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��14�351� <br /> Ax� �nsurance pol�c�es required by L�nder and r�newals of such poli�ies sha�l be su��ect to Lender's righ�to <br /> dxsapprove such po��c�es, sha11 �nclude a standard m�r�gage clause, and shall nan�e Lender as�mor�gage� <br /> andl�r as an add�tianal loss payee. L�nder shal�ha�ve the right�o hold the policies and reneu�a� c�rtifica�es. �f <br /> Lender requ�r�s, Borro�ver shail promptly gi�e to Lend�r a�� receipts of pa�d prem�ums and renewal no�ices. <br /> �f Borrower obtains an� form of insurance co�rerage, not o�herw�se requ�red by Lender, for da3mage��, �r <br /> destruc�i�n of, the P�roper��r, such poli��shall inc�ude a standard mor�gage c�ause and sha�l name L�nder as <br /> �m.or�gagee andlor as an additional lass pay�e. <br /> �n the event of 1oss, Barrov�er sha��giWe promp�no��c�to �he�nsuranc�carr��r and Lender. Lender may <br /> make praof nf�oss �f n�t made prompt�y by Barrov�rer. Un�ess Lender and Barrow�r atherwxse agre�in <br /> wri�ing, any �nsurance proceeds y whe�her�r not the under�ying insuran�e was required by Lender, s�all be <br /> app��ed to res�ora�ion or repair af the Proper�y, if the res�ora�ion or repa�r�s econflmically feas�ble and <br /> Lender's s�cur�ty �s not less�ned, Dur�ng such r�pair and restoratian period, I.ender sha11 have the righ�to <br /> ho�d such insurance proceeds un�i� L.�nder has had an appor�un��y�o �nspect su�h Pr�per�y�o ensure the <br /> wark has been campleted to Lender's satisfaction, prov�ded tha�such �nspect�on shall be undertaken <br /> prornptly. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds for�he repairs and res�ora��on in a s�ng�e pa�ment or in a series of <br /> pragress pa�rm.en�s as the w�rk is comp��ted. IJnles� an agreement is made in�riting or App���able Law <br /> requ�res int�res�to be pa�d an su�h insurance proc�eds, Lender sha��no�b�required�o pay Borrower an� <br /> �nterest or earnings�n such proceeds. Fees for publxc adju��ers, or other�hird par��es, retazne�.by Borra�rer <br /> sha11 n��be pa�d ou��f t�� insurance procee�.s and shal�be the s�le ob��gation of Borrower. �f�he res�ora��on <br /> ar repa�r�s nat economucai�y feas�ble or Lender's security wou�d be�essened, the insurance proceeds sha��be <br /> applied ta�he sums secured�y th�s Se�uri�y �nstrum�.ent, whe�her or nnt�hen due, �rith the�xc�ss, if any, <br /> pai�to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds sha�l be app��ed �n the order pro�ided far in Sec��on�. <br /> �f Borrow�r abandons�he Proper�y, Lender m�a�r�le, nego�iate and settle any avaz�ab���nsurance cla�m and <br /> re�ated mat��rs. �f Borrower does nat r�spond w�t�.�n 34 da�s ta a not�c�from Lender that the�nsurance <br /> �arrier has offered�o set�l�a cia�m, then Lender may nego�ia�e and settle the ciai�rn. The 3�-day per�od w�ll <br /> begin when�he no�ice�s g��en. In ei�her ev�n�, or�f Lender acqu�res�he Propert�r under Section 22 or <br /> otherv�ise, Borrow�r hereb�r ass�gns�o Lender�a} Borro�er's rig��s to any�nsurance pro�eeds in an amoun� <br /> not��exceed the amoun�s unpa�d under the No�e ar th�s Security�nstrumen�, and[b} any o�her of <br /> Borrower's rxghts �o�her than the right�o any refund of unearned premi.ums pa�d by Borrower}under alI <br /> �nsuranCe poiic�es co�erin�the Proper�y, insofar as such rights ar�applicab�e�o�he coverage of��e <br /> Praper�y. Lender ma�use the�nsurance pr�eeeds e����r to repair�r rest�re�he Pr�per�y or�o pay amaunts <br /> unpaid und�r�he No�e ar� Security�nstrument, whe�her or riot���n due. <br /> �. t3eeu�ancy. Barrower sha11 oc�upy, es�ab�ish, and use�he Proper�y as Borrower's princ�pal res�d�nce <br /> w�thin�D days af�er�he e�.e�u��on of this �e�uri����.s�rumen�and sha�� can��nue to occupy�he Proper�y as <br /> Borr�wer's principal re�idence for at�east�ne year after the date�f occupanc�, unless Lender otherwise <br /> agrees in wr�t�ng, which consen�sha1�no��e unreasonabXy withheld, nr un�es�e�.tenuat�ng c�rcumstances <br /> exist which ar��b�y�nd B�rr�wer's cantro�. <br /> 7. Preservativn, Maintenance and ProteGtian of the Praperty: �nsp�ct�vns. B�rrov�er shal�no�des�rfly, <br /> daxnage or impair the Praper�y, a11ow the Proper��to de�eriara�e or c�rnrxu�was�e fln the Pr�per�y. 'L�Vhet�.er <br /> or no�B�rr�wer is resid�ng�n�he Praperty, Borrower shal�ma�n�a�n the Praper�y in order ta pr��ent�he <br /> Praper�� fronr�deter��rating or decreas�n�in va�ue due to �ts cond�t��n. Unless it�s de��rmined pursuan�to <br /> Sec��on S ��a�repa�r or res�ora�ian is n��econ�micall�feas���e, B�rrovver sha1�pramptly repair the Property <br /> xf�amaged ta a�aid fur�her deterioration or damage. If insurance�r condemna�ian pro�eeds are paid in <br /> c�nnec�ion with dam.age ta, or�he taking of, �he Pr�p�r��, B�rrav�er shall be respons�ble for repaxring or <br /> res��ring the Praper�y only xf Lend�r has released pro�eeds far such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UNfFQRM 1NSTRUMENT Fvrr�34�$11�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi{NE)��3�2y <br /> Wolters Kfuwer Finar�cia!Ser�ices Page 7 af 17 <br />