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��14�351� <br /> required by RESPA, and Barrower sha��pay t� Lender the amount necessary to ma�e up the deficien�y in <br /> accardance w��h RESPA, but in no mor�than ��mnnthly payments. <br /> [Jpon pa�ment�n fu�1 of a�� sums secured by this�ecurity �nstrument, Lender shall pr�mptly refund�o <br /> Borrow�r any Funds h��d by L�nder. <br /> 4. �ha�ges; L�ens. Borrov�er shal�pay a�� tax�s, assessments, charges, �nes, a.r�d impos��i�ns attributab�e to <br /> the Property�vhich can at�ain priarity��er th�s Securzty Ins�rument, �easeh��d payments or ground rents on <br /> the Pr�pert�, if any, and C�mmuni�y Associat�an Du�s, Fees, and Asse�sments, if any. T� �he�xten�that <br /> �hese���ms ar�Escraw �terns, B�rrov�er sha��pay them�n th�manner prflv�ded in Se����n 3. <br /> Bflrrower sha11 prorx�pt�y discharge any�ien wh�ch has pr�or�ty o�er t�.is Secur�ty�nstrumen�un�ess <br /> Bor�ower: �a} agrees in wr��ing to the payment of�h�ob��gati�n secured�b��he l�en in a manner a�ceptable <br /> ta L�nde�-, hu�on�y so�ong as Borrovver is p�rfarmzng such agre�ment; �b}c�ntests�he�ien�n�ao�fa�th by, <br /> or defends against enfarcemen��f the�ien�n, �egat proceedin�s wh�ch in Lend�r's op�nzon operate t��rev�nt <br /> �he enforc�men�of�he�ien�vhile thase proceedings are pending, but�nly un�i� such praceedings are <br /> conGluded; ar�c}secures from the h�lder�f�he l�en an agreement sat�sfa�tory�� Lender subord�natzng the <br /> l�en t�th�s Secur��y �nstrument. �f Lender de�ermxnes tha�any part af th�Prop�rty is sub,�ect t� a���n wh�ch <br /> can a��a�n priarit�r��er th�s Se�uri�y Instrurrzen�, Len�.er may give Borrower a not�c�iden�if�zng the��en. <br /> W�th�n ��days of the da�e on which that notice�s g�ven, B�rrower shal� satz�fy�he l�er�or�a�e one ar more <br /> of the act�ans s��for�h abave in this Sect�on 4. <br /> Lender m.ay require Barr�wer�o pay a ane-time charge for a reai es�at�tax v�r�f�cat�on andlar repart�ng <br /> service used by Lender in conne�t�on w�th this Loaxz, <br /> a. Property l�surance, Borr�wer sha�� keep the impra�em�n�s n�w exist�ng ar hereafter erec�ed nn the <br /> Proper�y insured aga�nst��ss b� fire, �azards �nc�uded wzth�n�h��erm "extended caverage," and any�ther <br /> ha.zards �nc�uding, but nflt limited t�, ear�hqua.kes and�.00ds, for wh�c�Lender requir�s insurance. This <br /> �nsurance sha�.l be maintained�n the a.maun�s �including d�ductible le�els} and for the perz�ds �ha�Lender <br /> requires. �ha� Lender requ�res pursuan�to th�preceding s�ntenc�s�an change dur�ng the term of the Loa�. <br /> The insurance carr�er providing the insuran�e�ha�����hosen hy Borrawer subj ect to Lend�r'�r�gh�to <br /> �.�sappro�e B�rrawer's ch�ice, �vhich right shall no�be ex�r��sed unreasonab�y. Lender may requzre <br /> Borrovtrer to pay, in c�nnecti�n with th�s Loan, either: �a} a ane--time charge for f��od zon�determination, <br /> cer�ification and tracking s�rvzces; or�b} a one��ime c�iarge for fl��d zone determinati�n and certif�ca�ion <br /> s�rvices and subsequent charges�a�h t�me rernappings or similar changes o�cur v�hic�reasona��y m�gh� <br /> aff�ct suCh de�ermina�xan�r cer�ification. Barrower shall also be responsible far the paym�nt of any fees <br /> impflsed by the Federa� Em�rg�n�y Ma.nagem�en�Agenc�r �n connect�on vv��h�he re�i�w of any f�aad zone <br /> det�rm�na�xon resu��ing from an��j��ti�n by Borrower. <br /> If Barrovwer faiis�o main�ain any of�he��verages desGribed abo�e, Lender may obtain insurance co�erage, <br /> at Ler�der'�optian and Borrower's exp�nse. Lender is under no obl�gati�n�n purchase any par�icu�ar type or <br /> amaunt of coverage. Ther�f�r�, such c�verage sha1� c�ver Lender, bu�m�ght or might n��pro�ect Borrower, <br /> Borro�er's equit��n�he Prnp�r�y, ar�he conten�s�f�he Propert�, aga�nst any risk, hazard or��abz�ity and <br /> m�gh�prov�d�greater�r�e�s�r co��rage�han was pre��ous�y in�ffect. B�rrower acknowledges �ha��he c�s� <br /> of the znsurance coverage so nbta�n��m�ght significant���xc�ed th�cost of�nsurance that Borrow�r cnu�d <br /> hav�obta�ned. Any amaunts d�sbursed by L�nder under this S�ction 5 sha�l bec�me addi��ona� debt of <br /> Borr�vv�r secured b�thi�Secur��y �nstrument. Th�se amoun�s shall bear in�e�rest a�the Nflte ra��fram�he <br /> da�e of dis�ursemen�and sha��be payab�e, with such inter�st, upan notic�from Lender to Borrawer <br /> request�ng payment. <br /> NEBRASKA-5i�gle Family-�ar�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 30�8 i1�1 <br /> VMP� VMPfi(NE��1302� <br /> Wolters Kl�wer Financia�Ser�ices Page fi of 17 <br />