. <br /> �f th�Pr�p�rty�s aband�ned by B�rrawer, ar if, aft�r notzc�by Lender to Borr�w�r tha�the�pposzng Par�y <br /> �as def�ned in the nex�sentence}offers ta�mak�ar�av�ar�to settle a claim for damages, Barro�ver fai�s�o <br /> re�pond�o Lend�r�vi�hin 3�days af�er th�da�e�he notzc�is g��en, Le�der is authorized�a co��e�t an�ap��y <br /> the Miscelian�ous Proc�eds exther to res�aration or repa�r�f the Prop�r�y or t��he sums �tcur�d��th�s <br /> Security �ns�rumen�, wh�th�r or nat then due. "�pp�sing Part�" means�he�h�rd par�y that owes B�rrawer <br /> N��scellar�eous Proceeds or the part�r aga�ns�vvhom B�rrower has a right of ac��on�n regard ta Miscellaneous <br /> Proceecls. <br /> Borrawer shal�b�in defau�� �f any action ar praceed�ng, whe�h�r c����or�r�mina.l, is b�gun that, in Lender's <br /> judgment, ��u�d resu�t�n forfe��ure of the Property ar ather ma�er�a� impa�rmen�of Lend�r's ����r�st �n the <br /> Proper�y or rights under this 5ecur��y �nstrument. Borrower can cure such a defau��and, �f acce�era�i�n has <br /> occurred, reinsta�e as prov�ded in Sect�on 1.9, �y causing the acti�n or proc�eding to be dismissed�vith a <br /> rul�ng�hat, �n Lender's jud�mer�t, pr�c�udes forfe��ur�of�h�Proper�y or other mater�al impairmen�of <br /> Lender's znteres�in the Property or righ�s under thzs Security�nstrument. The proceeds of any award nr <br /> c�aim f�r damages that are a��r�bu�abl�to �ht irnpa�rmen�nf Lender's �nterest in th�Proper�y are hereby <br /> assigned a�d shal�be paid ta Lender. <br /> A�1 M�scellaneaus Proceeds tha�ar�not applied ta r�st�ration or repair of�he Pr�per�y sha�� �e appl��d in the <br /> order provided for in S�ction�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annie Ma�IFceddie Ma�IJNI�DRM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3D28�Ifl� <br /> VMP O VMPS�NEy t13�2y <br /> Walters Ktuwer Fir�ancial Ser�iees Page��vf'#7 <br />